27 research outputs found

    Mikrobiološke i kemijske karakteristike tradicionalnog ovčjeg sira iz Mariovske regije

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    Traditional beaten cheese was manufactured in two different farms located in Mariovo region (southern Macedonia) during the summer period using raw ewe’s milk. High counts of all microbial groups were found in ewe’s milk (aerobic mesophilic bacteria 5.22x106-1.25x107 CFU•mL-1, presumptive lactococci 3.30x106-1.34x107 CFU•mL-1, presumptive lactobacilli 1.93x106-2.63x106 CFU•mL-1, coliform bacteria 2.35x105-6.30x105 CFU•mL-1 and yeasts 1.24x104-2.40x104 CFU•mL-1). The lactic acid bacteria prevailed during manufacturing and ripening of the ewe’s cheese. All investigated groups reached their maximum value during the dry ripening period and then gradually decline during salting and brining. A total of 240 isolates were taken from all stages of manufacturing and ripening. The prevailing species were Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (35 %), Pediococcus sp. (16.7 %), Leuconostoc sp. (1 %), Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei (22.5 %), L. plantarum (15.8 %) and L. brevis (9.17 %). After 45 days of ripening the content of NaCl (6.1±0.8 % and 6.6±0.1 %) and salt to moisture (S/M) ratio (15.6±1.4 % and 17.3±0.3 %) in both cheeses was very high. The values of pH were 5.13-5.22. The main factors influencing the microbiological counts were NaCl and S/M content, and a strong correlation (p<0.05) was noticed between these two factors and the counts of the investigated microbial groups.Tradicionalni “bijeni” sir proizveden je iz sirovog ovčjeg mlijeka na dvije različite farme locirane u Mariovskoj regiji (južna Makedonija) tijekom ljetnog razdoblja. U svim ispitivanim grupama utvrđena je visoka zastupljenost mikroorganizama u ovčjem mlijeku (aerobne mezofilne bakterije 5,22x106-1,25x107 CFU•mL-1; laktokoki 3,30x106-1,34x107 CFU•mL-1; laktobacili 1,93x106-2,63x106 CFU•mL-1; koliformne bakterije 2,35x105-6,30x105 CFU•mL-1 i kvasci 1,24x104-2,40x104 CFU•mL-1). Mliječno kiselinske bakterije prevladavaju tijekom proizvodnje i zrenja ovčjeg sira. Sve ispitivane grupe mikroorganizama dostigle su maksimalne vrijednosti tijekom suhog zrenja, poslije čega se njihova brojnost tijekom soljenja i zrenja u salamuri postupno smanjivala. Ukupno je izolirano 240 izolata iz svih faza proizvodnje i zrenja bijenog sira. Najzastupljenije vrste su bile Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (35 %), Pediococcus sp. (16,7 %), Le¬uconostoc sp. (1 %), Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei (22,5 %), L. plantarum (15,8 %) i L. brevis (9,17 %). Poslije 45. dana zrenja, koncentracija NaCl iznosila je (6,1±0,8 % i 6,6±0,1 %), sol u vodenoj fazi (15,6±1.4 % i 17,3±0.3 %) u obje varijante sira bila je jako visoka. Glavni faktori koji utječu na zastupljenost mikroorganizama bili su NaCl i sadržaj soli u vodenoj fazi. Visoki koeficijent korelacije (p<0,05) utvrđen je između ova dva faktora i brojnosti ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama

    Morfological and productive transformation of molted hens

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    Artificial molting of laying hens can be induced using different methods. The most practical method applied during the last twenty years is based on restriction of feed and water. This method, for the practice is very popular and usually gives successful results. The eggs produced during the second egg laying cycle usually have larger weight than during the first cycle, the quality of the shell is always much better than during the last faze of the first egg laying cycle, egg laying intensity reach 92-94% of the intensity during the first cycle and the feed conversion is about 10% higher. The aim of this investigation was to establish the morphological and productive transformation of molted hens from two genotypes, ISA Brown 88 weeks aged and Hisex Brown 91 weeks aged, in specific points in molting period. The body weight of the hens during the fasting period of 10 days decrease 24,30 and 26,37% in experimental groups 1 and 2. During the stressing period, significant decreasing was found on the weight of reproductive organs. During the period of recovery until to the start of laying changes of the live weight and the weight of the ovary and oviduct were observed (P<0,01). The genotype of the laying hens shows a large influence in the egg production during the second cycle. In this experiment was noticed that Hisex Brown hens reached higher egg production intensity than ISA Brown


