2,105 research outputs found

    Rank gradient of small covers

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    We prove that if MPM \longrightarrow P is a small cover of a compact right-angled hyperbolic polyhedron PP then MM admits a cofinal tower of finite sheeted covers with positive rank gradient. As a corollary, if π1(M)\pi_1(M) is commensurable with the reflection group of PP, then MM admits a cofinal tower of finite sheeted covers with positive rank gradient.Comment: accepted in Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Rank gradient in co-final towers of certain Kleinian groups

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    We prove that if the fundamental group of an orientable finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold has finite index in the reflection group of a right-angled ideal polyhedra in H3\mathbb{H}^3 then it has a co-final tower of finite sheeted covers with positive rank gradient. The manifolds we provide are also known to have co-final towers of covers with zero rank gradient.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    A sharp inequality for Sobolev functions

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    Let N5N\geq 5, a>0a>0, Ω\Omega be a smooth bounded domain in RN\mathbb{R}^{N}, 2=2NN22^*=\frac{2N}{N-2}, 2#=2(N1)N22^\#=\frac{2(N-1)}{N-2} and u2=u22+au22||u||^2=|\nabla u|_{2}^2+a|u|_{2}^2. We prove there exists an α0>0\alpha_{0}>0 such that, for all uH1(Ω){0}u\in H^1(\Omega)\setminus\{0\}, S22Nu2u22(1+α0u2#2#uu22/2).\frac{S}{2^{\frac 2N}}\leq\frac{||u||^2}{|u|_{2^*}^2}\left(1+\alpha_{0}\frac{|u|_{2^\#}^{2^\#}}{||u||\cdot|u|_{2^*}^{2^*/2}}\right). This inequality implies Cherrier's inequality.Comment: 4 page

    A family of sharp inequalities for Sobolev functions

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    Let N5N\geq 5, Ω\Omega be a smooth bounded domain in RN\mathbb{R}^{N}, 2=2NN2{2^*}=\frac{2N}{N-2}, a>0a>0, S=inf{RNu2uL2(RN),uL2(RN),RNu2=1}S=\inf\left\{\left. \int_{\mathbb{R}^{N}}|\nabla u|^2\,\right|\,u\in L^{2^*}(\mathbb{R}^{N}), \nabla u\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^{N}), \int_{\mathbb{R}^{N}}|u|^{2^*}=1 \right\} and u2=u22+au22||u||^2=|\nabla u|_{2}^2+a|u|_{2}^2. We define 2=2NN1{2^\flat}= \frac{2N}{N-1}, 2#=2(N1)N2{2^\#}=\frac{2(N-1)}{N-2} and consider qq such that 2q2#{2^\flat}\leq q\leq{2^\#}. We also define s=2N+q2qs=2-N+\frac{q}{{2^*}-q} and t=2N212qt=\frac{2}{N-2}\cdot \frac{1}{{2^*}-q}. We prove that there exists an α0(q,a,Ω)>0\alpha_{0}(q,a,\Omega)>0 such that, for all uH1(Ω){0}u\in H^1(\Omega)\setminus\{0\}, S22Nu22u2+α0(uu22/2)suqqt,(I)q\frac{S}{2^{\frac 2N}}{|u|_{{2^*}}^2}\leq||u||^2+\alpha_{0} \left(\frac{||u||}{|u|_{{2^*}}^{2^*/2}}\right)^s|u|_{q}^{qt},\qquad{(I)_{q}} where the norms are over Ω\Omega. Inequality (I)2(I)_{{2^\flat}} is due to M. Zhu.Comment: 25 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1407.623

    Bifurcation curves of a logistic equation when the linear growth rate crosses a second eigenvalue

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    We construct the global bifurcation curves, solutions versus level of harvesting, for the steady states of a diffusive logistic equation on a bounded domain, under Dirichlet boundary conditions and other appropriate hypotheses, when aa, the linear growth rate of the population, is below λ2+δ\lambda_2+\delta. Here λ2\lambda_2 is the second eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian on the domain and δ>0\delta>0. Such curves have been obtained before, but only for aa in a right neighborhood of the first eigenvalue. Our analysis provides the exact number of solutions of the equation for aλ2a\leq\lambda_2 and new information on the number of solutions for a>λ2a>\lambda_2.Comment: This is an extended version of the published pape

    Convergence of a crystalline algorithm for the motion of a simple closed convex curve by weighted curvature

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    Motion by weighted mean curvature is a geometric evolution law for surfaces and represents steepest descent with respect to anisotropic surface energy. It has been proposed that this motion could be computed numerically by using a "crystalline" approximation to the surface energy in the evolution law. In this paper we prove the convergence of this numerical method for the case of simple closed convex curves in the plane.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Large induced subgraphs with kk vertices of almost maximum degree

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    In this note we prove that for every integer kk, there exist constants g1(k)g_{1}(k) and g2(k)g_{2}(k) such that the following holds. If GG is a graph on nn vertices with maximum degree Δ\Delta then it contains an induced subgraph HH on at least ng1(k)Δn - g_{1}(k)\sqrt{\Delta} vertices, such that HH has kk vertices of the same degree of order at least Δ(H)g2(k)\Delta(H)-g_{2}(k). This solves a conjecture of Caro and Yuster up to the constant g2(k)g_{2}(k).Comment: 6 page

    An improved upper bound on the maximum degree of terminal-pairable complete graphs

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    A graph GG is terminal-pairable with respect to a demand multigraph DD on the same vertex set as GG, if there exists edge-disjoint paths joining the end vertices of every demand edge of DD. In this short note, we improve the upper bound on the largest Δ(n)\Delta(n) with the property that the complete graph on nn vertices is terminal-pairable with respect to any demand multigraph of maximum degree at most Δ(n)\Delta(n). This disproves a conjecture originally stated by Csaba, Faudree, Gy\'arf\'as, Lehel and Schelp.Comment: 4 page

    Weighted geometric inequalities for hypersurfaces in sub-static manifolds

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    We prove two weighted geometric inequalities that hold for strictly mean convex and star-shaped hypersurfaces in Euclidean space. The first one involves the weighted area and the area of the hypersurface and also the volume of the region enclosed by the hypersurface. The second one involves the total weighted mean curvature and the area of the hypersurface. Versions of the first inequality for the sphere and for the adS-Reissner-Nordstr\"om manifold are proven. We end with an example of a convex surface for which the ratio between the polar moment of inertia and the square of the area is less than that of the round sphere

    A spinorial approach to constant scalar curvature hypersurfaces in pseudo-hyperbolic manifolds

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    Using spinorial techniques, we prove, for a class of pseudo-hyperbolic ambient manifolds, a Heintze-Karcher type inequality. We then use this inequality to show an Alexandrov type theorem in such spaces