641 research outputs found

    Vector control method applied to a traveling wave in a finite beam

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    This paper presents the closed-loop control of exciters to produce a traveling wave in a finite beam. This control is based on a dynamical modeling of the system established in a rotating reference frame. This method allows dynamic and independent control of the phase and amplitude of two vibration modes. The condition to obtain the traveling wave is written in this rotating frame, and requires having two vibration modes with the same amplitude, and imposing a phase shift of 90° between them. The advantage of the method is that it allows easy implementation of a closed loop control that can handle parameter drift of the system, after a temperature rise, for example. The modeling is compared with measurement on an experimental test bench which also implements real-time control. We managed to experimentally obtain a settling time of 250 ms for the traveling wave, and a standing wave ratio (SWR) of 1.3

    Analysis of the energy harvesting performance of a piezoelectric bender outside its resonance

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    When the frequency of the source of vibration of a piezolectric generator is significantly different from its eigenfrequency, the dielectric power losses become prominent and decrease the amount of power which is practically harvested. For off-resonance vibrating frequencies, the optimal operating conditions can be obtained with a Maximum Power Point Tracking method. This paper introduces complex phasors in the study of power conversion for piezoelectric generators. These complex phasors are used to describe three strategies which help simplify the tracking of the optimal generator output power for vibration frequencies which are away from resonance. Experimental results obtained on a prototype illustrate and confirm the approach with the phasor approaches illustrate and confirm the success of the proposed optimal power tracking strategies. Finally, we show that the efficiency results of each strategy depend on whether they are used inside or outside a frequency bandwidth around the eigenfrequency, and that the length of this bandwidth depends on the excitation amplitude.IRCICA Stimtac Project, INRIA Mint Project

    Mechanical Behavior of AA6061 Aluminum in the Semisolid State Obtained by Partial Melting and Partial Solidification

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    International audienceThe tensile properties of a 6061 aluminum alloy have been studied in the semisolid state at large solid fractions. The tests have been carried out either after a partial melting treatment or after partial solidification. Results show the following: (1) the mechanical behavior depends on the liquid-phase distribution and, therefore, on the way the semisolid state has been achieved (melting or solidification); (2) there is a critical solid fraction range where the semisolid alloy is relatively brittle; and (3) the mushy alloy exhibits viscoplastic behavior with the occurrence of micro-superplasticity at low strain rate. Modeling of this behavior is carried out by considering either the area fraction of grain boundaries wetted by the liquid or a cohesion parameter of the solid phase, which depends on solid fraction and thermal treatment

    Control of a multi-degree of freedom worktool for vibrations assisted forging

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    This paper addresses the control of a tool developed to superimpose vibrations along several directions on a piece during forging. Piezoelectric actuators are used to provide the required forces and speeds. Due to the minute displacements of the actuators, flexible hinges are used in a special arrangement in order realize the specified movements and to ensure controllability. The experimental results confirm the approach

    Preliminary design of a multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulator

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    This paper presents a method to control ultrasonic waves on a beam, allowing to obtain a Multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulation in two points, to give the sensation to two fingers, from two piezoelectric transducers. The multi-modal approach and the vector control method are used to regulate the vibration amplitude, in order to modulate the friction coefficient with the fingers. An analytical modelling is presented, with experimental validation. Finally a psychophysical experiment shows that a multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulation is possible.This work has been carried out within the framework of the project StimTac of IRCICA (institut de recherche sur les composants logiciels et matériel pour la communication avancée), and the Project Mint of Inria

    Modelling, identification and control of a Langevin transducer

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    The control of the vibration amplitude, and the resonance frequency tracking for ultrasonic transducer have been established. However, some applications require to control the vibration amplitude and its relative phase at a fixed frequency as the generation of travelling wave. In this paper, the transducer is modelled in rotating frame, and the decoupling according to two-axis allows to obtain a double independent closed loop control to address this issue. It is possible to control the transducer vibration amplitude and its relative phase, in steady state even in transient by acting on the amplitude of the supply voltage. Thanks to vector control method. This approach will be confirmed with experimental and simulation results.This work has been carried out within the framework of the project StimTac of IRCICA (institut de recherche sur les composants logiciels et matériel pour la communication avancée), and the Project Mint of Inria

