167 research outputs found

    Crosstalk between G-protein and Ca2+ pathways switches intracellular cAMP levels

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    Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate are universal intracellular messengers whose concentrations are regulated by molecular networks comprised of different isoforms of the synthases adenylate cyclase or guanylate cyclase and the phosphodiesterases which degrade these compounds. In this paper, we employ a systems biology approach to develop mathematical models of these networks that, for the first time, take into account the different biochemical properties of the isoforms involved. To investigate the mechanisms underlying the joint regulation of cAMP and cGMP, we apply our models to analyse the regulation of cilia beat frequency in Paramecium by Ca(2+). Based on our analysis of these models, we propose that the diversity of isoform combinations that occurs in living cells provides an explanation for the huge variety of intracellular processes that are dependent on these networks. The inclusion of both G-protein receptor and Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of AC in our models allows us to propose a new explanation for the switching properties of G-protein subunits involved in nucleotide regulation. Analysis of the models suggests that, depending on whether the G-protein subunit is bound to AC, Ca(2+) can either activate or inhibit AC in a concentration-dependent manner. The resulting analysis provides an explanation for previous experimental results that showed that alterations in Ca(2+) concentrations can either increase or decrease cilia beat frequency over particular Ca(2+) concentration ranges


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    Abstract.The article is devoted to consider Perfect Future as a tense expressing the category of posteriority. The research is proved to be actual because posteriority meaning is considered to be a systematic meaning of Perfect Future however it is used to represent different types of posteriority in complex sentences. The purpose of the article is to prove that Perfect Future tense realizes different kinds of time posteriority in Russian. During the research, the methods of component, mental-logical analysis and descriptive method were used. The source for the collection and systematization of linguistic material was the «National Corpus of the Russian Language» (http://ruscorpora.ru). Theresearch is carried out in line with those linguistic works where the idea of time reference is developed. The analysis shows that posteriority category is expressed by Perfect Future. As a result of the research, it is proved that Perfect Future without the participation of non-verbal indicators and with the participation of non-verbal indicators expresses the nunc / tunc posteriority values after nunc / tunc reference points, mutual posteriority / anteriority value, tunc posteriority after auxiliary reference point in future or after last moment of the closed interval. Expressing posteriority depends on different contextual conditions. The situation acquires reference status in future when its realization takesplace in time. Potential referential status or prospective time reference is inherent to future tenses. A situation conserves its non-referential status until it is realized at a particular moment in future. Potential prospective time reference in future is due to non-verbal concretization. This paper involves the study of expression means of posteriority on morphological level.Key words: posteriority, aspect, aspect semantics of verbs, future tense, temporal reference


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    Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis and description of the imaginative potential of the lexemeпамять /memory. The research is proved to be actual because the functioning of the lexeme associated with important cognitive process of a person is revealed. The purpose of the article is to analyze the imaginative potential of the lexeme память /memory met in poetry of the XIX – XXI centuries. During the research, the following methods were used: descriptive-analytical, semantic-stylistic, distributive. The material for the study was the poetic works of Russian authors. The source for the collection and systematization of linguistic material was the «National Corpus of the Russian Language» (http://ruscorpora.ru/search-poetic.html). The research is carried out in line with those linguisticworks where the idea of artistic image invariance is developed. Examples with the lexeme память /memory referring to the «mental» concept and occupying left / right member position were investigated. The analysis shows that the lexeme память /memory functioning, has a significant imaginative potential in Russian poetry. As a result of the research, imaginative paradigms were revealed, where the lexeme память /memory is used as an object of comparison and as animage of comparison. It is determined that in the left member position the lexeme память /memory often converges with lexical units forming concepts of «being», «space», «plant», «substance», «light» and «water». Occupying the right member position, the lexeme память /memory is often combined with words related to the semantic zones «existential», «mental», «space», «being» and «plant». Reversibility models were distinguished. The convergence riteria for lexical units occupying the right / left member position in the imaginative paradigms were established.Keywords: poetic text, lexeme память /memory, imagery of the word, image invariance, imaginativeparadigm

    The model of activity of a foreign language teacher on the prevention of preadolescents' academic failure