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    Physiological mechanisms of reproduction, during induced molting, have not been investigated enough. From the investigations so far it is known that induction of molting with total fasting initiates drastic decrease of body weight, decrease of gonadotropic and seks hormones concentration in plasma and increase of the thyroid hormone concentration. The aim of this investigation was to establish changes of the level of foliclestimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone in two genotypes of hens: ISA Brown, 88 weeks old and Hisex Brown, 91 weeks old in specific points of molting period. From the obtained results it can be seen that hormonal status of hens significantly changed because the FSH concentration in blood plasma during the preparing period for molting was 60.48 ng/ml, 62.36 ng/ml and 76.26 ng/ml for third, first and second group. After the period of stress it was significantly ecreased: 23.38 ng/ml, 25.16 ng/ml and 44.59 ng/ml, and in the second egg laying cycle the concentration was stabilized and reached in 91.36 ng/ml in group 3 (Hisex Brown hens), 45.12 ng/ml in group 2 and 64.26 ng/ml in group 1 (ISA Brown hens). Concentration of LH was also changed because during the preparing period it was: -16.88 ng/ml, 11.16 ng/ml and 23.85 ng/ml, in groups 1,2 and 3; during the stress period:-2.08 ng/ml, 13.96 ng/ml and 9.90 ng/ml in groups 1, 2 and 3. During the laying period it increased because in the time of maximum egg production it was 27.50 ng/ml, and 21.92 ng/ml, (first and second group)(ISA Brown), but the highest concentration was measured in hens from group 3, 37.35 ng/ml (Hisex Brown). Progesterone in blood plasma during the preparing period in group 1 was 167.5 pg/ml, in group 2, 49.6 pg/ml (ISA Brown), but in group 3 it was 94.8 pg/ml (Hisex Brown). At the end of the stress period there was significant decrease and in group 1, it was 0, in group 2, 19.2 pg/ml, and group 3, 25.6 pg/ml. During maximum egg laying, the concentration of progesterone increased and it was: -135.3 pg/ml in group 3 (Hisex Brown), and 22.64 and 41.4 pg/ml in group 1 and 2 (ISA Brown).Fiziološki mehanizmi reprodukcije, u vrijeme umjetno izazvanog mitarenja, nisu dovoljno ispitani. Od dosadašnjih ispitivanja poznato je da izazvano mitarenje s potpunim ograničavanjem hrane uzrokuje nagli pad tjelesne mase, pad u koncentraciji gonadotropnih i spolnih hormona u plazmi i povećanje koncentracije tiroidnih hormona. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi promjene u koncentraciji folikulo-stimulirajućeg hormona (FSH), luteinizirajućeg hormona (LH) i progesterona (P) kod kokoši dva genotipa ISA Brown na uzrast od 88 tjedana i Hisex Brown na uzrast od 91. tjedna, u pojedinim točkama razdoblja mitarenja. Iz dobivenih rezultata može se vidjeti da se hormonalni status kokoši značajno mijenja, jer koncentracija FSH u krvnom serumu za vrijeme pripremnog razdoblja za mitarenje iznosi 60,48ng/ml, 62,36 ng/ml i 76,26 ng/ml u trećoj, prvoj i drugoj skupini. Nakon stresnog razdoblja ona se smanjuje i iznosi 23,38 ng/ml, 25,16 ng/ml i 44,95 ng/ml, dok se u tijeku drugog ciklusa nesenja stabilizira i dostiže 91,36 ng/ml u skupini 3 (nesilice Hisex Brown), 45,12 ng/ml u skupini 2 i 64,26 ng/ml u skupini 1 (nesilice ISA Brown). Koncentracija luteinizirajućeg hormona isto tako se mijenja i za vrijeme pripremnog razdoblja iznosi: - 16,88 ng/ml, 11,16 ng/ml i 23,85 ng/ml u skupinama 1, 2 i 3; za vrijeme razdoblja stresa: -2,08 ng/ml, 13,96 ng/ml I 9,90 ng/ml u skupinama 1, 2 i 3. Za vrijeme drugog ciklusa nesenja koncentracija se povećava i iznosi 27,50 ng/ml i 21,92 ng/ml (prva i druga skupina) (ISA Brown), dok je najviša koncentracija izmjerena kod nesilica iz skupine 3, 37,35 ng/ml (Hisex Brown). Progesteron u krvnom serumu za vrijeme pripremnog razdoblja u skupini 1 je 167,5 pg/ml, skupini 2 je 49,6 pg/ml (ISA Brown), dok u skupini 3 iznosi 94,8 pg/ml (Hisex Brown). Na kraju stresnog razdoblja značajno se smanjuje i u skupini 1 iznosi 0, u skupini 2, 19,2 pg/ml, a u skupini 3, 25,6 pg/ml. Za vrijeme maksimalne nosivosti koncentracija progesterone se povećava i iznosi: - 135,3 pg/ml u skupini 3 (Hisex Brown) i 22,64 odnosno 41,4 pg/ml u skupinama 1 i 2 (ISA Brown)

