16 research outputs found

    Laterality and performance in combat sports

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    P. 167-177La literatura ha demostrado una relación entre la lateralidad y una representación excesiva de atletas zurdos en ciertos deportes, y especialmente en deportes uno contra uno, como el judo, el tenis, el boxeo o la esgrima; La explicación principal se ha atribuido a una mayor probabilidad de éxito. Algunos autores lo han explicado a través de una hipótesis de superioridad genética o innata, sin embargo otros defienden la hipótesis de la ventaja estratégica. El objetivo del estudio es una visión general sobre la lateralidad, el éxito deportivo, la representación excesiva de atletas dominantes de izquierda que ejecutan técnicas y la posibilidad de modular esa representación excesiva a través del entrenamiento y basada en hipótesis de selección negativa dependiente de la frecuencia, dado que en deportes como esgrima, boxeo o judo, se han desarrollado diseños tácticos y acciones de entrenamiento basadas en el lado predominante del oponente mientras se ejecutan habilidades. Se plantea la hipótesis de que si existe algún tipo de relación entre la lateralidad y el éxito deportivo, y se ha adquirido la lateralidad que ejecuta las habilidades deportivas, entonces puede modificarse mediante diferentes metodologías de aprendizaje y / o entrenamiento; Uno de ellos se basa en procesos de transferencia bilateral de habilidades motoras, pero carece de investigación experimental. Sugerimos que la noción de crear o hacer atletas desde la perspectiva de la preferencia lateral al correr con habilidades deportivas y en comportamientos deportivos basados en la lateralidad, podría modificar la hipótesis de selección dependiente de la frecuencia, especialmente en ciertos deportesS

    L’exercici físic com a eina terapèutica en la rehabilitació de toxicòmans

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    La demanda creixent de nous camps d’inserció professional i la baixa qualitat dels programes d’activitat física dispensats a les persones en tractament per consum de drogues plantegen nous reptes i exigeixen competències específiques als professionals de l’activitat física. En aquest context, l’exercici físic pot ser considerat com una eina terapèutica la vàlua de la qual es troba en: l’establiment adequat d’objectius físics, psicològics i socials, en la selecció reflexiva de continguts, no solament procedimentals sinó també conceptuals i actitudinals, en el correcte disseny de les sessions i en una òptima intervenció metodològica

    El ejercicio físico como herramienta terapéutica en la rehabilitación de toxicómanos

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    La demanda creciente de nuevos campos de inserción profesional y la baja calidad de los programas de actividad física dispensados a las personas en tratamiento por consumo de drogas plantean nuevos retos y exigen competencias específicas a los profesionales de la actividad física. En este contexto, el ejercicio físico puede ser considerado como una herramienta terapéutica cuya valía reside: en el establecimiento adecuado de objetivos físicos, psicológicos y sociales, en la selección reflexiva de contenidos, no sólo procedimentales sino también conceptuales y actitudinales, en el correcto diseño de las sesiones y en una óptima intervención metodológica

    The Effects of Treadmill or Overground Walking Training Program on Gait in Parkinson's Disease

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    [Abstract] Background. Gait impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients is characterized by the inability to generate appropriate stride length. Treadmill training has been proposed as a therapeutic tool for PD patients. However, it remains unknown whether treadmill training effects are different from overground walking training. Thus, our goal was to explore the effects of two training programs, walking on a treadmill and walking overground, in PD patients. Methods. 22 PD patients were randomly assigned to a treadmill or overground training group. The training program consisted of 5 weeks (3 sessions/week). Before and after the program we evaluated gait kinematics during walking at preferred and maximal speed; Timed Up and Go (TUG); static posturography and knee extensors strength. Gait parameters were reevaluated in the treadmill training group one month after the cessation of the training. Results. Preferred speed walking improved in both groups after the training program. The treadmill training program, but not the overground, led to an improvement in the stride length at the preferred and maximal walking speed in the PD patients. In addition, the treadmill training group showed improvement of the TUG and static posturography tests. The improvement in gait parameters was maintained one month after the cessation of the treadmill training. Conclusions. This study provides evidence of a specific therapeutic effect of treadmill training on Parkinsonian gait and balance. Walking on a treadmill may be used as an easy, effective and accessible way to improve the stride length and balance in PD patients. Background. Gait impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients is characterized by the inability to generate appropriate stride length. Treadmill training has been proposed as a therapeutic tool for PD patients. However, it remains unknown whether treadmill training effects are different from overground walking training. Thus, our goal was to explore the effects of two training programs, walking on a treadmill and walking overground, in PD patients. Methods. 22 PD patients were randomly assigned to a treadmill or overground training group. The training program consisted of 5 weeks (3 sessions/week). Before and after the program we evaluated gait kinematics during walking at preferred and maximal speed; Timed Up and Go (TUG); static posturography and knee extensors strength. Gait parameters were reevaluated in the treadmill training group one month after the cessation of the training. Results. Preferred speed walking improved in both groups after the training program. The treadmill training program, but not the overground, led to an improvement in the stride length at the preferred and maximal walking speed in the PD patients. In addition, the treadmill training group showed improvement of the TUG and static posturography tests. The improvement in gait parameters was maintained one month after the cessation of the treadmill training. Conclusions. This study provides evidence of a specific therapeutic effect of treadmill training on Parkinsonian gait and balance. Walking on a treadmill may be used as an easy, effective and accessible way to improve the stride length and balance in PD patients.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación;DEP-2011-2246