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    © 2017. revistaESPACIOS.com. The object of this study is the process of teaching a foreign language to schoolchildren of 5th-6th grades of the general education school (a basic general education level). The subject of this study is the activity of a foreign language teacher on the prevention of academic failure of schoolchildren of the specified age group. The purpose of the study is to generalize and systematize foreign and national experience in preventing academic failure of schoolchildren, to develop a model of activity of a foreign language teacher on the basis of the idea of an integrated approach to solving the problem of preventing academic failure in general and in the sphere of language education in particular. To achieve the purpose, the following methods of scientific research have been used: analysis, generalization, synthesis, simulation, participant observation, conversation, testing, pedagogical experiment, and statistical methods of processing the results obtained. The article justifies the choice of preadolescence as the period, when children are the most susceptible to the preventive and corrective impact. The author reveals the content of the developed model of activity of a foreign language teacher, the implementation of which contributes to the prevention of preadolescents' academic failure

    In vivo generation of DNA sequence diversity for cellular barcoding

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    Heterogeneity is a ubiquitous feature of biological systems. A complete understanding of such systems requires a method for uniquely identifying and tracking individual components and their interactions with each other. We have developed a novel method of uniquely tagging individual cells in vivo with a genetic 'barcode' that can be recovered by DNA sequencing. Our method is a two-component system comprised of a genetic barcode cassette whose fragments are shuffled by Rci, a site-specific DNA invertase. The system is highly scalable, with the potential to generate theoretical diversities in the billions. We demonstrate the feasibility of this technique in Escherichia coli. Currently, this method could be employed to track the dynamics of populations of microbes through various bottlenecks. Advances of this method should prove useful in tracking interactions of cells within a network, and/or heterogeneity within complex biological samples

    Anthroponyms in book scribes of Kazan region (16th-17th centuries)

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    Regional written records are a valuable source for the study of nominal and onomastic vocabulary, their materials are important for a wide range of humanitarian and social sciences, including historical lexicology. At present time the task of inventory, registration, study and description of these source data is extremely urgent. The article presented the results of anthroponimics multiaspect research on the basis of a consolidated body of more than 880 Kazan region written business records of XVI-XVII centuries (with more than 1 million of word use): the peculiarities of calendar and non-calendar proper name use and their structure are analyzed, the regional specifics of onomastic material, its place in the analyzed sources, the historical and linguistic descriptiveness of anthroponymics, the opportunities and the prospects of obtained data use in the study of various types are revealed. The analysis of person naming patterns in involved records showed the predominance of twocomponent naming model. The findings results confirm the value of the dialect material for the detection and identification of onomastic vocabulary prototype words. The materials of Kazan region scribal descriptions (which are a massive census of Muscovite Russia for further taxation) allow to deepen the history of a nominal word existence; to identify appellatives not reflected in the historical dictionaries of Russian language

    Russian Size Adjectives Analyses by Corpus Linguistics Methods

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    The paper analyzes the functioning of size adjectives, exact as well as average size adjectives in Russian. Accurate measurement requires a numeral and also an adjective corresponding to the unit of measure. A parametric adjective is non-obligatory, while the designated parameter is derived from the semantics of the defined noun. The parametric noun in the required case form is included in the noun group, which performs the function of the attribute. Average size adjectives with abstract parameter nouns form complex attributes, taking pre and post positions to the defined noun. The adjective cредний /average is mainly combined with height and length parameters with the dominance of the noun size. Size adjectives короткий / short and длинный / long have a 2.4 asymmetrical ratio index of their functioning. It should be noted that roads and streets are more often characterized by positive and negative parameters, in turn. Adjectives of a positive width parameter dominate in garment characterization. This survey's primary objective is a qualitative analysis of the structure and semantics of size adjectives of exact measurement

    Diagnostics of social policy challenges in the field of labor relations of Russian mothers having preschool children

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    The article considers the social policy of the state in the field of labor relations of Russian mothers with preschool children and the main challenges faced by mothers in this area. The author of the research paper analyses such problems as female unemployment, occupational segregation, discrimination; issues associated with the functioning of a socially fair system for designed to protect working mothers, problems associated with combining family obligations and raising children with labor activity. The article is based on the results of the author’s sociological study of representatives of this category conducted by the author in the spring of 2020. The suggestions of respondents for solving the problems under consideration are outlined

    Направления совершенствования государственного управления особыми экономическими зонами в Российской Федерации

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    Рассмотрены особые экономические зоны в Российской Федерации на современном этапе развития, а также свободные экономические зоны зарубежных стран. Описаны направления развития государственного управления для повышения эффективности функционирования особых экономических зон

    Competitive aspect in foreign language teaching of primary school pupils

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    The article surveys the method of competition at foreign language lessons in primary school in various forms of its realization, gives the advantages and disadvantages of its use in specific situations, takes into consideration the psycho-physiological characteristics and gender of pupils in making the decision to use this method when teaching primary school pupils