496 research outputs found

    The ins and outs of participation in a weather information system

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    In this paper our aim is to show even though access to technology, information or data holds the potential for improved participation, participation is wired into a larger network of actors, artefacts and information practices. We draw on a case study of a weather information system developed and implemented by a non-profit organisation to both describe the configuration of participation, but also critically assess inclusion and exclusion. We present a set of four questions - a basic, practical toolkit - by which we together with the organisation made sense of and evaluated participation in the system


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    The article is devoted to priority solutions for launching systemic transformations of managerial education for the technological breakthrough. The basis for the development of such decisions was the scientific direction “Proactive Management in Actively Developing Industries and Economic Sectors”, in which the authors work, and the experience in creating educational products that meet the latest trends, including those that have appeared recently.The research methodology included analysis of scientific literature on the problems of complex systems development, proactive management and anticipatory training, systematization of educational practices for managers in foreign and domestic universities, conducting surveys of experts – heads of Russian large industrial enterprises, professors and students.The key reasons for the unsatisfactory state of management education are identified and a set of recommendations for its reform has been developed. Changes in organizational models of managerial education are proposed, the principles of implementing fundamental training and enhancing the humanization of education with a simultaneous increase in the level of knowledge of the scientific and technical foundations of production process are formulated. The conditions of increasing the effectiveness of students’ practical training are considered, the forms of its implementation are determined to ensure the readiness of graduates to work in managerial positions. The results of long-term studies of anticipatory training, from managers at the lower levels to directors of large companies, are carried out. These results were obtained in the scientific and educational center “INZHEK” of the Ural Federal University and tested at various levels of management education (bachelor’s, master’s degrees).The results of the study are of practical interest to managers and professors of universities, business schools and corporate universities, as well as to top managers of business structures involved in improving personnel training.Cтатья посвящена первоочередным решениям для запуска системных преобразований управленческого образования, необходимых для технологического прорыва. Основой для выработки таких решений послужило развиваемое авторами научное направление «Упреждающее управление в активно развивающихся отраслях и секторах экономики» и опыт создания образовательных продуктов, соответствующих новейшим трендам, в том числе проявившимся в самое последнее время.Методология исследования включала анализ научной литературы по проблемам развития сложных систем, упреждающего управления и опережающего обучения, систематизацию практик подготовки менеджеров в зарубежных и отечественных университетах, проведение опросов экспертов – руководителей крупных промышленных предприятий РФ, профессоров и студентов.Определены ключевые причины неудовлетворительного состояния управленческого образования, и разработан комплекс рекомендаций по его реформированию. Предложены изменения в организационных моделях управленческого образования, сформулированы принципы реализации фундаментальной подготовки и усиления гуманитаризации образовательного процесса с одновременным повышением уровня знаний научно-технических основ производства. Рассмотрены условия повышения эффективности производственной практики студентов, определены формы ее проведения для обеспечения готовности выпускников к работе на управленческих должностях. Изложены результаты многолетних исследований опережающего обучения, выполненных в научно-образовательном центре «ИНЖЭК» Уральского федерального университета и апробированных в процессе обучения управленческих кадров в специалитете, бакалавриате, магистратуре, а также при повышении квалификации – от руководителей низового уровня до генеральных директоров крупных компаний.Результаты исследования представляют практический интерес для руководителей и преподавателей университетов, бизнес-школ и корпоративных университетов, топ-менеджеров бизнеса, занимающихся совершенствованием подготовки кадров