    Comparison of physical fitness profiles obtained before and during COVID-19 pandemic in two independent large samples of children and adolescents: DAFIS Project

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    [Abstract]: COVID-19 pandemic restrictions might have negatively affected the health-related physical fitness of children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to contrast the body composition and physical fitness data of two independent samples of children and adolescents obtained from an online database (DAFIS project) before (n = 15,287) and during (n = 2101) the first academic year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed higher values for the body mass index (p = 0.002), waist circumference (p 0.05). Our data suggested that pandemic constraints might have affected body composition and muscular fitness of children and adolescents. These results might be of interest for designing specific interventions oriented toward counteracting the negative effects of pandemic restrictions on health-related physical fitness

    Percentiles and Principal Component Analysis of Physical Fitness From a Big Sample of Children and Adolescents Aged 6-18 Years: The DAFIS Project

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    [Abstract] Assessing physical fitness has emerged as a proxy of the health status of children and adolescents and therefore as relevant from a public health point of view. DAFIS is a project included in Plan Galicia Saudable (Healthy Galicia Plan) of the regional government of Galicia (Spain). DAFIS consists of an on-line software devoted to record the results of a standard physical fitness protocol carried out as a part of the physical education curriculum. The aims of this study were: to obtain normative values of physical fitness of the Galician school population evaluated in the DAFIS project, and to identify a reduced number of components and tests able to capture a significant amount of the variability in the physical fitness of children and adolescents. From an initial sample of 27784 records, 15287 cases (7543 males, 7744 females) were considered after filtering. Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape were used for obtaining percentile curves and tables for each sex. Furthermore, a principal components analysis was performed, selecting the number of components by applying the Kaiser’s rule and selecting a subset of variables considering the correlation between each variable and the components. Percentile curves and normative values are reported for each test and sex. Physical fitness was better in boys than in girls throughout age groups, except for flexibility that was consistently higher in girls. Two main components were detected throughout age groups: the first one representing body composition and partially cardiorespiratory fitness and the second one muscular fitness. For boys and girls, waist to height ratio had the highest correlations with the first component in four out of six age groups. The highest correlation with the second component, was most frequently observed for the handgrip test both in boys and girls (four out of six age groups). This study provides evidence about the utility of school community actions like DAFIS aimed to track the health-related fitness of children and adolescents. The results suggest that fat mass distribution (i.e., waist to height ratio and waist circumference) and muscular performance (mainly handgrip) concentrate a high proportion physical fitness variance

    Cross education is modulated by set configuration in knee extension exercise

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    [Abstract]: Objectives: The main aim of this study was to determine the effects of set configuration during five weeks of unilateral knee extension resistance training on untrained knee extensors performance. Methods: Thirty-five subjects were randomly assigned to traditional training (TTG; n=14), rest-redistribution (RRG; n=10) and control group (CON; n=11). TTG and RRG groups trained the dominant knee extensors twice a week with the 10-repetition maximum (RM) load. TTG performed four sets of eight repetitions with three min-rest between sets and RRG 32 repetitions with 17.4 seconds of rest between each one. Before and after interventions, anthropometry, muscle thickness (MT), pennation angle (PA), 1RM, number of repetitions with 10RM pretest load (N10RM), maximum propulsive power (MPP) and maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) were measured. Results: 1RM of the untrained leg increased only in the TTG group (p<0.001, 10.3% compared with Pre-test). 1RM, MPP and N10RM increased in the trained leg in both TTG (p<0.001) and RRG (p<0.001). No changes occurred in MT or PA. Conclusions: These results suggest that, when it is not possible to perform bilateral exercises (e.g., leg injury), traditional set configurations should be recommended to improve maximal voluntary force in the untrained leg

    Recomendaciones para la práctica de ejercicio físico en pacientes cardiópatas en edad escolar

