106 research outputs found


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    Exploiting environmental resources and urbanisation processes has significantly altered thenatural ecosystems over time, turning them into socio-ecological systems strongly affectedby anthropic settlements. Spatial planning must therefore aim at new development modelsable to harmonise the need to preserve the environmental components with the need toreduce the socio-economic inequalities, often linked to inequitable access to ecosystemservices. The case study of the Liguria Region is presented, with its marked polarisationbetween the linear coastal conurbation and inner areas, the areas providing the most sig-nificant number of ecosystem services and those with greater population and urbanisationdensity, which are instead organised as large demand poles. The paper analyses the rela-tionship between environmental values, in terms of ecosystem multifunctionality, and ruralinnovation forms that support territorial competitiveness. The aim is to explore how a sys-temic approach can integrate opportunities between the inner and coastal areas, qualifyingthe valley systems as new elements of the anthropic-environmental structure of the region

    Innovazione rurale, servizi ecosistemici, e processi di urbanizzazione in Liguria, tra costa ed entroterra

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    The exploitation of environmental resources and urbanisation processes has significantly altered the natural ecosystems over time, turning them into socio-ecological systems strongly affected by anthropic settlements. Spatial planning must therefore aim at new development models able to harmonise the need to preserve the environmental components with the need to reduce the socio-economic inequalities, often linked to inequitable access to ecosystem services. The case study of the Liguria Region is presented, with its marked polarisation between the linear coastal conurbation and hinterland. This territorial structure is at the base of the relevant difference between the areas providing the most significant number of ecosystem services and those with greater population and urbanisation density, which are instead organised as large demand poles. This paper analyses the relationship between environmental values, in terms of ecosystem multifunctionality, and rural innovation forms that contribute to supporting territorial competitiveness. The aim is to explore how a systemic approach can facilitate integration opportunities between the inner and coastal areas, qualifying the valley systems as new elements of the anthropic-environmental structure of the region

    Advanced Urbanism / UNIGE Approaches

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    Abbordaggio critico sulla condizione contemporanea del progetto architettonico e lo spazio urbano in relazione alle nuove tecnologie e la societ\ue0 della informazione. Progetto KAAU, Konsortium For Advanced Architecture and Urbanism, collegato con un Erasmus Grant. Report del Symposium International Meeting KA-AU ADVANCED URBANISM, NEW WAYS FOR DESIGN 2018, Ordine degli Architetti Genova 24/09/201

    Agro.Med.Cities: riflessioni e approcci propositivi al paesaggio agricolo Mediterraneo

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    Urbanistica e strategia urbana. Abbordaggio critico e applicativo sullo spazio agro-urbano in relazione allo sviluppo sostenibile, l'attenzione al paesaggio, la rinaturalizzazione verde, le nuove tecnologie e la dimensione multifunzionale in la societ\ue0 della sensibilit\ue0 ambientale e la informazione

    Whole-genome re-sequencing of two Italian tomato landraces reveals sequence variations in genes associated with stress tolerance, fruit quality and long shelf-life traits

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    Tomato is a high value crop and the primary model for fleshy fruit development and ripening. Breeding priorities include increased fruit quality, shelf life and tolerance to stresses. To contribute towards this goal, we re-sequenced the genomes of Corbarino (COR) and Lucariello (LUC) landraces, which both possess the traits of plant adaptation to water deficit, prolonged fruit shelf-life and good fruit quality. Through the newly developed pipeline Reconstructor, we generated the genome sequences of COR and LUC using datasets of 65.8M and 56.4M of 30–150bp paired-end reads, respectively. New contigs including reads that could not be mapped to the tomato reference genome were assembled, and a total of 43, 054 and 44, 579 gene loci were annotated in COR and LUC. Both genomes showed novel regions with similarity to Solanum pimpinellifolium and Solanum pennellii. In addition to small deletions and insertions, 2, 000 and 1, 700 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) could exert potentially disruptive effects on 1, 371 and 1, 201 genes in COR and LUC, respectively. A detailed survey of the SNPs occurring in fruit quality, shelf life and stress tolerance related-genes identified several candidates of potential relevance. Variations in ethylene response components may concur in determining peculiar phenotypes of COR and LUC

