272 research outputs found

    Multilingual log analysis: LogCLEF

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    The current lack of recent and long-term query logs makes the verifiability and repeatability of log analysis experiments very limited. A first attempt in this direction has been made within the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum in 2009 in a track named LogCLEF which aims to stimulate research on user behaviour in multilingual environments and promote standard evaluation collections of log data. We report on similarities and differences of the most recent activities for LogCLEF

    LogCLEF: Enabling research on multilingual log files

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    Interactions between users and information access systems can be analyzed and studied to gather user preferences and to learn what a user likes the most, and to use this information to adapt the search to users and personalize the presentation of results. The LogCLEF lab - ”A benchmarking activity on Multilingual Log File Analysis: Language identification, query classification, success of a query” deals with information contained in query logs of search engines and digital libraries from which knowledge can be mined to understand search behavior in multilingual context. LogCLEF has created the first long-term standard collection for evaluation purposes in the area of log analysis. The LogCLEF 2011 lab is the continuation of the past two editions: as a pilot task in CLEF 2009, and a workshop in CLEF 2010. The Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) promotes research and development in multilingual information access and is an activity of the PROMISE Network of Excellence

    A linguistic failure analysis of classification of medical publications: A study on stemming vs lemmatization

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    Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) systems are essential to minimize the effort of the user during the search and retrieval of relevant documents for a specific information need. In this paper, we present a failure analysis based on terminological and linguistic aspects of a TAR system for systematic medical reviews. In particular, we analyze the results of the worst performing topics in terms of recall using the dataset of the CLEF 2017 eHealth task on TAR in Empirical Medicine.I sistemi TAR (Technology-Assisted Review) sono fondamentali per ridurre al minimo lo sforzo dell’utente che intende ricercare e recuperare i documenti rilevanti per uno specifico bisogno informativo. In questo articolo, presentiamo una failure analysis basata su aspetti terminologici e linguistici di un sistema TAR per le revisioni sistematiche in campo medico. In particolare, analizziamo i topic per i quali abbiamo ottenuto dei risultati peggiori in termini di recall utilizzando il dataset di CLEF 2017 eHealth task on TAR in Empirical Medicine
