4 research outputs found

    Nitrous oxide and methane in the Atlantic Ocean between 50 degrees North and 52 degrees South: Latitudinal distribution and sea-to-air flux

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    We discuss nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) distributions in 49 vertical profiles covering the upper 300 m of the water column along two 13,500 km transects between 50°N and 52°S during the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme (AMT cruises 12 and 13). Vertical N2O profiles were amenable to analysis on the basis of common features coincident with Longhurst provinces. In contrast, CH4 showed no such pattern. The most striking feature of the latitudinal depth distributions was a well-defined “plume” of exceptionally high N2O concentrations coincident with very low levels of CH4, located between 23.5°N and 23.5°S; this feature reflects the upwelling of deep waters containing N2O derived from nitrification, as identified by an analysis of N2O, apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and NO3-, and presumably depleted in CH4 by bacterial oxidation. Sea-to-air emissions fluxes for a region equivalent to 42% of the Atlantic Ocean surface area were in the range 0.40–0.68 Tg N2O yr-1 and 0.81–1.43 Tg CH4 yr-1. Based on contemporary estimates of the global ocean source strengths of atmospheric N2O and CH4, the Atlantic Ocean could account for 6–15% and 4–13%, respectively, of these source totals. Given that the Atlantic Ocean accounts for around 20% of the global ocean surface, on unit area basis it appears that the Atlantic may be a slightly weaker source of atmospheric N2O than other ocean regions but it could make a somewhat larger contribution to marine-derived atmospheric CH4 than previously thought

    Both respiration and photosynthesis determine the scaling of plankton metabolism in the oligotrophic ocean

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    Despite its importance to ocean–climate interactions, the metabolic state of the oligotrophic ocean has remained controversial for >15 years. Positions in the debate are that it is either hetero- or autotrophic, which suggests either substantial unaccounted for organic matter inputs, or that all available photosynthesis (P) estimations (including 14C) are biased. Here we show the existence of systematic differences in the metabolic state of the North (heterotrophic) and South (autotrophic) Atlantic oligotrophic gyres, resulting from differences in both P and respiration (R). The oligotrophic ocean is neither auto- nor heterotrophic, but functionally diverse. Our results show that the scaling of plankton metabolism by generalized P:R relationships that has sustained the debate is biased, and indicate that the variability of R, and not only of P, needs to be considered in regional estimations of the ocean’s metabolic state

    Both respiration and photosynthesis determine the scaling of plankton metabolism in the oligotrophic ocean

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    Despite its importance to ocean–climate interactions, the metabolic state of the oligotrophic ocean has remained controversial for >15 years. Positions in the debate are that it is either hetero- or autotrophic, which suggests either substantial unaccounted for organic matter inputs, or that all available photosynthesis (P) estimations (including 14 C) are biased. Here we show the existence of systematic differences in the metabolic state of the North (heterotrophic) and South (autotrophic) Atlantic oligotrophic gyres, resulting from differences in both P and respiration (R). The oligotrophic ocean is neither auto- nor heterotrophic, but functionally diverse. Our results show that the scaling of plankton metabolism by generalized P:R relationships that has sustained the debate is biased, and indicate that the variability of R, and not only of P, needs to be considered in regional estimations of the ocean’s metabolic state.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2009-0S069-E/MARMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2011-2961

    Seasonal and spatial variability in plankton production and respiration in the Subtropical Gyres of the Atlantic Ocean

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    Euphotic zone plankton production (P) and respiration (R) were determined from the in vitro flux of dissolved oxygen during six latitudinal transects of the Atlantic Ocean, as part of the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme. The transects traversed the North and South Atlantic Subtropical Gyres (N gyre, 18–38°N; S gyre, 11–35°S) in April–June and September–November 2003–2005. The route and timing of the cruises enabled the assessment of the seasonal variability of P, R and P/R in the N and S gyres, and the comparison of the previously unsampled N gyre centre with the more frequently sampled eastern edge of the gyre. Mean euphotic zone integrated rates (±SE) were P=63±23 (n=31), R=69±22 (n=30) mmol O2 m-2 d-1 in the N gyre; and P=58±26 (n=30), R=62±24 (n=30) mmol O2 m-2 d-1 in the S gyre. Overall, the N gyre was heterotrophic (R>P) and it was more heterotrophic than the S gyre, but the metabolic balance of both gyres changed with season. Both gyres were net heterotrophic in autumn, and balanced in spring. This seasonal contrast was most pronounced for the S gyre, because it was more autotrophic than the N gyre during spring. This may have arisen from differences in nitrate availability, because spring sampling in the S gyre coincided with periods of deep mixing to the nitracline, more frequently than spring sampling within the N gyre. Our results indicate that the N gyre is less heterotrophic than previous estimates suggested, and that there is an apparent decrease in R from the eastern edge to the centre of the N gyre, possibly indicative of an allochthonous organic carbon source to the east of the gyre