389 research outputs found

    A unified approach to electron transport in double barrier structures

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    In this paper we show an approach to electron transport in double barrier structures which unifies the well known sequential and resonant tunneling models in the widest range of transport regimes, from completely coherent to completely incoherent. In doing so, we make a clear distinction between ``approaches'' and ``transport regimes,'' in order to clarify some ambiguities in the concept of sequential tunneling. Scattering processes in the well are accounted for by means of an effective mean free path, which plays the role of a relaxation length. Our approach is based on a recently derived formula for the density of states in a quantum well, as a function of the round trip time in the well and of trasmission and reflection probabilities for the whole structure and for each barrier.Comment: RevTeX file, 14 pages, 2 uuencoded Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty. To be published on Phys. Rev. B. Postscript files and hard copies available from the authors upon request ([email protected]

    Analytical model of 1D Carbon-based Schottky-Barrier Transistors

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    Nanotransistors typically operate in far-from-equilibrium (FFE) conditions, that cannot be described neither by drift-diffusion, nor by purely ballistic models. In carbonbased nanotransistors, source and drain contacts are often characterized by the formation of Schottky Barriers (SBs), with strong influence on transport. Here we present a model for onedimensional field-effect transistors (FETs), taking into account on equal footing both SB contacts and FFE transport regime. Intermediate transport is introduced within the Buttiker probe approach to dissipative transport, in which a non-ballistic transistor is seen as a suitable series of individually ballistic channels. Our model permits the study of the interplay of SBs and ambipolar FFE transport, and in particular of the transition between SB-limited and dissipation-limited transport

    Enhanced shot noise in carbon nanotube field-effect transistors

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    We predict shot noise enhancement in defect-free carbon nanotube field-effect transistors through a numerical investigation based on the self-consistent solution of the Poisson and Schrodinger equations within the non-equilibrium Green functions formalism, and on a Monte Carlo approach to reproduce injection statistics. Noise enhancement is due to the correlation between trapping of holes from the drain into quasi-bound states in the channel and thermionic injection of electrons from the source, and can lead to an appreciable Fano factor of 1.22 at room temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Shot noise suppression in quasi one-dimensional Field Effect Transistors

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    We present a novel method for the evaluation of shot noise in quasi one-dimensional field-effect transistors, such as those based on carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires. The method is derived by using a statistical approach within the second quantization formalism and allows to include both the effects of Pauli exclusion and Coulomb repulsion among charge carriers. In this way it extends Landauer-Buttiker approach by explicitly including the effect of Coulomb repulsion on noise. We implement the method through the self-consistent solution of the 3D Poisson and transport equations within the NEGF framework and a Monte Carlo procedure for populating injected electron states. We show that the combined effect of Pauli and Coulomb interactions reduces shot noise in strong inversion down to 23 % of the full shot noise for a gate overdrive of 0.4 V, and that neglecting the effect of Coulomb repulsion would lead to an overestimation of noise up to 180 %.Comment: Changed content, 7 pages,5 figure

    Electric-Field-control of spin rotation in bilayer graphene

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    The manipulation of the electron spin degree of freedom is at the core of the spintronics paradigm, which offers the perspective of reduced power consumption, enabled by the decoupling of information processing from net charge transfer. Spintronics also offers the possibility of devising hybrid devices able to perform logic, communication, and storage operations. Graphene, with its potentially long spin-coherence length, is a promising material for spin-encoded information transport. However, the small spin-orbit interaction is also a limitation for the design of conventional devices based on the canonical Datta-Das spin-FET. An alternative solution can be found in magnetic doping of graphene, or, as discussed in the present work, in exploiting the proximity effect between graphene and Ferromagnetic Oxides (FOs). Graphene in proximity to FO experiences an exchange proximity interaction (EPI), that acts as an effective Zeeman field for electrons in graphene, inducing a spin precession around the magnetization axis of the FO. Here we show that in an appropriately designed double-gate field-effect transistor, with a bilayer graphene channel and FO used as a gate dielectric, spin-precession of carriers can be turned ON and OFF with the application of a differential voltage to the gates. This feature is directly probed in the spin-resolved conductance of the bilayer

    Model and performance evaluation of field-effect transistors based on epitaxial graphene on SiC

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    In view of the appreciable semiconducting gap of 0.26 eV observed in recent experiments, epitaxial graphene on a SiC substrate seems a promising channel material for FETs. Indeed, it is two-dimensional - and therefore does not require prohibitive lithography - and exhibits a wider gap than other alternative options, such as bilayer graphene. Here we propose a model and assess the achievable performance of a nanoscale FET based on epitaxial graphene on SiC, conducting an exploration of the design parameter space. We show that the current can be modulated by 4 orders of magnitude; for digital applications an Ion /Ioff ratio of 50 and a subthreshold slope of 145 mV/decade can be obtained with a supply voltage of 0.25 V. This represents a significant progress towards solid-state integration of graphene electronics, but not yet sufficient for digital applications

    Analytical model of nanowire FETs in a partially ballistic or dissipative transport regime

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    The intermediate transport regime in nanoscale transistors between the fully ballistic case and the quasi equilibrium case described by the drift-diffusion model is still an open modeling issue. Analytical approaches to the problem have been proposed, based on the introduction of a backscattering coefficient, or numerical approaches consisting in the MonteCarlo solution of the Boltzmann transport equation or in the introduction of dissipation in quantum transport descriptions. In this paper we propose a very simple analytical model to seamlessly cover the whole range of transport regimes in generic quasi-one dimensional field-effect transistors, and apply it to silicon nanowire transistors. The model is based on describing a generic transistor as a chain of ballistic nanowire transistors in series, or as the series of a ballistic transistor and a drift-diffusion transistor operating in the triode region. As an additional result, we find a relation between the mobility and the mean free path, that has deep consequences on the understanding of transport in nanoscale devices

    Model of tunneling transistors based on graphene on SiC

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    Recent experiments shown that graphene epitaxially grown on Silicon Carbide (SiC) can exhibit a energy gap of 0.26 eV, making it a promising material for electronics. With an accurate model, we explore the design parameter space for a fully ballistic graphene-on-SiC Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs), and assess the DC and high frequency figures of merit. The steep subthreshold behavior can enable I_{ON}/I_{OFF} ratios exceeding 10^4 even with a low supply voltage of 0.15 V, for devices with gatelength down to 30 nm. Intrinsic transistor delays smaller than 1 ps are obtained. These factors make the device an interesting candidate for low-power nanoelectronics beyond CMOS

    A Backscattering Model Incorporating the Effective Carrier Temperature in Nano MOSFET

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    In this work we propose a channel backscattering model in which increased carrier temperature at the top of the potential energy barrier in the channel is taken into account. This model represents an extension of a previous model by the same authors which highlighted the importance of considering the partially ballistic transport between the source contact and the top of the potential energy barrier in the channel. The increase of carrier temperature is precisely due to energy dissipation between the source contact and the top of the barrier caused by the high saturation current. To support our discussion, accurate 2D full band Monte Carlo device simulations with quantum correction have been performed in double gate nMOSFETs for different geometries (gate length down to 10 nm), biases and lattice temperatures. Including the effective carrier temperature is especially important to properly treat the high inversion regime, where previous backscattering models usually fail