    Architettura su commissione

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    Questa pubblicazione \ue8 frutto della collaborazione fra il Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Parma e il Dottorato di Architettura e Design del Dipartimento Architettura e Design dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Genova. Tale collaborazione \ue8 stata coordinata da Carlo Gandolfi e Vittorio Pizzigoni, che hanno curato gli esiti della ricerca raccolti nel presente volume gestendo anche il processo di revisione fra pari dei contributi. La ricerca su Roberto Menghi pubblicata nel presente volume ha inizio nel corso del 2016 coinvolgendo alcuni docenti dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Parma, dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Genova e del Politecnico di Milano oltre a un gruppo di sei dottorandi del Dottorato in Architettura e Design dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Genova. I risultati parziali sono stati esposti pubblicamente in diverse occasioni e precisamente il 22 febbraio 2017 a Genova all\u2019interno del Dottorato, il 21 ottobre 2017 all\u2019Abbazia di Valserena durante un incontro seminariale, il 15 e 16 marzo 2019 sempre a Valserena nel seminario Lezioni italiane. Ignazio Gardella, Luigi Vietti, Roberto Menghi. Questa ricerca s\u2019inserisce nel quadro di attivit\ue0 promosse dallo CSAC a partire da febbraio 2016, tra cui una pi\uf9 ampia ricerca sulla figura di Menghi coordinata da Carlo Gandolfi. In questo volume sono raccolte le \u201cprime indagini\u201d e i primi significativi risultati delle ricerche sull\u2019opera di Roberto Menghi effettuate attraverso i materiali d\u2019archivio conservati allo CSAC di Parma, tramite la rilettura della sporadica bibliografia esistente, e grazie all\u2019analisi di alcuni edifici ancora esistenti. Questa pubblicazione, rivolta soprattutto agli studiosi e agli appassionati, non vuole essere una trattazione monografica, ossia non ha il fine di ricostruire interamente la carriera dell\u2019autore e anche per questo non presenta una lettura cronologica delle sue opere. Essa ha la finalit\ue0 di chiarire lo stato dell\u2019arte relativamente agli studi su Menghi, di fornire una prima lettura critica del suo lavoro, di approfondire alcune tematiche specifiche; inoltre vuole essere uno strumento utile ad approfondire le indagini su questo importante progettista. Per esplicitare queste finalit\ue0, il volume \ue8 diviso in tre parti: la prima v\uf2lta all\u2019inquadramento critico dell\u2019autore, la seconda dedicata all\u2019approfondimento di singole tematiche, la terza infine indirizzata a mettere a disposizione strumenti e apparati che facilitino il lavoro di chi in futuro vorr\ue0 approfondire lo studio dell\u2019opera di Roberto Menghi

    Dal mondo analogico all'hyper-reality. I cambiamenti urbani, sociali e tecnologici del nuovo millennio

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    The last decade has represented one of the most significant periods and a turning point in the evolution of the planet. The advancement of technological innovation has always marked in the history of moments of strong change for society, economy, health, culture and the environment. There are numerous technological discoveries that have changed modern society, however with the studies undertaken since the 1960s, one more than the other has represented a point of no return: the Internet and the birth of the WWW. An epochal event that has revolutionized the way of living, working, buying, learning, communicating, entertaining. And while on the one hand this tool has opened up infinite development prospects for the contemporary and future world, on the other it has become so deeply rooted in the everyday life of today\u2019s society. The vicious circle triggered by social networks goes beyond the desire for news and knowledge, activating a mechanism of dependence that envelops and isolates the individual in a sort of parallel virtual reality. The mechanism of dependence triggered by the passage of the analogical world to the virtual one is unparalleled in the history of humanity. There is no forecast of the future in which society\u2019s addiction to technologies is not imagined. In this current and revolutionary historical, it is not surprising that there is a strong scepticism and fear of a future perspective in which addiction to technologies destabilizes society and human feelings. At this point of no return we can only ask ourselves what the boundary that technology will reach in the next decade, Gartner tries to answer this question by publishing its \u201cEmerging Technology Trends\u201d every year report. In 2019, it focuses attention on technological trends that will develop their full potential in the next 5/10 years. These are trends related to sensors and mobility, "augmented human\u201d, biochip, AR Cloud which will provide a \u201cdigital copy\u201d of the real world, post-classical computing and communication, digital ecosystems, editing of the human genome, advanced analysis and artificial intelligence. As futurist Gerd Leonhard says: \uabWe are at a crucial junction in technological evolution. The change will become exponential, inevitable and irreversible. It is our last chance to decide how far we will allow technology to shape our lives\ubb (Leonhard, 2016). The article will offer a reflection on the dynamics that have involved and distorted the last decade, focusing on the consequences that the transition to a hyper-technological and hyper-connected world could cause