29 research outputs found

    What is a virtual world? Definition and classification

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    In 2008, articles by Bell and Schroeder provided an initial platform from which to develop a coherent definition of the term ‘virtual worlds’. Yet over the past ten years, there has been little development of the term. Instead there is confusion in the literature, with the introduction of new terms which are at times used to classify the type of virtual world and at others are used synonymously with the term. At the same time there has been a resurgence of interest in the potential of virtual reality which further muddies the conceptual waters. While the lack of a clear and common understanding of a term is not uncommon, there are implications for researchers and practitioners. To address these issues, this paper presents a new framework for the definition of virtual worlds, arguing what it is for a world to be virtual, the user experience that is a necessary part of this and the technical features which afford this. For the first time the relationships between commonly confused terms and technologies are identified to provide a much needed conceptual clarity for researchers and educators

    Das PECC-framework: cender-sensibilitÀt und spielerische programmierung in der informatischen grundbildung

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    MĂ€dchen und Frauen sind Vorreiter in der Technologieanwendung, wie zum Beispiel in Bezug auf Smartphones oder Apps. Sie sind aber nur unwesentlich an der Technologieentwicklung beteiligt. Die Jobs der Zukunft sind weitreichend digital und vernetzt und die Nachfrage nach ArbeitskrĂ€ften mit “Computational Thinking Skills” steigt stetig. Mit einem Fokus auf gendersensible Lehre und Spieldesign können vor allem MĂ€dchen fĂŒr diese Bereiche motiviert und interessiert werden. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Einsatz eines geschlechtersensiblen pĂ€dagogischen Frameworks fĂŒr die Informatische Grundbildung. Das "Playing, Engagement, Creativity, Creation" (PECC) Framework wurde durch zentrale Forschungen in den Bereichen Gender Studies, Informatik-Didaktik und von Lerntheorien beeinflusst und iterativ im Zuge einer groß angelegten europĂ€ischen Studie entwickelt. In der vorliegenden experimentellen Studie wurde dieser Ansatz mit 12 SchĂŒler und SchĂŒlerinnen im regulĂ€ren Informatikunterricht erprobt und Beobachtung anhand einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse beschrieben und mit aktueller Literatur verknĂŒpft

    Virtual worlds: a new environment for constructionist learning

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    Virtual worlds have the potential to provide a new environment in which to engage learners in constructionist activities. However, they were not designed for education and have features and affordances which are not found in traditional constructionist environments. These may limit the pedagogy in action and/or provide new opportunities with which to transform constructionist pedagogy in practice, but to date there has been no research on these issues. To address this, we explore constructionism in action in the virtual world Second Life. This is the first study to examine the theoretical alignment of pedagogy and technology in practice. An exploratory case study of a purpose-built constructionist learning experience was conducted. The experience was designed based on the theoretical alignment of pedagogy and technology and implemented with 24 postgraduate students over four weeks. Open non-directive interviews, chat logs, constructed artefacts, learners’ written reflections and observations were collected and analysed using the constant comparative approach. The findings provide insights into how learners engage in meaningful artefact construction, highlight the role of avatars and draw attention to the importance of the designed space. New opportunities for distributed constructionism are identified. We conclude that virtual worlds are effective environments for constructionist learning

    Changing teacher beliefs: moving towards constructionism

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    Open peer commentary on the article “Beyond Technocentrism: Supporting Constructionism in the Classroom” by Karen Brennan. Upshot: If we are to move beyond technocentricism, we need not only to equip teachers with pedagogical approaches but to support a change in their beliefs, values and assumptions. While factors such as assessment practices and institutional norms can limit the impact of professional development by considering the ways in which teachers form their teacher-identity and the factors that can motivate change, we can begin to develop approaches to professional development that can have lasting impact on teachers and their learners

    Constructionism, creativity and virtual worlds

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    Studying complexity: creativity, collaboration and learning

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    Open peer commentary on the article “Learning about Urban Sustainability with Digital Stories: Promoting Collaborative Creativity from a Constructionist Perspective” by Maria Daskolia, Chronis Kynigos & Katerina Makri. Upshot: Creativity, collaboration and learning are fascinatingly messy and interconnected processes. Does knowledge develop by engaging in a collaborative creative process, or does existing knowledge allow us to create more creative artefacts? Does one build upon the other in a bricolage process, familiar to constructionist learning experiences? If so, how can we best facilitate this type of learning? This OPC raises a number of questions that it does not attempt to answer but raises them to draw attention to the complexity of the phenomena under investigation

    Das PECC-framework: cender-sensibilitÀt und spielerische programmierung in der informatischen grundbildung

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    MĂ€dchen und Frauen sind Vorreiter in der Technologieanwendung, wie zum Beispiel in Bezug auf Smartphones oder Apps. Sie sind aber nur unwesentlich an der Technologieentwicklung beteiligt. Die Jobs der Zukunft sind weitreichend digital und vernetzt und die Nachfrage nach ArbeitskrĂ€ften mit “Computational Thinking Skills” steigt stetig. Mit einem Fokus auf gendersensible Lehre und Spieldesign können vor allem MĂ€dchen fĂŒr diese Bereiche motiviert und interessiert werden. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Einsatz eines geschlechtersensiblen pĂ€dagogischen Frameworks fĂŒr die Informatische Grundbildung. Das "Playing, Engagement, Creativity, Creation" (PECC) Framework wurde durch zentrale Forschungen in den Bereichen Gender Studies, Informatik-Didaktik und von Lerntheorien beeinflusst und iterativ im Zuge einer groß angelegten europĂ€ischen Studie entwickelt. In der vorliegenden experimentellen Studie wurde dieser Ansatz mit 12 SchĂŒler und SchĂŒlerinnen im regulĂ€ren Informatikunterricht erprobt und Beobachtung anhand einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse beschrieben und mit aktueller Literatur verknĂŒpft

    Extending experiential learning in teacher professional development

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    This paper introduces the use of experiential learning during the early stages of teacher professional development. Teachers observe student outcomes from the very beginning of the process and experience new pedagogical approaches as learners themselves before adapting and implementing them in their own classrooms. This research explores the implementation of this approach with teachers in Irish second level schools who are being asked to make significant pedagogic changes as part of a major curriculum reform. Teachers’ self-reflections, observations and interviews demonstrate how the process and outcomes influenced their beliefs, resulting in meaningful changes in classroom practice

    SLurtles: Supporting constructionist learning in 'Second Life'

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    Constructionism places an emphasis on the process of constructing shareable artefacts. Many virtual worlds, such as Second Life, provide learners with tools for the construction of objects and hence may facilitate in-world constructionist learning experiences. However, the construction tools available present learners with a significant barrier (or ‘high-floor’) for the novice to first master. To address this problem, this paper presents the design concepts, first implementation and analysis of SLurtles (programmable turtles in Second Life), easy-to-use, programmable construction tools for use in Second Life. During a pilot study 24 postgraduate learners in pairs and working at distance from one another, programmed SLurtles to create interactive installations in Second Life over four weeks. Open interviews were conducted, chat logs recorded and learners artefacts and reflections were collected and analysed using qualitative methods. Findings show that SLurtles provide learners with a programmable, low-floor, high-ceiling and wide-wall construction tool, which supported their construction of a wide range of complex artefacts as part of a constructionist learning experience in Second Life