20 research outputs found

    Ultrasound to address medullary sponge kidney: A retrospective study

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    Background: Medullary sponge kidney (MSK) is a rare disease characterized by cystic dilatation of papillary collecting ducts. Intravenous urography is still considered the gold standard for diagnosis. We identified a cohort of patients from our outpatient clinic with established diagnosis of MSK to outline some ultrasonographic characteristics that may help establish a diagnosis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of patients seen between January 1st 2009 and January 1st 2019 in our clinic. Out of 4321 patients, 18 had a diagnosis of MSK. We reviewed their clinical and family history, laboratory data and imaging studies. Specifically, we focused on ultrasound imaging. Results: Patients were referred to our outpatient clinic because of renal impairment (44%), family history of nephropathy (17%), nephrolithiasis or an established diagnosis of MSK (39%). Seventy-two percent of patients presented with chronic kidney disease, 22% required hemodialysis. Urinary tract infections (44%), nephrolithiasis (33%), microscopic hematuria (50%) and proteinuria (44%) were reported. Seven patients underwent computed tomography; all of them received ultrasound. Ultrasound examination showed bilateral renal cysts, usually small and located in the renal medulla, and microcalcifications located in the medulla or within the cysts. Conclusion: We identified a peculiar tetrad associated with MSK: 1) hypoechoic medullary areas, 2) hyperechoic spots, 3) microcystic dilatation of papillary zone, 4) multiple calcifications (linear, small stones or calcified intracystic sediment) in each papilla. The presence of this diagnostic tetrad, added to laboratory data and clinical history, could be helpful in the differential diagnosis to identify patients with MSK


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    There is a general tendency in European society to consider animal welfare as a priority. In this contest it is increasing the need to develop a method to evaluate “on farm” animal welfare in a simple and in an objective way. This could give farmers useful information to focus critical points in management practices and consequently respect law requirements and consumers expectations. The present study involved fourteen Maremmana farms, evaluating on-farm animal welfare using the ANI 35L method that, taking into account five essential critical points (Locomotion, Social interaction, Flooring, Light and air and Stockmanship), gives a score and a final overall grade of the farm. Moreover Body Condition Score was assessed. Cows scored 39.6 while Calves attained 31.3 ANI score, matching with the “Very suitable” welfare judgment. This different evaluation was due to different rearing techniques. In addition, by means of the ratio value between ANI result in each welfare critical points and the maximum obtainable ANI score in the same class, “Flooring” showed the lowest value. Results showed good levels of animal welfare in most of farms. BCS resulted 3.2 – 3.8 pointing out good nutritional status of animals. Our approach represent a valid and simple way to detect farm problems in both structure and management, with the aim of improving live conditions in farms animals

    Distomatosi in un allevamento di pecora Zerasca

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    Flukes (Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Paramphistomidae) of a Zerasca flock were considered in the present study. Zerasca represents one of the most important native italian ovine breed in endangered status and it was never considered previously in parasitological studies. The aim of this work was the evaluation of the presence of these parasites in the flock and their monthly fluctuation, in order to determine the need of therapeutic and prophylactic measures. To this end, parasitological analysis were performed during a period of one year on individual faecal samples collected monthly from 40 sheep untreated against these parasites. Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Paramphistomidae prevalence was high during all the year (mean values 97.3% and 71.2% respectively), showing that sheep grazed in extremely contaminated pastures. Their seasonal fluctuation was in accordance with previous studies on other italian sheep breeds, confirming a summer decrease for D. dendriticum and a spring rise and an autumn decrease for Paramphistomidae. The prevalence found for these flukes could be linked with productive performance losses. If compared with the other species, the prevalence of F. hepatica resulted lower, and it was not constant during the year. However, in autumn it reached high mean value (40%), whose productive risks must not be underestimated. In conclusion, this work underline the need of therapeutic and prophylactic measures in order to control Zerasca flukes. On the other hand, they could be effective only if all the flocks grazing in the same pastures are involved in a proper control plan

    Composizione chimica e profilo acidico del formaggio pecorino in rapporto al tipo di alimentazione

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    Chemical and fatty acid composition of pecorino cheese obtained from massese sheep milk were evaluated. Two different diets were used: pasture feeding (Group A); concentrates and ad libitum hay (Group B). Results showed not significant differences between the two groups about cheese chemical composition. Unsaturated fatty acid (C16:1 and C20:4), MUFA and unsaturated/saturated ratio were significantly greater in Group A.Instead saturated fatty acids (C16,C20 and C22) were significantly greater in group B


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    La razza suina Cinta Senese costituisce uno degli esempi più interessanti del buon esito di un’operazione di salvaguardia del germoplasma animale autoctono e testimonia il forte collegamento fra razze rustiche, allevamento estensivo e prodotti tipici. La razza viene infatti allevata, di regola, in condizioni estensive, spesso con utilizzo di pascolo in bosco, che consentono di sfruttare risorse altrimenti inutilizzate, di disperdere le deiezioni sul territorio, di fornire un prodotto che assume una connotazione di “naturalità” e “genuinità”. Per ovvii motivi i suini di questa razza vengono allevati con modalità estremamente diversificate che vanno da sistemi che, pur realizzati all’aperto, prevedono il totale apporto alimentare con concentrati aziendali o del commercio, a sistemi più estensivi che sconfinano nel brado dove l’ingrasso viene effettuato tramite le risorse spontanee prodotte dal bosco (castagne e ghiande). Se l’ingrassamento a base di concentrati è obbligato per i suini che vengono finiti nella stagione primaverile ed estiva, per cui il periodo della macellazione da solo identifica una determinata tipologia di prodotto, negli altri momenti dell’anno la situazione alimentare può diversificarsi in funzione del rapporto reciproco fra pabulum spontaneo e concentrati somministrati ad integrazione. Questo rapporto deriva da scelte che l’allevatore effettua in relazione alle richieste del mercato, al carico animale, all’ampiezza della superficie a disposizione ed alla produttività del bosco, a sua volta fortemente condizionata del clima. Il Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche dell’Università di Firenze, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali dell’Università di Pisa, da tempo svolge studi sperimentali sulla Cinta Senese inerenti sia la caratterizzazione differenziale dei prodotti freschi e stagionati in funzione del sistema di allevamento-alimentazione, sia l’identificazione di parametri oggettivi utili a collegare il prodotto finito alla sua origine. Di seguito si riporteranno alcuni risultati di prove sperimentali che hanno riguardato, in breve sintesi: Prova 1: confronto fra pascolo su querceto, pascolo su castagneto e allevamento in ambiente confinato con alimentazione a base di mangime commerciale. Prova 2: confronto tra castagna somministrata e mangime commerciale. Prova 3: confronto fra pascolo erbaceo e alimentazione a base di mangime commerciale

    Isolamento di Eimeria Bakuensis e di Eimeria Parva in un allevamento di pecora Zerasca

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    The identification of the coccidian species isolated from a sheep flock of Zerasca breed located in the province of Massa (Zeri-Tuscany-Italy) represented the aim of the present study. Individual faecal samples were collected from both young and adult animals and analysed qualiquantitatively by flotation test and with a modified McMaster method, by using a low specific gravity solution (s.g.: 1200), and microscopically examined for the search of coccidian oocysts. Faecal samples resulted positive were dissolved in a 2% K2Cr2O7 solution and maintained in the dark and at the temperature of 22±1° C to allow sporulation of the oocysts. Oocysts were daily checked for sporulation for 3-5 days. Quantitatively, young animals showed a larger number of OPG than adults. Two different species were found in the flock: Eimeria bakuensis (E.ovina) and E. parva. Both species were previously reported on the Italian territory. Among sheep coccidian species, E. bakuensis is considered one of the more pathogenic; for this reason it is possible that, in the flock examined in this study, it is responsible for symptomatic infections and reduction of growth-rate in lambs. In addition to supply useful information on the pathogenicity of isolated species, the identification of coccidian species present in a flock or in a specific geographic area could represent an important epidemiological tool for monitoring and mapping the species present in Tuscany and in the Italian territory

    Endoparasites in a flock of Zerasca, an italian autochtonous breed of sheep

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    In this work the endo-parasites of Zerasca sheep, an autochthonous breed of Tuscany (Italy), were investigated for the first time. The evaluation of the zootechnical risks linked with these diseases and of the efficacy of control measures used in the examined flock represented other important aims. During a period of 15 months, individual faecal and blood samples were collected monthly from 45 animals. Blood samples were used to evaluate the Packed Cell Volume (PCV), while on faecal samples parasitological analysis were performed with flotation tests, a modified McMaster method and with sedimentation. Quantitative data of gastrointestinal nematodes (EPG) and coccidian (OPG) were statistically analyzed. Results obtained show the presence in the flock of coccidia, gastrointestinal and lung strongyles, whip-worms, cestodes (Moniezia benedeni) and flukes (Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomidae). All these parasites can be responsible for negative effects on sheep productions. EPG number resulted highly influenced (P<0.01) by the date of sampling, while PCV and EPG values showed a negative correlation (P<0.01). Significant influence between OPG and data of sampling and age of animals (p<0.001) was also found. The use of collective pastures represents the main characteristic of the breeding of Zerasca sheep. Thus, in our opinion the use of common management practices are fundamental for an efficacious control of the endo-parasitic diseases in this autochthonous breed

    Oli essenziali nel trattamento di alcune dermatofitosi negli erbivori

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    Oli essenziali nel trattamento di alcune dermatofitosi degli erbivor