74 research outputs found

    Garlic (Allium sativum L.) fed to dairy cows does not modify the cheese-making properties of milk but affects the color, texture, and flavor of ripened cheese

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    Garlic and garlic components have recently been proposed as ruminal activity modulators to reduce the enteric methane emissions of ruminants, but little is known of their influence on milk coagulation proper- ties, nutrient recovery, cheese yield, and sensorial and rheological characteristics of milk and cheese. The pres- ent study assessed the effects of garlic and diallyl sul- fide supplements on dry matter intake (DMI), produc- tive performance, milk coagulation properties, cheese yield, milk and cheese sensory profiles, and rheological characteristics. Four dairy cows were fed a total mixed ration either alone (control) or supplemented with 100 or 400 g/d of garlic cloves or 2 g/d of diallyl sulfide in 4 consecutive experimental periods in a 4 7 4 Latin square design. The diallyl sulfide dose was established to provide approximately the same amount of allyl thiosulfinate compounds as 100 g of fresh garlic cloves. The total mixed ration was composed of 0.29 corn si- lage, 0.23 corn-barley mixture, 0.17 sunflower-soybean mixture, 0.12 alfalfa hay, 0.12 grass hay, 0.04 sugar beet pulp, and 0.02 other additives, and contained 0.253 starch, 0.130 crude protein, and 0.375 neutral detergent fiber, on a dry matter basis. Each experimental period consisted of 7 d of transition and 14 d of treatment. On d 18 and 21 of each period, milk samples (10 L) were collected from each cow for chemical analysis and cheese-making. The organoleptic properties of the milk and 63-d-ripened cheeses were assessed by a panel of 7 trained sensory evaluators. The experimental treat- ments had no effects on DMI, milk yield, feed efficiency (milk yield/DMI), milk coagulation properties, nutrient recovery, or cheese yield. Garlic-like aroma, taste, and flavor of milk and cheese were significantly influenced by the treatments, particularly the highest dose of gar- lic cloves, and we found close exponential relationships between milk and cheese for garlic-like aroma (R2 = 0.87) and garlic-like flavor (R2 = 0.79). Diallyl sulfide and 400 g/d of garlic cloves resulted in lower pH, shear force, and shear work of ripened cheeses compared with the other treatments. Garlic cloves and diallyl sulfide had opposite effects on cheese color indices. We conclude that adding 400 g/d of garlic to the feed of lactating dairy cows highly influences the sensory and rheological characteristics of cheese

    EGF and IGF1 affect Sunitinib activity in BP-NEN: new putative targets beyond VEGFR?

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    Broncho-Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (BP-NENs) are neoplasms orphan of an efficient therapy. Available medical treatments derived from clinical trials are not specific for the management of this malignancy. Sunitinib is a multi-receptor tyrosine-kinases (RTKs) inhibitor that has already shown its efficacy in NENs but there are not available data about its action in BP-NENs. Therefore, our aim was to understand the effects of RTKs inhibition promoted by Sunitinib in order to evaluate new putative targets useful in malignancy treatment. Since our results underlined a role for EGFR and IGF1R in modulating Sunitinib antiproliferative action, we investigated the effects of Erlotinib, an EGFR inhibitor, and Linsitinib, an IGF1R inhibitor, in order to understand their function in regulating cells behaviour. Cell viability and caspase activation were evaluated on two immortalized human BP-NEN cell lines and primary cultures. Our results showed that after treatment with Sunitinib and/or IGF1, EGF and VEGF, the antiproliferative effect of Sunitinib was counteracted by EGF and IGF1 but not by VEGF. Therefore, we evaluated with alpha-screen technology the phosphorylated EGFR and IGF1R levels in primary cultures treated with Sunitinib and/or EGF and IGF1. Results showed a decrease of p-IGF1R after treatment with Sunitinib and an increase after co-treatment with IGF1. Then, we assessed cell viability and caspase activation on BP-NEN cell lines after treatment with Linsitinib and/or Erlotinib. Results demonstrate that these two agents have a stronger antiproliferative effect compared to Sunitinib. In conclusion, our results suggest that IGF1R and EGF1R could represent putative molecular targets in BP-NENs treatment

    Validated Prognostic Scores to Predict Outcomes in ECLS-Bridged Patients to Lung Transplantation