    Tables showing chemical composition and nutritive value of feedstuffs for ruminants produced in conditions of R. Macedonia

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    Prikazani su prosječan kemijski sastav, koeficijenti probavljivosti i energetska vrijednost 17 krmiva na statistički dovoljnom broju uzoraka (395 uzoraka) krmiva koja su proizvedena i najčešće se koriste u hranidbi preživača u Makedoniji. Osnovni kemijski sastav krmiva (suha tvar, pepeo, sirove bjelančevine, sirova mast, sirova vlaknina i nedušične ekstraktivne tvari) analitički su određeni u Zavodu za hranidbu domaćih životinja Instituta za stočarstvo u Skoplju, R. Makedonija. Koeficijenti probavljivosti hranljivih tvari krmiva za preživače uzeti su iz literature, a energetska vrijednost krmiva dobivena je računskim putem.The average chemical composition, digestibility coefficients and energy value with statistical critical level of 17 feedstuffs commonly used in Macedonia (395 samples) are presented. Chemical composition (DM, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, NET) was determined analytically in the laboratory of the Department of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Skopje, R. Macedonia. Digestibility coefficients of nutrients in feedstuffs for were taken from literature, while energy and protein values were derived by calculation

    Determination of some physical-chemical properties of biofortification soft wheat and flour of the varieties “Treska”

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    Cereal crops as a basic food for humans, little is used as a grain, but with milling they are processed in the milling products: flour, meal, flakes and bran. Determining the content of some ingredients, such as protein, ash, wet gluten, fat, etc. in food products is important because they are present in the raw materials and final products. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after milling process. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of Fe-EDTA fertilizers through soil, foliar and soil +foliar application on some physical and chemical properties of bio-fortification soft wheat and flour of the varieties ,,Treska ,, During the investigation we determined the highest ash content in the seed obtained with soil + foliar application of iron, while in the flour was measured the highest ash content by soil application of iron. We concluded that the supplement iron in soil increase the percentage of protein in the grain and flour. We found that soil + foliar application of iron leads to a significant increase of % fat and wet gluten in grain and flour compared to soil or foliar application of chelating fertilizers. It might be concluded that the agronomic bio-fortification with Fe-EDTA soil + foliar application and Fe-EDTA soil leads to improved examined physical - chemical properties of wheat and flour


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    Abstract In the period from 2007 to 2009 th year, the heavy metal concentration (Pb, Cd,? s? Hg


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    Nutritional manipulation and genetic selection for egg size and production may lead to changes in egg components. This experiment was carried out to analyze the egg structure parameters of eggs produced by Hisex Brown laying hens fed with diet with different supplements inclusion. The intensity of egg production was significantly higher in the groups fed with enriched feed with iodine (90.00%), vitamin E (90.00%) and selenium (91.98%), and significantly lower in the group fed with DHA inclusion feed (76.00%) in respect to the control group (82.00%), confidence interval of 95%. Concerning diet supplemented with selenium and diet supplemented with vitamin E, the egg yolk weight was statistically different compared with the control group (confidence interval of 95%). The yolk weight averaged 1.80 g and 1.29 g more than yolk weight in the control eggs, respectively. The egg shell weight was statistically different in diet enriched with iodine compared with the control. The egg shell weight averaged 1.48 g less per egg for the eggs enriched with iodine with 17.45% less underweight than the control eggs. Enriched eggs offer consumer a variety of value-added options for their egg purchase. Although enriched eggs may provide consumers with a specific quality attribute or healthful ingredient, they do not appear to provide quality and value in a traditional sense as defined by the standards of quality and grade

    Determination of some physical-chemical properties of biofortification soft wheat and flour of the varieties “Treska”

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    Cereal crops as a basic food for humans, little is used as a grain, but with milling they are processed in the milling products: flour, meal, flakes and bran. Determining the content of some ingredients, such as protein, ash, wet gluten, fat, etc. in food products is important because they are present in the raw materials and final products. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after milling process. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of Fe-EDTA fertilizers through soil, foliar and soil +foliar application on some physical and chemical properties of bio-fortification soft wheat and flour of the varieties ,,Treska ,, During the investigation we determined the highest ash content in the seed obtained with soil + foliar application of iron, while in the flour was measured the highest ash content by soil application of iron. We concluded that the supplement iron in soil increase the percentage of protein in the grain and flour. We found that soil + foliar application of iron leads to a significant increase of % fat and wet gluten in grain and flour compared to soil or foliar application of chelating fertilizers. It might be concluded that the agronomic bio-fortification with Fe-EDTA soil + foliar application and Fe-EDTA soil leads to improved examined physical - chemical properties of wheat and flour