2,270 research outputs found

    Theory of electron-plasmon coupling in semiconductors

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    The ability to manipulate plasmons is driving new developments in electronics, optics, sensing, energy, and medicine. Despite the massive momentum of experimental research in this direction, a predictive quantum-mechanical framework for describing electron-plasmon interactions in real materials is still missing. Here, starting from a many-body Green's function approach, we develop an ab initio approach for investigating electron-plasmon coupling in solids. As a first demonstration of this methodology, we show that electron-plasmon scattering is the primary mechanism for the cooling of hot carriers in doped silicon, it is key to explain measured electron mobilities at high doping, and it leads to a quantum zero-point renormalization of the band gap in agreement with experiment

    Two-gap superconductivity in heavily n-doped graphene: ab initio Migdal-Eliashberg theory

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    Graphene is the only member of the carbon family from zero- to three-dimensional materials for which superconductivity has not been observed yet. At this time, it is not clear whether the quest for superconducting graphene is hindered by technical challenges, or else by the fluctuation of the order parameter in two dimensions. In this area, ab initio calculations are useful to guide experimental efforts by narrowing down the search space. In this spirit, we investigate from first principles the possibility of inducing superconductivity in doped graphene using the fully anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory powered by Wannier-Fourier interpolation. To address a best-case scenario, we consider both electron and hole doping at high carrier densities, so as to align the Fermi level to a van Hove singularity. In these conditions, we find superconducting gaps of ss-wave symmetry, with a slight anisotropy induced by the trigonal warping, and, in the case of nn-doped graphene, an unexpected two-gap structure reminiscent of MgB2_2. Our Migdal-Eliashberg calculations suggest that the observation of superconductivity at low temperature should be possible for nn-doped graphene at carrier densities exceeding 101510^{15} cm−2^{-2}

    Quasiparticle GWGW band structures and Fermi surfaces of bulk and monolayer NbS2_2

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    In this work we employ the GWGW approximation in the framework of the SternheimerGW method to investigate the effects of many-body corrections to the band structures and Fermi surfaces of bulk and monolayer NbS2_2. For the bulk system, we find that the inclusion of these many-body effects leads to important changes in the band structure, especially in the low-energy regime around the Fermi level, and that our calculations are in good agreement with recent ARPES measurements. In the case of a free-standing monolayer NbS2_2, we observe a strong increase of the screened Coulomb interaction and the quasiparticle corrections as compared to bulk. In this case we also perform calculations to include the effect of screening by a substrate. We report in detail the results of our convergence tests and computational parameters, to serve as a solid basis for future studies.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Towards predictive many-body calculations of phonon-limited carrier mobilities in semiconductors

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    We probe the accuracy limit of {\it ab initio} calculations of carrier mobilities in semiconductors, within the framework of the Boltzmann transport equation. By focusing on the paradigmatic case of silicon, we show that fully predictive calculations of electron and hole mobilities require many-body quasiparticle corrections to band structures and electron-phonon matrix elements, the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling, and an extremely fine sampling of inelastic scattering processes in momentum space. By considering all these factors we obtain excellent agreement with experiment, and we identify the band effective masses as the most critical parameters to achieve predictive accuracy. Our findings set a blueprint for future calculations of carrier mobilities, and pave the way to engineering transport properties in semiconductors by design.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figure
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