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    Selection of patients who may benefit from extracorporeal life support (ECLS) as a bridge to lung transplant (LTx) is crucial. The aim was to assess if validated prognostic scores could help in selecting patients who may benefit from ECLS-bridging predicting their outcomes. Clinical data of patients successfully ECLS-bridged to LTx from 2009 to 2021 were collected from two European centers. For each patient, we calculated Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), Simplified Acute Physiology Score III (SAPS III), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II), before placing ECLS support, and then correlated with outcome. Median values of SOFA, SAPS III, and APACHE II were 5 (IQR 3-9), 57 (IQR 47.5-65), and 21 (IQR 15-26). In-hospital, 30 and 90 days mortality were 21%, 14%, and 22%. SOFA, SAPS III, and APACHE II were analyzed as predictors of in-hospital, 30 and 90 days mortality (SOFA C-Index: 0.67, 0.78, 0.72; SAPS III C-index: 0.48, 0.45, 0.51; APACHE II C-Index: 0.49, 0.45, 0.52). For SOFA, the score with the best performance, a value ≥9 was identified to be the optimal cut-off for the prediction of the outcomes of interest. SOFA may be considered an adequate predictor in these patients, helping clinical decision-making. More specific and simplified scores for this population are necessary


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the rumen bacteria in terms of genetic biodiversity and variation due to different physical form of corn in cow diet. A total of twenty dry cows were fed for 3 months with the same diet, only differed for corn physical form, ten received corn grains, while the other ones received corn flour. To investigate the biodiversity of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis has been conducted and then the sequencing has been carried out using Ion Torrent PGM™ System. Bacterial population was tested using R statistical software. The Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis, 1952) confirmed that the bacterial populations were different when the animals were fed grain compared with flour corn. Both the OUT’s abundance (Operational Taxonomic Unit) and the biodiversity indexes presented a significant difference among the two sample groups, underlining the large changes that take place even with small diet modifications in ruminal environment. There is still the need to deepen how exactly the diet changes the rumen phylogenetic structure and the consequences on bacteria’s activity

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Efficacy of Essential Oil Vapours in Reducing Postharvest Rots and Effect on the Fruit Mycobiome of Nectarines

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    Nectarines can be affected by many diseases, resulting in significant production losses. Natural products, such as essential oils (EOs), are promising alternatives to pesticides to control storage rots. This work aimed to test the efficacy of biofumigation with EOs in the control of nectarine postharvest diseases while also evaluating the effect on the quality parameters (firmness, total soluble solids, and titratable acidity) and on the fruit fungal microbiome. Basil, fennel, lemon, oregano, and thyme EOs were first tested in vitro at 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% concentrations to evaluate their inhibition activity against Monilinia fructicola. Subsequently, an in vivo screening trial was performed by treating nectarines inoculated with M. fructicola, with the five EOs at 2.0% concentration by biofumigation, performed using slow-release diffusers placed inside the storage cabinets. Fennel, lemon, and basil EOs were the most effective after storage and were selected to be tested in efficacy trials using naturally infected nectarines. After 28 days of storage, all treatments showed a significant rot reduction compared to the untreated control. Additionally, no evident phytotoxic effects were observed on the treated fruits. EO vapors did not affect the overall quality of the fruits but showed a positive effect in reducing firmness loss. Metabarcoding analysis showed a significant impact of tissue, treatment, and sampling time on the fruit microbiome composition. Treatments were able to reduce the abundance of Monilinia spp., but basil EO favored a significant increase in Penicillium spp. Moreover, the abundance of other fungal genera was found to be modified

    Efficacy of different mouthwashes against COVID-19: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

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    To evaluate the effectiveness of antiseptic mouthwashes in reducing SARS-CoV-2 load clinically and in vitro. A systematic electronic search (MEDLINE/Scopus/Cochrane) was conducted to identify prospective clinical and in vitro studies published between 2019 included and 16 June 2023 assessing the effectiveness of mouthwashes in reducing SARS-CoV-2 load in saliva or surrogates. Data were summarized in tables and a network meta-analysis was performed for clinical trials. Thirty-five studies (14 RCTs, 21 in vitro) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The risk of bias was judged to be high for 2 clinical and 7 in vitro studies. The most commonly test product was chlorhexidine alone or in combination with other active ingredients, followed by povidone-iodine, hydrogen peroxide and cetylpyridinium chloride. Overall, the descriptive analysis revealed the effectiveness of the mouthwashes in decreasing the salivary viral load both clinically and in vitro. Network meta-analysis demonstrated a high degree of heterogeneity. Among these studies, only chlorhexidine 0.20% was associated to a significant Ct increase in the saliva 5 min after rinsing compared to non-active control (p = 0.027). Data from clinical and in vitro studies suggested the antiviral efficacy of commonly used mouthwashes. Large well-balanced trials are needed to identify the best rinsing protocols

    Dose-response and inclusion effects of pure natural extracts and synthetic compounds on in vitro methane production

