9 research outputs found


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    Giraud-HĂ©raud Eric, Priolon JoĂ«l. Introduction. In: Économie rurale. N°272, 2002. pp. 8-9

    Quelle légitimité à des mécanismes de régulation de l'offre dans les Appellations d'origine protégée?

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    [eng] Which justifica tion of supply regulation in the appellations of origin? - Supply control mechanisms are often required by the producers to manage European Protected Appellations of Origin. Such mechanisms are usually criticized by the competition policy makers because they decrease the consumer surplus. Nevertheless, they can have positive impacts when the product quality increases as the quantity decreases. In this paper, we propose an economic model based on the wine case which shows that, under some conditions, the gain of consumer surplus due to quality increasing can make up for the loss due to supply control. [fre] Les Appellations d'origine protĂ©gĂ©e europĂ©ennes requiĂšrent le plus souvent une rĂ©gulation Ă©conomique des quantitĂ©s tout au long de la chaĂźne de production-commercialisation. En s'inspirant du secteur viticole, nous montrons dans cet article les arguments qui peuvent ĂȘtre avancĂ©s par rapport aux contraintes fixĂ©es par la politique de la concurrence. Nous proposons en outre un modĂšle Ă©conomique formalisĂ© qui explicite l'adĂ©quation d'une telle rĂ©gulation avec l'intĂ©rĂȘt des consommateurs, en considĂ©rant, d'une part, le contrĂŽle de l'offre par un monopole et, d'autre part, une dĂ©croissance de la qualitĂ© en fonction des quantitĂ©s produites.

    Internet et la distribution de biens physiques. Analyse de l'Ă©mergence de nouvelles structures verticales dans le secteur du vin

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    A lot of B-to-B and B-to-C projects have been set up by new comers in the wine sector. They lead the traditional stakeholders, involved in physical retailing, to reshape their own distribution strategies. In the first part of this paper, we analyze several models of wine distribution and the stakes raised by the introduction of the Internet technology. In the second part of the paper, we propose a theoretical analysis of (1) the opening of direct distribution channels for the producers, (2) the opening of new supply sources through market places for the distributors. Classification JEL : D43, L22, L81, O33, Q13

    Qualité des produits alimentaires et marques de filiÚres

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    Le dĂ©veloppement des marques de distributeurs dans le secteur des produits agricoles frais est un phĂ©nomĂšne rĂ©cent dont l’émergence est Ă©troitement liĂ©e aux crises alimentaires et sanitaires des derniĂšres annĂ©es. Tandis que les pouvoirs publics crĂ©aient de nouveaux dispositifs de contrĂŽle et de veille sanitaire, resserraient les normes rĂ©glementaires de production ou faisaient Ă©voluer la rĂ©glementation sur les signes officiels de qualitĂ©, certains distributeurs adoptaient de nouvelles stratĂ©gies de segmentation de l’offre. En quoi ces dĂ©marches modifient-elles l’offre alimentaire ? En quoi changent-elles les relations entre les producteurs et les distributeurs et sous quelles conditions les uns et les autres ont-ils intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  s’y engager ? Comment ces dĂ©marches interagissent-elles avec celles des pouvoirs publics ? – NumĂ©ro spĂ©cial : Agriculture et alimentation.Brands have recently cropped up in the distribution of fresh produce – a phenomenon closely linked to food and health crises in the past few years. Public authorities have been creating new control and monitoring procedures, tightening regulations on production and modifying regulations about official labels of quality. Meanwhile, retailers have been adopting new strategies for segmenting supply. How does this affect the supply of produce to consumers? How does it modify relations between producers and distributors? Under what conditions do these parties have an interest incomplying? How do these segmentation strategies interact with the policies advocated by public officials and affect the raising of standards for a “minimum quality”? – Special issue on Agriculture and food

    When health-related claims impact environmental demand: Results of experimental auctions with Bordeaux wine consumers

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    According to the latest studies, the demand for organic food is more frequently based on individual health expectations than on environmental considerations. As organic certification is typically based on the latter, one might be concerned about the impact of potentially competing health and environmental claims on consumer choices, especially as new health-related allegations arise. We use a specific situation to examine this issue, that of wine, a product currently classified as harmful, but for which health considerations are nonetheless made on wine markets, in particular via new “no-added-sulfites” labels. We created an experimental market, based on a tasting of Bordeaux wines specifically produced for this purpose. This market took place on two occasions (with 204 then 212 different consumers), with a two-year interval to allow for the impact of different production methods on product ageing. We highlight the importance of health guarantees when consumers make their choices, especially within the organic wine-buyer niche. Surprisingly, we show that this niche group penalizes the presence of sulfites in organic wines more than in conventional wines. We therefore argue that organic certification might be threatened by the increasingly generalized labeling of ingredients and practices, unveiling the frequently unknown uses authorized by organic certification

    La négociation sociale

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    Nous sommes Ă  l’ñge de la nĂ©gociation, estimait il y a une vingtaine d’annĂ©es un politiste amĂ©ricain, William Zartman. En France, y serions-nous parvenus ? Oui, si l’on observe l’actuel mouvement de dĂ©centralisation et d’impulsion de la nĂ©gociation collective d’entreprise. Non, ou pas encore, tant la nĂ©gociation, comme mĂ©canisme de prise de dĂ©cision collective, semble peu pratiquĂ©e ou apprĂ©ciĂ©e comme telle. Pour quelles raisons ? Associant rĂ©flexions de praticiens et analyses d’universitaires (juristes, sociologues, politistes, Ă©conomistes) français et quĂ©bĂ©cois, et Ă  partir d’exemples concrets (RATP, EDF, etc.), ou d’expĂ©riences vĂ©cues de nĂ©gociations professionnelles, cet ouvrage a pour ambition d’inscrire la nĂ©gociation sociale Ă  l’agenda scientifique et socio-politique français. Parmi les questions traitĂ©es : qu’est-ce que la « nĂ©gociation stratĂ©gique » ou « interest-based » ? Peut-on nĂ©gocier de bonne foi ? Quelle place accorder Ă  la nĂ©gociation dans la rĂ©gulation des services et des entreprises publiques ? Ou dans la construction europĂ©enne ? La nĂ©gociation se prĂȘte-t-elle Ă  la modĂ©lisation ? Quels acteurs sociaux pour quelle rĂ©gulation sociale

    Private labels and public quality standards: How can consumer trust be restored after the mad cow crisis?

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    In those sectors faced with questions of food safety (meat, fruit, vegetables), new private labels have been set up in Europe in order to restore consumer trust. In this paper, we perform a theoretical analysis of these private labels. We propose an original model of vertical relationships between producers and retailers which takes into account two supply sources through (i) a competitive spot market on which the retailers buy a minimum quality standard product and (ii) supply contracts aimed at marketing higher quality private labels. We study how producers and retailers could cooperate in setting up these new labels. From a public point of view, we show the complementarity of a moderate increase in public quality standards and the creation of these new private labels. Copyright Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006Vertical relationship, Retailer, Food safety, Minimum quality standard, Private labels,