22 research outputs found
Computer Supported Interprofessional Education for Improving Health Profession Students’ Attitudes Toward Teamwork and Team Performance
15 minute research paper (19 PowerPoint Slides)
This presentation will present results from a study that investigated the effect computer supported interprofessional education (CSIE) had on healthcare profession students’ attitudes toward healthcare teamwork and to what extent computer supported group processing impacted student perceptions of team performance. A hybrid approach to interprofessional education, CSIE, was used to provide students with an educational experience that combined the benefits of traditional face-to-face communication with a computer-mediated platform.
JeffersonCenterfor InterProfessional Education has successfully been providing IPE to healthcare students for over 5 years. A long term strategic goal was identified to “create innovative learning environments that support interprofessional education including state-of-the-art technologies”. In actualizing this goal, the curriculum was enhanced with an online discussion forum to assist in student group processing and reflection.
A pretest-posttest design was used to answer: (a) Does computer supported interprofessional education affects the attitudes toward healthcare teamwork? And (b) To what extent are perceptions of team performance affected by a computer supported interprofessional education component on enhancing group processing and teamwork? Student attitudes and perceptions were measured before and after participating in CSIE.
Results from the Team Performance Scale showed a significant increase in student’s perceptions pre to post CSIE signifying students perceived their team to be functioning better after participating in CSIE. Results of the Attitudes Toward Healthcare Teams survey did not show a statistical significance increase, however the data showed an upward trend in attitude scores.
The findings support the importance of utilizing reflection for team processing and further endorses the need for integration of computer supported interprofessional education within healthcare curriculums. Curriculum planners can utilize these results to integrate effective interprofessional strategies that incorporate CSIE to positively impact student attitudes of teamwork.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will:
1. Discuss one way to enhance IPE communication using technology.
2. Identify one computer supported strategy to encourage reflection after an IPE experience
A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study of IPE Students\u27 Perceptions of Health Profession Groups: Revisiting the Contact Hypothesis
Despite the increasing momentum and integration of Interprofessional Education (IPE) programs into various health professions curriculum, the findings of previous research are mixed regarding the impact these programs have on dismantling or even stifling students’ negative stereotypes of health professions. Of those studies that find “positive” shifts in students’ perceptions, elements of the Contact Hypothesis are frequently employed to support these apparent shifts. However, there is often little to no attention paid to how intergroup contact within IPE programs actually impacts students’ stereotypes. To examine if students’ attitudes towards other health professions shifted following participation in an IPE program 528 students from six different health profession training programs completed the Student Stereotypes Rating Questionnaire (SSRQ) assessing their perceptions/stereotypes of their own and other health professions at the beginning and end of a two-year IPE program. Following the finding that students’ attitudes did indeed positively shift, interviews with 20 students were analyzed to explore how contact within the program may have impacted their perceptions. The findings lend support for the Contact Hypothesis and the authors argue that opportunities to informally interact and socialize may be more influential on students’ attitudes than the formal aspects of IPE programs, and that models of cognitive representation that emphasis more personalization (as opposed to differentiation) may be more effective tools in examining how intergroup contact within IPE affects students’ stereotypes.
Measureable Learning Objectives:
a.) Provide a better understanding of the Contact Hypothesis and models of cognitive representations, and how these approaches can be utilized effectively in IPE research,
b.) Provide an example of effective and efficient mixed-methods research in evaluating IPE programs, and
c.) Provide tools (both methodological and theoretical) to better assess IPE outcomes
Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG): A Pilot Project
The critical need for students to learn to be effective members of interprofessional teams in preparation for collaborative practice-ready care provision now and in the future has been well documented1. There are increasing opportunities for students to observe interprofessional events to assist them in doing so, but often their role is passive and the teams may not demonstrate the highest level of patient-centered care, minimizing the student learning
Bringing the Patient\u27s Voice into Teamwork Assessment Using the Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG)
Purpose: To test the feasibility of using the Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG) as a mobile application with diverse patients to gather perceptions of team-based care delivery.
