778 research outputs found

    Towards a new Approach to Regulation and Supervision in the EU: Post-FSAP and Comitology

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the progress made in the process of European integration from two points of view: regulation and supervision. We first briefly outline the main steps in the development of the Financial Services Action Plan - FSAP and the process of Comitology, defined by the Committee of Wise Men (Lamfalussy Committee). We then provide an initial evaluation of the new regulatory system, with its merits and flaws: while the definition and completion of the FSAP has been an undoubted success, some aspects still have to be dealt with, several of them with problematical connotations, considered in the Financial Services Agenda 2005-2010 The transposition into national regulations of a complex body of wide-ranging standards is a difficult process in terms of both times and procedures, although the functioning of the Comitology structure has been met with general approval. There is also the problem of a supervisory structure which retains its national basis, but onto which the output generated by the Committees envisaged by the Lamfalussy process is gradually being grafted, possibly leading towards a new framework of controls at a European level.Single Financial Market; FSAP; Lamfalussy Report; Committee of Wise Men; Comitology; Regulation; Supervision; Eu directives; Financial Services Agenda 2005-2010

    Surgical management of ruptured small cerebral aneurysm: Outcome and surgical notes

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    Management of small aneurysms often poses a therapeutic dilemma and surgical treatment or coiling can be considered as therapeutic choices. In the present study, we reviewed our series of ruptured small cerebral aneurysm treated surgically

    Day-case management of chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma with canal wall down technique surgery: long-term follow-up

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    The overall number of day-case otologic surgery cases is increasing; however, there is limited experience about performing canal wall down tympanoplasty in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma in this setting. The objective of this study was to assess the success of this technique as day-case surgery in terms of results and complications over an 8-year follow up period. We included in this study 42 patients undergoing canal wall down technique tympanoplasty surgery for chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma performed as day cases during a 2-year period. 30 cases (71.4%) were discharged on the day of surgery, whereas 12 cases (28.6%) were hospitalized and discharged the day after. The principal reasons for failure of discharge on the day of surgery were asthenia (6 cases), vertigo and asthenia (4 cases), undetermined (2 cases). Based on our experience, with a proper preoperative selection, assessment and screening of the patients, mastoidectomy with timpanoplasty for chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma can be carried out in a day surgery setting with no significant effects on effectiveness of surgery, post-operative symptoms and relapse of disease even in the long term

    Stratigraphic variations control deformation patterns in evaporite basins : Messinian examples, onshore and offshore Sicily (Italy)

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    Acknowledgements and Funding We are grateful to Ente Minerario Siciliano and Italkali for the provision of extensive subsurface data from Realmonte, Corvillo and Mandre areas. We thank F. Peel and an anonymous referee for comments. Seismic reflection data are available for inspection and interpretation at the Virtual Seismic Atlas (www. seismicatlas.org). R.M. acknowledges a MIUR Cofin-PRIN 2010–2011 grant.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Changing paradigm in mild traumatic brain injury research

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability among young adults. Recent data show that TBI affects about 1.7 million people annually in the United States (Faul and Coronado, 2015). After TBI, the primary injury produces almost irreparable brain damage. However, recent experimental studies have shown evidence for dynamic brain repair following TBI because endogenous progenitor cells may play regenerative roles in response to injuries (McGinn and Povlishock, 2015). In surviving patients, what plays a critical role in the clinical prognosis is the subsequent secondary injury; without effective treat- ment, cascades that include glutamatergic excitotoxicity and calcium overload will promote additional brain damage

    Cisternostomy for Traumatic Brain Injury: A New Era Begins

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability especially in the young generations. In the United States TBI affects about 1.7 million people annually [1] and this number is higher in the developing countries. It is well known that TBI is associated to a primary and secondary brain injury. The first is without solution and depends on the impact. In surviving patients, what plays a critical role is the subsequent secondary injury since, without effective treatments, complex cascades will promote additional brain damage

    Hemostasis in brain tumor surgery using the Aquamantys system

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    BACKGROUND: Adequate hemostasis in cranial and spinal tumor surgery is of paramount importance in neurosurgical practice. Generalized ooze bleeding from the surgical walls cavity, coming from neoplastic vessels or nervous tissue, may be problematic. Recent technical advances have dramatically reduced intraoperative complications related to blood loss. Several techniques are usually employed to control hemostasis in tumor surgery, including preoperative embolization, intraoperative hypotension, electrical coagulation, and local application of fibrin sealants or hemostatic matrix, which influence coagulation. MATERIAL/METHODS: Our aim in this study was to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of the Aquamantys(Âź) system (Medtronic Advanced Energy, Portsmouth, NH, USA), a novel bipolar coagulation device that incorporates a new bipolar coagulation technique. This device has been used in 10 consecutive patients affected by cerebral tumor along with the standard microsurgical technique and well-known intraoperative tools. The technique is associated with simultaneous delivery of bipolar radio frequency energy and conductive fluid through its electrode tip. The volume of saline passing by the electrode tip prevents charring and maintains a clean tip. This cools the tissue as it raises the temperature sufficiently to shrink the collagen of veins and arteries. RESULTS: Effective hemostasis was achieved in all the cases. No complications or unwanted reactions associated with the device have been observed. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the Aquamantys(Âź) system may be a highly effective adjuvant tool in minimizing blood loss in a patient with brain tumor, as well as reducing time of surgery
