11 research outputs found

    Outcomes of the addition of oral administration of curcumin-phospholipid to hyaluronic acid-based tear substitute for the treatment of dry eye disease

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    The aim of this study is to report the clinical outcomes of oral supplementation with curcumin-phospholipid in addition to hyaluronic acid-based tear substitute for the management of dry eye disease (DED). Patients with a diagnosis of DED confirmed by pathological values of both NIKBUT <10 s. and OSDI Questionnaire score > 12 were included. Patients were randomized to receive 2 different treatments: 0.25% hyaluronic acid-based tear substitute 3 time daily (Group 1) or as above plus curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex tablets once a day (Group 2). Patients were evaluated at baseline (T0) and after 90 days of treatment (T1) by means of Keratograph for the measurement of NIKBUT, TMH, meibomian gland dropout and bulbar redness. Overall, data from 90 eyes of 45 patients were included. Group 1 consisted of 48 eyes of 24 patients, while group 2 included 42 eyes of 21 patients. When comparing median values of both groups at T0, no statistically significant differences were found for all parameters; instead for T1, statistically significant differences were found for redness and OSDI compared to Group 1. In group 1, a statistically significant reduction after the treatment was detected for Nikbut average and OSDI questionnaire; while in group 2, a statistically significant reduction after treatment was recorded for Nikbut average, bulbar redness and OSDI questionnaire. The addition of an oral supplement containing curcumin-phospholipid may help in a greater improvement of bulbar redness and subjective ocular symptoms compared to the treatment with tear substitutes alone for the management of DED

    Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Presenting with Predominant Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction: Efficacy of Bromocriptine

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    Management of patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is still a major clinical problem, as only half of them or slightly more show complete recovery of left ventricular (LV) function despite conventional evidence-based treatment for heart failure. Recent observations suggested that bromocriptine might favor recovery of LV systolic function in patients with PPCM. However, no evidence exists regarding its effect on LV diastolic dysfunction, which is commonly observed in these patients. Tissue Doppler (TD) is an echocardiographic technique that provides unique information on LV diastolic performance. We report the case of a 37-year-old white woman with heart failure (NYHA class II), moderate LV systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction 35%), and severe LV diastolic dysfunction secondary to PPCM, who showed no improvement after 2 weeks of treatment with ramipril, bisoprolol, and furosemide. At 6-week followup after addition of bromocriptine, despite persistence of LV systolic dysfunction, normalization of LV diastolic function was shown by TD, together with improvement in functional status (NYHA I). At 18-month followup, the improvement in LV diastolic function was maintained, and normalization of systolic function was observed. This paper might support the clinical utility of bromocriptine in patients with PPCM by suggesting a potential benefit on LV diastolic dysfunction

    Acute Inflammatory Bowel Disease Complicating Chronic Alcoholism and Mimicking Carcinoid Syndrome

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    We report the case of a woman with a history of chronic alcohol abuse who was hospitalized with diarrhea, severe hypokalemia refractory to potassium infusion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, alternations of high blood pressure with phases of hypotension, irritability and increased urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and cortisol. Although carcinoid syndrome was hypothesized, abdominal computed tomography and colonoscopy showed non-specific inflammatory bowel disease with severe colic wall thickening, and multiple colic biopsies confirmed non-specific inflammation with no evidence of carcinoid cells. During the following days diarrhea slowly decreased and the patient’s condition progressively improved. One year after stopping alcohol consumption, the patient was asymptomatic and serum potassium was normal. Chronic alcohol exposure is known to have several deleterious effects on the intestinal mucosa and can favor and sustain local inflammation. Chronic alcohol intake may also be associated with high blood pressure, behavior disorders, abnormalities in blood pressure regulation with episodes of hypotension during hospitalization due to impaired baroreflex sensitivity in the context of an alcohol withdrawal syndrome, increased urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid as a result of malabsorption syndrome, and increased urinary cortisol as a result of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation. These considerations, together with the regression of symptoms and normalization of potassium levels after stopping alcohol consumption, suggest the intriguing possibility of a alcohol-related acute inflammatory bowel disease mimicking carcinoid syndrome

    Postpartum depression screening in mothers and fathers at well-child visits: a feasibility study within the NASCITA cohort

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    Objective To assess the feasibility of the family paediatrician’s (FP) role in identifying the signs of postpartum depression in parents in time to guarantee child well-being.Design, setting and participants Data for this observational prospective study were collected within the NASCITA (NAscere e creSCere in ITAlia) cohort. During the first visit, paediatricians collected sociodemographic data regarding the parents and information about their health status, the pregnancy and the delivery. Whooley questions were administered during the first and second visits (scheduled 60–90 days after childbirth). Moreover, on the third visit (5–7 months after childbirth) the FP was asked to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a question on the parental postpartum depression, based on his knowledge and on the acquired information.Results In 2203 couples who completed the assessment, 529 mothers (19.9%), 141 fathers (6.3%) and 110 (5%) couples reported any depressive symptomatology. Of these, 141 mothers (5.3% of the total sample) and 18 fathers (0.8% of the total sample) were classified as ‘likely depressed’. An association was found between maternal postnatal depressive symptoms and having a diagnosed psychiatric disorder during pregnancy (OR 9.49, 95% CI: 3.20 to 28.17), not exclusively breastfeeding at hospital discharge (OR 1.76, 95% CI: 1.19 to 2.61) and the presence of child sleeping disorders at 3 (OR 2.46, 95% CI: 1.41 to 4.28) and 6 months (OR 2.18, 95% CI: 1.37 to 3.47). Another significant predictor of postpartum depression was being primiparous (OR 1.99, 95% CI: 1.31 to 3.02). Concerning the fathers, a significant association was reported only between likely depressed fathers and child sleeping disorders at 3 months (OR 7.64, 95% CI: 2.92 to 19.97). Moreover, having a likely depressed partner was strongly associated with depressive symptoms in fathers (OR 85.53, 95% CI 26.83 to 272.69).Conclusions The findings of this study support the feasibility of an active screening programme for parental postnatal depression during well-child visits as an integral part of postpartum care.Trial registration number NCT03894566; Pre-results