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    The article is devoted to priority solutions for launching systemic transformations of managerial education for the technological breakthrough. The basis for the development of such decisions was the scientific direction “Proactive Management in Actively Developing Industries and Economic Sectors”, in which the authors work, and the experience in creating educational products that meet the latest trends, including those that have appeared recently.The research methodology included analysis of scientific literature on the problems of complex systems development, proactive management and anticipatory training, systematization of educational practices for managers in foreign and domestic universities, conducting surveys of experts – heads of Russian large industrial enterprises, professors and students.The key reasons for the unsatisfactory state of management education are identified and a set of recommendations for its reform has been developed. Changes in organizational models of managerial education are proposed, the principles of implementing fundamental training and enhancing the humanization of education with a simultaneous increase in the level of knowledge of the scientific and technical foundations of production process are formulated. The conditions of increasing the effectiveness of students' practical training are considered, the forms of its implementation are determined to ensure the readiness of graduates to work in managerial positions. The results of long-term studies of anticipatory training, from managers at the lower levels to directors of large companies, are carried out. These results were obtained in the scientific and educational center “INZHEK” of the Ural Federal University and tested at various levels of management education (bachelor's, master's degrees).The results of the study are of practical interest to managers and professors of universities, business schools and corporate universities, as well as to top managers of business structures involved in improving personnel training.Cтатья посвящена первоочередным решениям для запуска системных преобразований управленческого образования, необходимых для технологического прорыва. Основой для выработки таких решений послужило развиваемое авторами научное направление «Упреждающее управление в активно развивающихся отраслях и секторах экономики» и опыт создания образовательных продуктов, соответствующих новейшим трендам, в том числе проявившимся в самое последнее время.Методология исследования включала анализ научной литературы по проблемам развития сложных систем, упреждающего управления и опережающего обучения, систематизацию практик подготовки менеджеров в зарубежных и отечественных университетах, проведение опросов экспертов – руководителей крупных промышленных предприятий РФ, профессоров и студентов.Определены ключевые причины неудовлетворительного состояния управленческого образования и разработан комплекс рекомендаций по его реформированию. Предложены изменения в организационных моделях управленческого образования, сформулированы принципы реализации фундаментальной подготовки и усиления гуманитаризации образовательного процесса с одновременным повышением уровня знаний научно-технических основ производства. Рассмотрены условия повышения эффективности производственной практики студентов, определены формы ее проведения для обеспечения готовности выпускников к работе на управленческих должностях. Изложены результаты многолетних исследований опережающего обучения, выполненных в научно-образовательном центре «ИНЖЭК» Уральского федерального университета и апробированных в процессе обучения управленческих кадров в специалитете, бакалавриате, магистратуре, а также при повышении квалификации – от руководителей низового уровня до генеральных директоров крупных компаний.Результаты исследования представляют практический интерес для руководителей и преподавателей университетов, бизнес-школ и корпоративных университетов, топ-менеджеров бизнеса, занимающихся совершенствованием подготовки кадров

    (G)hosting television: Ghostwatch and its medium

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    This article’s subject is Ghostwatch (BBC, 1992), a drama broadcast on Halloween night of 1992 which adopted the rhetoric of live non-fiction programming, and attracted controversy and ultimately censure from the Broadcasting Standards Council. In what follows, we argue that Ghostwatch must be understood as a televisually-specific artwork and artefact. We discuss the programme’s ludic relationship with some key features of television during what Ellis (2000) has termed its era of ‘availability’, principally liveness, mass simultaneous viewing, and the flow of the television super-text. We trace the programme’s television-specific historicity whilst acknowledging its allusions and debts to other media (most notably film and radio). We explore the sophisticated ways in which Ghostwatch’s visual grammar and vocabulary and deployment of ‘broadcast talk’ (Scannell 1991) variously ape, comment upon and subvert the rhetoric of factual programming, and the ends to which these strategies are put. We hope that these arguments collectively demonstrate the aesthetic and historical significance of Ghostwatch and identify its relationship to its medium and that medium’s history. We offer the programme as an historically-reflexive artefact, and as an exemplary instance of the work of art in television’s age of broadcasting, liveness and co-presence


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    The article is devoted to priority solutions for launching systemic transformations of managerial education for the technological breakthrough. The basis for the development of such decisions was the scientific direction “Proactive Management in Actively Developing Industries and Economic Sectors”, in which the authors work, and the experience in creating educational products that meet the latest trends, including those that have appeared recently.The research methodology included analysis of scientific literature on the problems of complex systems development, proactive management and anticipatory training, systematization of educational practices for managers in foreign and domestic universities, conducting surveys of experts – heads of Russian large industrial enterprises, professors and students.The key reasons for the unsatisfactory state of management education are identified and a set of recommendations for its reform has been developed. Changes in organizational models of managerial education are proposed, the principles of implementing fundamental training and enhancing the humanization of education with a simultaneous increase in the level of knowledge of the scientific and technical foundations of production process are formulated. The conditions of increasing the effectiveness of students' practical training are considered, the forms of its implementation are determined to ensure the readiness of graduates to work in managerial positions. The results of long-term studies of anticipatory training, from managers at the lower levels to directors of large companies, are carried out. These results were obtained in the scientific and educational center “INZHEK” of the Ural Federal University and tested at various levels of management education (bachelor's, master's degrees).The results of the study are of practical interest to managers and professors of universities, business schools and corporate universities, as well as to top managers of business structures involved in improving personnel training