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    This study explored the effects of one ionophore compound (monensin) and four pure extracts (limonene, allyl sulfide, cinnamaldehyde, and eugenol) on in vitro rumen fermen- tation and methane (CH4 ) production of a commercial diet for dairy cows. Four consecutive incubations at 24 h were conducted using an automated gas production (GP) system, where gas was vented at fixed pressure. Bottles (317ml) were filled with 1.0\ub10.010g of diet and 150 ml of buffered rumen fluid. Additives were added at two dosages: 0.015 (low) or 0.030 mg/g of diet (high) for monensin, 3 (low) or 30 mg/g of diet (high) for the pure extracts. In each incubation, eleven treatments were tested in 3 replications: a control (CTR; bottles without additive), plus 5 additives 7 2 dosages. Twelve bottles (3/run), containing only the buffered rumen fluid, were included as blanks. At the end of each incubation, gas samples were collected from bottle headspace and analyzed for CH4 . The proportion of CH4 lost with venting was calculated. Fermentation fluids were analyzed for aNDF (NDFd) and true DM (TDMd) degradability, ammonia N, and VFA. Data were analyzed using a model considering the treatment as fixed factor and run as a random factor. Additives were ineffective at the low dosage. Compared to CTR, the high dosage of monensin reduced NDFd ( 1217%), TDMd ( 123%), and CH4 produced per g of truly degraded DM ( 1219%). Acetate was reduced ( 1213%) in favor of propionate (+25%), but the total VFA production did not change. Compared to CTR, the high dosage of limonene reduced NDFd ( 1266%), TDMd ( 1214%), GP ( 1225%) and CH4 production ( 1234%) per g of truly degraded DM, and the total production of VFA ( 1225%), acetate ( 1231%), and propionate ( 1213%) (P < 0.001 for all). The high dosage of allyl sulfide did not influence NDFd and TDMd, reduced GP ( 1214%) and CH4 production ( 1232%) per g of truly degraded DM, the total VFA ( 1212%) and acetate production ( 1224%), but increased that of propionate (+15%). The high dosage of cinnamaldehyde did not influence NDFd, TDMd or the total VFA production, reduced GP ( 1210%), CH4 production ( 1212%) per g of truly degraded DM and acetate production ( 1214%), but increased that of propionate (+9%). The high dosage of eugenol reduced only NDFd ( 1218%) and TDMd ( 123%). In conclusion, the most promising results were observed for the high dosage of cinnamaldehyde, as in vitro CH4 production was reduced without effects on degradability and VFA production. However, these effects should be confirmed using dosages and experimental conditions proper of in vivo trials

    Use of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to predict VFA and ammonia from In vitro rumen fermentation

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    The aim of the present study was to develop a FTIR method to quantify amounts and proportions of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3) in fermen- tation fluids collected in vitro using innovative Bayesian models as chemometric technique. A set of 170 fluids, collected before and after 4 in vitro incubations of 8 diets in 5 replication plus 5 blanks, were analysed for VFA, N-NH3 and scanned using the MilcoScan FT2 (Foss Electric, Hiller\uf8d, Denmark) in the spectral range between 5000 and 900 cm-1. A Bayes B model was used to calibrate equations for each fermentative trait. The calibration equation predicts well VFA and N-NH3 amounts in calibration and also in validation (R2VAL ranged from 0.93 to 0.83 for iso- valeric and n-butyric acid, respectively). However, the prediction of VFA expressed as proportions of total amount was much less accurate (R2VAL ranged from 0.81 to 0.52 for iso-valeric and n-butyric acid, respectively). In conclusion, FTIR and Bayesian models can be used as tools to accurately predict VFA amounts in vitro

    The Bone Lid Technique in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Scoping Review

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    This scoping review aimed at reporting the outcomes of the bone lid technique in oral surgery in terms of bone healing, ridge preservation, and incidence of complications. Bone-cutting instruments and stabilization methods were also considered. PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials were searched using a combination of terms, including bone lid, bony window, piezosurgery, microsaw, cysts, endodontic surgery, impacted teeth, and maxillary sinus. A hand search was also performed. The last search was conducted on 30 November 2021. No date limitation was set. Searches were restricted to human clinical studies published in English. All types of study design were considered except reviews and case reports. After a two-step evaluation, 20 (2 randomized studies, 2 case-control studies, 3 cohort studies, 13 case series) out of 647 screened studies were included, reporting on 752 bone lid procedures. The bone lid technique was associated with favorable bone healing when compared to other methods, and with a very low incidence of major complications. Clinical indications, surgical procedures, study design, follow-up duration, and outcomes varied among the studies. Overall, favorable outcomes were reported using the bone lid approach, though evidence-based studies were scarce
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