3 research outputs found

    La furia francese e la ritirata spagnola dell'Open Data in Italia

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    Gli Open Data in Italia decollarono nel 2011 con un forte impulso iniziale mostrando il loro picco nel 2013. Nonostante una legge nazionale del 2012 che ne decreta l’applicazione, sono ancora tanti gli enti pubblici che oppongono resistenza. Inoltre la pubblicazione ed il riuso dei dataset aperti hanno evidenziato la scarsa omogeneità delle strutture e dei modelli dei dati, l’inadeguato ritmo di aggiornamento, l’uso di terminologie e vocabolari diversi. The opening of the geographical data in Italian took off in 2011 with an initial strong impulse showing its peak in 2013. But, despite a national law of 2012 which decree the application of geodata, there are still many public agencies that resist. In addition, the publication and reuse of open datasets have highlighted the lack of uniformity of the structures and data models, the inadequate pace of renovation, the use of different terminologies and vocabularies

    Il mercato del GIS in Italia: a che punto siamo e dove stiamo andando?

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    The italian GIS market: where are we and where are we going? The introduction of GIS technology in the late 80's brought a new vision of digital Geographic Information: not just softwares and data to produce maps, but applications and databases to study and manage the land and our environment. However, numerical cartography has not completely disappeared and its use is still actual. As technology advances, the number of related opportunities increase but Italy seems not ready to face them. In this article we will cast a glance on the italian GIS market in order to forecast the future opportunties in which it can evolve