7 research outputs found

    Analytical modelling of travelling-wave piezomotor stators using a variational approach

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    This article deals with a general method for finding the equations of the dynamic response of a bimorphous piezoelectric structure through a variational formulation. First, a method of resolution is proposed then a general electric equivalent circuit involving the design parameters of the device is deduced, followed by the description of application to a travelling-wave stator

    The reduction of operational amplifier electrical outputs to improve piezoelectric shunts with negative capacitance

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    One way to enhance the performance of vibration control with piezoelectric shunt is to use a negative capacitance in the shunt circuit. This component is very effective and provides good results in terms of attenuation improvement without significantly increasing the complexity of the shunt network. However, negative capacitances are built using operational amplifiers and, in some applications, the risk of saturation of the outputs of the operational amplifier exists. This constitutes a non-negligible aspect since it leads to a non-proper functioning of the control system which significantly deteriorates the control performance or even triggers instability phenomena. In light of this limitation, this paper proposes strategies to decrease the outputs of the operational amplifier in order to reduce the risk of saturation acting just on the values of the circuit components, without worsening the attenuation performance. However, when the achievable reduction is not sufficient, it is also possible to act on other components accepting a deterioration of the attenuation performance. Guidelines are provided for properly choosing the best shunt circuit configuration accounting for both the extent of the operational amplifier outputs and the control performance. The paper also evidences that the mechanical part of the system cannot be neglected in the analysis when assessing the operational amplifier outputs. Furthermore, two different circuit types used to build the negative capacitance are compared in terms of output requirements. This analysis shows that there is no circuit always less demanding than the other and that the choice of the circuit is not always straightforward. Therefore, a multi-degree of freedom model is presented, which is essential to understand which configuration of the negative capacitance has to be used in a given engineering application. All the presented outcomes are validated through an experimental campaign

    The reduction of operational amplifier electrical outputs to improve piezoelectric shunts with negative capacitance

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    One way to enhance the performance of vibration control with piezoelectric shunt is to use a negative capacitance in the shunt circuit. This component is very effective and provides good results in terms of attenuation improvement without significantly increasing the complexity of the shunt network. However, negative capacitances are built using operational amplifiers and, in some applications, the risk of saturation of the outputs of the operational amplifier exists. This constitutes a non-negligible aspect since it leads to a non-proper functioning of the control system which significantly deteriorates the control performance or even triggers instability phenomena. In light of this limitation, this paper proposes strategies to decrease the outputs of the operational amplifier in order to reduce the risk of saturation acting just on the values of the circuit components, without worsening the attenuation performance. However, when the achievable reduction is not sufficient, it is also possible to act on other components accepting a deterioration of the attenuation performance. Guidelines are provided for properly choosing the best shunt circuit configuration accounting for both the extent of the operational amplifier outputs and the control performance. The paper also evidences that the mechanical part of the system cannot be neglected in the analysis when assessing the operational amplifier outputs. Furthermore, two different circuit types used to build the negative capacitance are compared in terms of output requirements. This analysis shows that there is no circuit always less demanding than the other and that the choice of the circuit is not always straightforward. Therefore, a multi-degree of freedom model is presented, which is essential to understand which configuration of the negative capacitance has to be used in a given engineering application. All the presented outcomes are validated through an experimental campaign