    « Question noire » et mĂ©moire de l’esclavage

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Ce texte est une rĂ©action contre la racialisation croissante des phĂ©nomĂšnes sociaux qui est opĂ©rĂ©e aujourd’hui dans la sociĂ©tĂ© française en gĂ©nĂ©ral et dans les sciences sociales en particulier. Une tendance dont l’émergence d’une « question noire » et d’un des principaux corollaires de celle-ci (au moins pour ce qui est des populations des dĂ©partements d’Outre-mer), l’activation d’une mĂ©moire de l’esclavage des «nĂšgres», sont ici considĂ©rĂ©es comme un exemple des plus significatifs.Cette tendance se dĂ©veloppe au risque que soient occultĂ©s ou, pour le moins, travestis les enjeux, les stratĂ©gies et les mĂ©canismes proprement sociaux qui sont au fondement des discriminations racistes qu’affrontent effectivement les « Noirs » en France et que soient finalement brisĂ©es — sous le poids de la concurrence de victimes de l’histoire exigeant rĂ©paration — les solidaritĂ©s transcommunautaires de diverses sortes qui, seules, peuvent enrayer ces discriminations et les dynamiques les dĂ©terminant.Elle a pour un de ses principaux moteurs des stratĂ©gies d’élites qui, toutes, consistent Ă  constituer le racialisme en un moyen d’ascension sociale. Des stratĂ©gies dans lesquelles et pour lesquelles des groupes d’individus — convenablement dotĂ©s en capitaux de diffĂ©rentes sortes (Ă©conomique, culturel et « racial ») — se rĂ©vĂšlent donc particuliĂšrement aptes Ă  capter Ă  leur seul profit les mobilisations identitaires ou mĂ©morielles qu’ils ont souvent contribuĂ© Ă  dĂ©clencher mais dont d’autres, moins bien dotĂ©s, forment la grande masse des fantassins.Concernant les populations des dĂ©partements d’Outre-mer, les stratĂ©gies en question sont portĂ©es par des Ă©lites nationalistes ou indigĂ©nistes en mal de reconnaissance et renvoient Ă  une mĂȘme logique argumentative qui, sous couvert d’une dĂ©nonciation de l’aliĂ©nation coloniale (sous les espĂšces de « l’aveuglement Ă  la couleur » ou de « l’oubli gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© de l’esclavage »), est opposĂ©e Ă  tous ceux qui, dĂ©sireux de construire une citoyennetĂ© française enfin « vĂ©ritable », ne veulent pas se laisser enfermer dans « le piĂšge de la race » ou dans celui d’une mĂ©moire sacralisĂ©e du passĂ© servile.AbstractThis paper is a reaction against the growing “racialization” of social issues occurring today in French society in general, and in the social sciences in particular. The emergence of a “black question” is one of the main corollaries of this trend (at least where populations in the French overseas departments is concerned). Here we consider that activating a memory of “negro” slavery it one of the most significant examples.The risk of this trend developing is that it may conceal (or at least misrepresent), the issues, strategies and purely social mechanisms that are the cornerstone of the racial discrimination to which “blacks” in France are subjected, and that the trans-community solidarity of various kinds that alone can curb these discriminations, and the dynamics that determine them, will collapse under the weight of the competing victims of history demanding reparation.Among the driving forces of this trend are the elite strategies that consist of making racism a means of social advancement. Using these strategies, groups of individuals — properly equipped with various kinds of capital (economic, cultural and “racial”) — appear to be particularly adept at seizing for themselves the benefits of the identity or memorial mobilisation that they themselves often helped trigger, away from the mass of less well equipped “footsoldiers”.Where populations in the French overseas departments are concerned, these strategies are promoted by the nationalist elite or indigĂ©nistes in need of recognition, and refer to the same argumentative logic that, under guise of denouncing colonial alienation (of the “colour blindness” or “the widespread forgetting of slavery” type) oppose all those who want to build a “true” French citizenship at last and do not want to be ensnared by the “race trap”, or a sanctified memory of a servile past


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    Alors que les effets nĂ©gatifs de la « mondialisation libĂ©rale » renforcent leurs traits un peu partout et dĂ©stabilisent la vie physique, Ă©conomique, sociale et politique d’un grand nombre de pays, les sociĂ©tĂ©s caraĂŻbĂ©ennes dans leur ensemble paraissent - tels des fĂ©tus de paille face Ă  la tornade- bien mal armĂ©es pour tenter de relever les dĂ©fis que constituent ces effets. Elles sont, en effet, de taille trĂšs modeste ou mĂȘme, concernant certaines, minuscule, sont situĂ©es Ă  l’écart des grands ..

    La créolisation

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    Aucun des discours de la crĂ©olisation n’évite l’écueil d’une mise en Ɠuvre double de ce concept. Ainsi le terme « crĂ©olisation » y renvoie-t-il Ă  la fois Ă  un phĂ©nomĂšne historique singulier et Ă  une pure procĂ©dure particuliĂšre de la dynamique culturelle en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Sans que, le plus souvent, ces deux dimensions sĂ©mantiques – en vĂ©ritĂ© bien diffĂ©rentes l’une de l’autre – ne soient clairement distinguĂ©es. C’est lĂ  la principale faiblesse des discours en question. En ce que l’absence d’une telle..