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    The article is devoted to priority solutions for launching systemic transformations of managerial education for the technological breakthrough. The basis for the development of such decisions was the scientific direction “Proactive Management in Actively Developing Industries and Economic Sectors”, in which the authors work, and the experience in creating educational products that meet the latest trends, including those that have appeared recently.The research methodology included analysis of scientific literature on the problems of complex systems development, proactive management and anticipatory training, systematization of educational practices for managers in foreign and domestic universities, conducting surveys of experts – heads of Russian large industrial enterprises, professors and students.The key reasons for the unsatisfactory state of management education are identified and a set of recommendations for its reform has been developed. Changes in organizational models of managerial education are proposed, the principles of implementing fundamental training and enhancing the humanization of education with a simultaneous increase in the level of knowledge of the scientific and technical foundations of production process are formulated. The conditions of increasing the effectiveness of students’ practical training are considered, the forms of its implementation are determined to ensure the readiness of graduates to work in managerial positions. The results of long-term studies of anticipatory training, from managers at the lower levels to directors of large companies, are carried out. These results were obtained in the scientific and educational center “INZHEK” of the Ural Federal University and tested at various levels of management education (bachelor’s, master’s degrees).The results of the study are of practical interest to managers and professors of universities, business schools and corporate universities, as well as to top managers of business structures involved in improving personnel training


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    The article aims to study the structure of and improve the model for the fostering of managerial competencies to solve the problems of a technological breakthrough in the domestic economy. The authors apply their proprietary approach that makes it possible to reveal the range of interdisciplinarity and to specify its content. Methods and tools for mastering the competencies in demand are developed. As the empirical base which proves the validity of their сonclusions, the authors cite their own research as well as the results of the analysis of educational programs in engineering management implemented at the leading universities of the world, and the expert opinions of the heads of energy enterprises and professors of Russian universities. The paper analyzes the key factors in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies: a management paradigm towards which the educational process is oriented, a model of knowledge and skills that is adequate to the content of the tasks of a technological breakthrough, a methodology for analyzing interdisciplinary relationships in managerial decisions. The article outlines the relevant experience of training managers of various levels by the Department of Energy Management Systems and Industrial Enterprises of Ural Federal University.The study is scientifically novel as it discovers a new approach to understanding interdisciplinarity when determining the managerial competencies necessary for a technological breakthrough. The practical significance of the article is due to the fact that it presents the experience of implementing the developed approach to the training of managers with an increased readiness to constantly embrace and implement future technologies


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    The article substantiates the authors’ position, supported by empirical data, on the sharp increase in the intellectual intensity of managerial activities and on the transformation of the managerial profession into one of the most complex, gaining particular importance in the organisation of the innovation process for technological sovereignty. The increasing role of management science in understanding the ongoing turbulent changes, developing methodologies for proactive management and identifying competencies in demand in the economy is highlighted. The need for the introduction of advanced learning in these conditions is demostrated; the authors’ experience in its development and implementation in terms of specific organisational models, content and teaching methods is presented. Within the framework of the proposed concept of further education, it is necessary to introduce a management specialisation focused on specific industries into the existing system of higher education. It will provide enhanced fundamental and applied training, a significant increase in the volume of practice and will enable students to master the engineering-economic and engineering-managerial knowledge necessary for taking into account interdisciplinary relationships between high technology, economics and finance when making management decisions


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    The article reasons the need for changing the model of management education and corresponding tools and approaches to bring them in line with the challenges of a technological breakthrough and organisational transformations in the national economy that is going through an unprecedented overhaul of global economic ties and is restricted by sanctions. The authors suggest a paradigm of proactive training that is characterised by its focus on foreseeing changes by having a breakthrough research agenda, a quick conversion of research results into the educational content, research projects and activities, the flexibility of the content and formats of the educational process. The conceptual mechanism of a system for the anticipatory training of managers has been designed; potential methodologies have been identified for building educational modules for bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. By analysing the methodologies it was possible to develop a comprehensive approach to creating high-value educational products. The article describes some of the proprietary technologies that the authors use when implementing proactive education programs in practice.The scientific novelty of the article lies in the formulation of the training concept for managers aimed at solving complex interdisciplinary tasks of a technological breakthrough. In terms of the practical value, the article presents a mix of educational technologies for the implementation of the concept. It includes electronic proactive leaning system, conveyor of continuous competence enhancement, digital modular architecture of the learning process, “module-in-module” technology