Background: A validated tool assessing IPE core competencies is a significant gap in the literature (IOM, 2015). Little research has demonstrated links between effective teamwork and improved patient outcomes. In 2015, a research team validated the JTOG tool to assess team function. This JTOG was then converted to a mobile application, and individual, patient, and caregiver versions were developed, allowing for 360° evaluation.
Description of Intervention or Program: A research team piloted the Patient JTOG mobile application, asking patients to participate in a survey consisting of one open-ended and ten Likert scale questions. Items were tied to the domains of interprofessional collaborative practice – communication, values/ethics, teamwork, and roles/responsibilities (IPEC, 2011) – and one patient-centeredness (PC) domain.
Results: Four hundred and forty three patients completed the JTOG, ranging in age from 18-90+. Of the diverse patient population, 52% were female and 39% male. Eighty-seven percent of patients responded “strongly agree” to a question about the importance of teamwork in healthcare. Teams received a mean score from 3.51 to 3.60 out of 4.0 for the eight IPE competency questions. Overall satisfaction with the teams evaluated was 3.83. Items were subjected to a principal axis factor analysis with varimax rotation and a screen plot inspection was used to determine the number of factors to extract. A Cronbach’s alpha was 0.93.
Conclusion: Our study confirms the feasibility of using the Patient JTOG app to elicit patient perceptions of teams in inpatient and outpatient settings. By completing this survey, patients provided real-time feedback and summary reports were sent to care teams to improve team functioning. A full validation study of the Patient JTOG is now underway, and a multi-institutional study is planned to assess its use in other healthcare institutions.
Relevance to interprofessional education or practice: Assessment strategies must incorporate the voice of the patient as we move forward in developing new tools to assess team function, identify behaviors consistent with effective teamwork, and demonstrate the impact of collaborative practice on patient outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
Two to three measurable learning objectives relevant to the conference goals.
1) Describe a new mobile tool for gathering patient feedback on patient-centered team based care
2) Apply lessons learned for 360° competency-based assessment of interprofessional education and collaborative practic
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Elements that may Impact Students’ Perceptions of and Willingness to Internalize Interprofessional Education Program Goals
An increasing number of health profession education institutions are constructing and implementing Interprofessional Education (IPE) programs. Various evaluative efforts are therefore underway to explore students’ perceptions of these programs, nuances of the interdisciplinary interactions within programs, and the potential long-term impact of these programs on students’ mentality towards team-based, collaborative care. This study, however, examines how elements specific to and outside of an IPE program may impact students’ perceptions of the program and their willingness to engage with prominent aims and goals of IPE. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 students from varying disciplines at the end of years one and two of a 2-year IPE program. Data were analyzed utilizing a multi-step inductive and deductive process to identity consistent patterns in students’ perceptions of and attitudes toward the program from year one to year two. The data show that although students felt they understood the value and importance of interprofessionality and team-based care, there were elements that were intrinsic (assignments, time constraints, level of accountability) and extrinsic (anticipatory socialization, lack of professional identity) to the IPE program that impacted their perceptions of the program, and that these perceptions, in turn, affected their level of commitment to the program. Further examination of these factors suggests that students struggled specifically with how their program negotiated: a.) fostering understanding of each specific discipline/profession as well as advocating for team-based care, and b.) the informal vs formal nature of the program. The findings of this study shed a valuable new light on how elements related to an IPE program’s structure and implementation as well as factors outside of the program may affect and influence the acculturation of person-centered team-based care.
Contact: Barret Michalec Dept. of Sociology University of Delaware Newark, DE (19716), USA [email protected]
Study of the Impact of Interprofessional Education on the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences of Jefferson School of Pharmacy Students
• To evaluate the impact of interprofessional education (IPE) in the first three years of pharmacy school
•This was investigated by looking at students’ preparedness for and degree of interprofessional collaboration in the final year of advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs