575 research outputs found

    Quantum Mechanics On Spaces With Finite Fundamental Group

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    We consider in general terms dynamical systems with finite-dimensional, non-simply connected configuration-spaces. The fundamental group is assumed to be finite. We analyze in full detail those ambiguities in the quantization procedure that arise from the non-simply connectedness of the classical configuration space. We define the quantum theory on the universal cover but restrict the algebra of observables \O to the commutant of the algebra generated by deck-transformations. We apply standard superselection principles and construct the corresponding sectors. We emphasize the relevance of all sectors and not just the abelian ones.Comment: 40 Pages, Plain-TeX, no figure

    Asymptotic Symmetry Groups of Long-Ranged Gauge Configurations

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    We make some general remarks on long-ranged configurations in gauge or diffeomorphism invariant theories where the fields are allowed to assume some non vanishing values at spatial infinity. In this case the Gauss constraint only eliminates those gauge degrees of freedom which lie in the connected component of asymptotically trivial gauge transformations. This implies that proper physical symmetries arise either from gauge transformations that reach to infinity or those that are asymptotically trivial but do not lie in the connected component of transformations within that class. The latter transformations form a discrete subgroup of all symmetries whose position in the ambient group has proven to have interesting implications. We explain this for the dyon configuration in the SO(3)SO(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory, where we prove that the asymptotic symmetry group is Zm×Z_{|m|}\times \Re where mm is the monopole number. We also discuss the application of the general setting to general relativity and show that here the only implication of discrete symmetries for the continuous part is a possible extension of the rotation group SO(3)SO(3) to SU(2)SU(2).Comment: 14 pages, Plain TeX, Report CGPG-94/10-

    On Galilei Invariance in Quantum Mechanics and the Bargmann Superselection Rule

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    We reinvestigate Bargmann's superselection rule for the overall mass of nn particles in ordinary quantum mechanics with Galilei invariant interaction potential. We point out that in order for mass to define a superselection rule it should be considered as a dynamical variable. We present a minimal extension of the original dynamics in which mass it treated as dynamical variable. Here the classical symmetry group turns out to be given by an R\reals-extension of the Galilei group which formerly appeared only at the quantum level. There is now no obstruction to implement an action of the classical symmetry group on Hilbert space. We include some critical comments of a general nature on formal derivations of superselection rules without dynamical context.Comment: 14 Pages, Plain-TeX, no figure

    On the Construction of Time-Symmetric Black Hole Initial Data

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    We review in a pedagogical fashion the 3+1-split which serves to put Einstein's equations into the form of a dynamical system with constraints. We then discuss the constraint equations under the simplifying assumption of time-symmetry. Multi-Black-Hole data are presented and more explicitly described in the case of two holes. The effect of different topologies is emphasized.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, uses Springer style-file lamuphys.sty. To appear in "Black Holes: Theory and Observation", edited by F. Hehl, C. Kiefer and R. Metzler, Springer 199

    The Generalized Thin-Sandwich Problem and its Local Solvability

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    We consider Einstein Gravity coupled to dynamical matter consisting of a gauge field with any compact gauge group and minimally coupled scalar fields. We investigate the conditions under which a free specification of a spatial field configuration for the total system and its derivative with respect to coordinate-time determines a solution to the field equations (generalized thin-sandwich problem). Sufficient conditions for local solvability (in the space of fields) are established.Comment: 18 pages, Plain Te