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    As cardiopatías conxénitas constitúen o defecto conxénito máis frecuente, e nas últimas décadas asistimos a un importante avance no tratamento das mesmas. Este documento consiste nunha recompilación de recomendacións para a práctica da actividade física, no ámbito escolar galego, para os nenos/as entre 6 e 16 anos, portadores da maioría das cardiopatías conxénitas e familiares.Las cardiopatías congénitas constituyen el defecto congénito más frecuente, y en las últimas décadas asistimos a un importante avance en el tratamiento de las mismas. Este documento consiste en una recopilación de recomendacións para la práctica de la actividade física, en el ámbito escolar gallego, para los niños y niñas entre 6 y 16 años, portadores de la mayoría de las cardiopatías congénitas y familiares

    Intensidad de carrera y riesgo cardiovascular en corredores populares de Galicia

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    Aerobic exercise usually produces adaptations that are beneficial to health. However, illness, symptoms or signs and cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic risk factors, expose athletes to a level of cardiovascular risk (CVR). Our aim is to identify the CVR in Galician amateur distance runners and to find out if the exercise intensity in road races is in line with the recommendations of the ACSM: specialist medical assessment and guidance by a certified health/fitness trainer, for runners with moderate CVR for high intensity competition, and with high CVR for competition at any intensity. 1,655 amateur long distance runners completed an online questionnaire based on the AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire, with additional questions. The CVR of the runners was low in 43.9%, moderate in 17.7% and high in 38.4%. 26.7% of runners with moderate CVR and how partake in road races at a high intensity level according to Borg's perceived exertion scale, had consulted a sports medicine physician and 18.0% have a qualified trainer. 23.5% of runners with high CVR had consulted a sports medicine physician and 16.1% have a qualified trainer. The effort intensity produced by 38.5% of the runners does not comply with the recommended for the CVR.La práctica de actividad física aeróbica suele producir adaptaciones saludables. Pero, la presencia de enfermedad, signos, síntomas o factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, pulmonares o metabólicos, sitúa al deportista en un nivel de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) que condiciona su práctica. Pretendemos identificar el RCV de corredores populares en Galicia y saber si su intensidad de práctica deportiva se ajusta a las recomendaciones del ACSM: revisión y asesoramiento médico especializado y supervisión por profesionales del ejercicio titulados, en corredores con RCV moderado, para intensidad de práctica elevada, y en corredores con RCV alto para cualquier intensidad. Participaron 1.655 corredores populares que cumplimentaron un cuestionario telemático basado en el AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire, con preguntas adicionales. El nivel de RCV de los corredores fue bajo en el 43.9%, moderado en el 17.7% y alto en el 38.4%. Sólo el 26.7% con RCV moderado que compitieron a intensidades elevadas, consultó con un médico deportivo y el 18.0% tenía entrenador titulado. Igualmente, sólo el 23.5% con RCV alto consultó con un médico deportivo y el 16.1% tenía entrenador titulado. La intensidad de carrera no se ajustó a lo recomendable para el nivel de RCV en el 38.5% de los corredores estudiados

    La incidencia de programas de actividad física en la población de adultos mayores

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    Different institutions affirm that it could show down the declivity of the functional capacities, as result of the old age, by the practice of physical activity make suitable for elderly. The Taiji-Quan, a slow Chinese physical activity, smooth and low physiological work, seems to be a suitable practice for elderly. The main target was to prove if three months of Taiji-Quan practice improve the functional and healthy physical condition of persons above 60 years old. We realized a study with a group of 66 persons, with a mean age of 69,73 years old. We made a control of two hours of Taiji-Quan per week along three months and we made an initial test before the control, and intermediate test and a final postest. The results display statistically significant improvements in the diastolic and systolic blood pressure, in the repose cardiac frequency, in the static and dynamic balance, in the flexibility and in the strength of arms and legs and in the endurance. The Taiji-Quan can be a physical activity suitable for improving the functional and healthy physical condition for elderly.Diferentes organismos afirman que se puede ralentizar el declive de las capacidades funcionales que se produce con la vejez, mediante la práctica de actividad física adaptada a las personas mayores. El Tai- Chi-Chuan, una gimnasia china lenta, suave y de bajas demandas fisiológicas, parece cumplir con los prerrequisitos necesarios para ser practicada por este colectivo. Nos planteamos un objetivo principal: comprobar si tres meses de práctica de Tai-Chi-Chuan mejoraban la condición física funcional y saludable de las personas mayores de 60 años. Se realizó un estudio con un grupo de 66 personas, con una edad media de 69,73 años. Se llevó a cabo una intervención de dos horas de Tai-Chi a la semana durante tres meses y se realizó un test inicial antes del tratamiento, un test intermedio y un postest final. Los resultados obtenidos muestran mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la presión sanguínea diastólica y sistólica, en la frecuencia cardíaca en reposo, en el equilibrio estático y dinámico, en la flexibilidad y en la fuerza de los miembros inferiores y superiores además de mejoras en la resistencia cardiovascular. El Tai-Chi-Chuan, por lo tanto, puede ser una actividad física adecuada para mejorar la condición física funcional y saludable de las personas mayores