13 research outputs found
MultOpt++: a fast regression-based model for the development of compositions with high robustness against scatter of element concentrations
Alloys-by-design is a term used to describe new alloy development techniques based on numerical simulation. These approaches are extensively used for nickel-base superalloys to increase the chance of success in alloy development. During alloy production of numerically optimized compositions, unavoidable scattering of the element concentrations occurs. In the present paper, we investigate the effect of this scatter on the alloy properties. In particular, we describe routes to identify alloy compositions by numerical simulations that are more robust than other compositions. In our previously developed alloy development program package MultOpt, we introduced a sensitivity parameter that represents the influence of alloying variations on the final alloy properties in the post-optimization process, because the established sensitivity calculations require high computational effort. In this work, we derive a regression-based model for calculating the sensitivity that only requires one-time calculation of the regression coefficients. The model can be applied to any function with nearly linear behavior within the uncertainty range. The model is then successfully applied to the computational alloys-by-design work flow to facilitate alloy selection using the sensitivity of a composition owing to the inaccuracies in the manufacturing process as an additional minimization goal
Thermoelastic properties and '-solvus temperatures of single-crystal Ni-base superalloys
The present work shows that thermal expansion experiments can be used to measure the '-solvus temperatures of four Ni-base single-crystal superalloys (SX), one with Re and three Re-free variants. In the case of CMSX-4, experimental results are in good agreement with numerical thermodynamic results obtained using ThermoCalc. For three experimental Re-free alloys, the experimental and calculated results are close. Transmission electron microscopy shows that the chemical compositions of the - and the '-phases can be reasonably well predicted. We also use resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) to show how elastic coefficients depend on chemical composition and temperature. The results are discussed in the light of previous results reported in the literature. Areas in need of further work are highlighted
Mycobacterium tuberculosis exploits a molecular off switch of the immune system for intracellular survival
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) survives and multiplies inside human macrophages by subversion of immune mechanisms. Although these immune evasion strategies are well characterised functionally, the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we show that during infection of human whole blood with M. tuberculosis, host gene transcriptional suppression, rather than activation, is the predominant response. Spatial, temporal and functional characterisation of repressed genes revealed their involvement in pathogen sensing and phagocytosis, degradation within the phagolysosome and antigen processing and presentation. To identify mechanisms underlying suppression of multiple immune genes we undertook epigenetic analyses. We identified significantly differentially expressed microRNAs with known targets in suppressed genes. In addition, after searching regions upstream of the start of transcription of suppressed genes for common sequence motifs, we discovered novel enriched composite sequence patterns, which corresponded to Alu repeat elements, transposable elements known to have wide ranging influences on gene expression. Our findings suggest that to survive within infected cells, mycobacteria exploit a complex immune "molecular off switch" controlled by both microRNAs and Alu regulatory elements
PDAL/PDAL: 1.9.0 RC1
Changes of Note
PDAL now requires at least version 2.2 of GDAL.
Pipelines can optionally be specified as an array of stages (without an encapsulating "pipeline" object).
The location of installed cmake files has been changed to match the cmake convention.
filters.delaunay now uses the delaunator library instead of geogram.
PDAL no longer depends on the GEOS library. However, some polygon functions will not work if PDAL isn't built with a version of the GDAL library that has GEOS support.
PDAL now uses the standard cmake script to locate the necessary GDAL files when building.
readers.sbet now reads angles as degrees rather than radians. (#2354)
The tindex command now requires one of the subcommands create or merge. It no longer accepts the merge option, which has been replaced by the merge subcommand.
The argument for the function PipelineManager::executeStream is now of type StreamPointTable& instead of FixedPointTable&.
All readers now accept the default_srs and override_srs options. override_srs is an alias for the existing spatialreference option. default_srs applies only if no spatial reference exists in the source file. (#2194, #2195)
Added some dimension detection capability to readers.pts. (#2317)
Hardened API use of LASzip in writers.las for points with data format 6 and above and set the extended_point_type variable. (#2320, #2329)
Support the libgeotiff path suffix when searching for the geotiff library with cmake.
Added a resolution option to readers.ept to limit the number of points read. (#2331)
readers.rxp now supports stream mode.
Added the invert option to filters.head and filters.tail.
Added support for subcommands in kernels. (#2293)
New stages
filters.mongo - Filtering of points using the mongo expression language.
readers.tiledb - Reads points from the tileDB database.
writers.tiledb - Writes points to the tileDB database.
writers.ept_addon - Adds sidecar data to an existing EPT dataset.
Deprecated stages
filters.kdistance - Replaced by filters.nndistance. filters.kdistance will be removed in the next PDAL release.
filters.mongus - Replaces by filters.pmf and filters.smrf
Bug fixes
The tindex command now uses sufficient precision when using the fast_boundary option (#2271)
filters.smrf and filters.pmf now process all points if the NumberOfReturns or ReturnNumber dimension is missing. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2275)
The density command is now found by pdal. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2378)
The scale=auto and offset=auto options now work with writers.bpf in stream mode. (#1983)
Pipelines with diamond shapes now properly re-execute ancestor stages. This fixes a regression introduced with PDAL 1.8. (#2290)
filters.crop now uses the correct logic when the outside option is used in standard mode. (#2305)
A bug in writers.gdal with streaming mode that caused an improper location shift in some instances has been fixed. (#2292)
Added an explicit dependency on the arbiter library for curl. This fixes build issues on some Unix platforms. (#1822)
Fixed a bug in filters.icp introduced by a change in PCL (see: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/issues/2724) that improperly removed a function call. (#2319)
readers.tindex now provides a default of "EPSG:4326" for the filter_srs option. (#2316)
Points in buffer corners are now properly placed in tiles in filters.splitter. (#2372)
Fixed reference counting in filters.python that might have caused a crash in some circumstances.
Generalized the python library re-loaded by PDAL when being used as a python extension. This is only relevant on some Unix distributions