594 research outputs found

    Separable Structure of Many-Body Ground-State Wave Function

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    We have investigated a general structure of the ground-state wave function for the Schr\"odinger equation for NN identical interacting particles (bosons or fermions) confined in a harmonic anisotropic trap in the limit of large NN. It is shown that the ground-state wave function can be written in a separable form. As an example of its applications, this form is used to obtain the ground-state wave function describing collective dynamics for NN trapped bosons interacting via contact forces.Comment: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 (2000) (accepted for publication

    Quantum cohomology of partial flag manifolds

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    We compute the quantum cohomology rings of the partial flag manifolds F_{n_1\cdots n_k}=U(n)/(U(n_1)\times \cdots \times U(n_k)). The inductive computation uses the idea of Givental and Kim. Also we define a notion of the vertical quantum cohomology ring of the algebraic bundle. For the flag bundle F_{n_1\cdots n_k}(E) associated with the vector bundle E this ring is found.Comment: 33 page

    Purcell effect in Hyperbolic Metamaterial Resonators

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    The radiation dynamics of optical emitters can be manipulated by properly designed material structures providing high local density of photonic states, a phenomenon often referred to as the Purcell effect. Plasmonic nanorod metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion of electromagnetic modes are believed to deliver a significant Purcell enhancement with both broadband and non-resonant nature. Here, we have investigated finite-size cavities formed by nanorod metamaterials and shown that the main mechanism of the Purcell effect in these hyperbolic resonators originates from the cavity hyperbolic modes, which in a microscopic description stem from the interacting cylindrical surface plasmon modes of the finite number of nanorods forming the cavity. It is found that emitters polarized perpendicular to the nanorods exhibit strong decay rate enhancement, which is predominantly influenced by the rod length. We demonstrate that this enhancement originates from Fabry-Perot modes of the metamaterial cavity. The Purcell factors, delivered by those cavity modes, reach several hundred, which is 4-5 times larger than those emerging at the epsilon near zero transition frequencies. The effect of enhancement is less pronounced for dipoles, polarized along the rods. Furthermore, it was shown that the Purcell factor delivered by Fabry-Perot modes follows the dimension parameters of the array, while the decay rate in the epsilon near-zero regime is almost insensitive to geometry. The presented analysis shows a possibility to engineer emitter properties in the structured metamaterials, addressing their microscopic structure

    Purcell effect in Hyperbolic Metamaterial Resonators

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    The radiation dynamics of optical emitters can be manipulated by properly designed material structures providing high local density of photonic states, a phenomenon often referred to as the Purcell effect. Plasmonic nanorod metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion of electromagnetic modes are believed to deliver a significant Purcell enhancement with both broadband and non-resonant nature. Here, we have investigated finite-size cavities formed by nanorod metamaterials and shown that the main mechanism of the Purcell effect in these hyperbolic resonators originates from the cavity hyperbolic modes, which in a microscopic description stem from the interacting cylindrical surface plasmon modes of the finite number of nanorods forming the cavity. It is found that emitters polarized perpendicular to the nanorods exhibit strong decay rate enhancement, which is predominantly influenced by the rod length. We demonstrate that this enhancement originates from Fabry-Perot modes of the metamaterial cavity. The Purcell factors, delivered by those cavity modes, reach several hundred, which is 4-5 times larger than those emerging at the epsilon near zero transition frequencies. The effect of enhancement is less pronounced for dipoles, polarized along the rods. Furthermore, it was shown that the Purcell factor delivered by Fabry-Perot modes follows the dimension parameters of the array, while the decay rate in the epsilon near-zero regime is almost insensitive to geometry. The presented analysis shows a possibility to engineer emitter properties in the structured metamaterials, addressing their microscopic structure

    Cherenkov radiation in a gravitational wave background

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    A covariant criterion for the Cherenkov radiation emission in the field of a non-linear gravitational wave is considered in the framework of exact integrable models of particle dynamics and electromagnetic wave propagation. It is shown that vacuum interacting with curvature can give rise to Cherenkov radiation. The conically shaped spatial distribution of radiation is derived and its basic properties are discussed.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 19 page

    Superconductivity in a Mesoscopic Double Square Loop: Effect of Imperfections

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    We have generalized the network approach to include the effects of short-range imperfections in order to analyze recent experiments on mesoscopic superconducting double loops. The presence of weakly scattering imperfections causes gaps in the phase boundary B(T)B(T) or Φ(T)\Phi(T) for certain intervals of TT, which depend on the magnetic flux penetrating each loop. This is accompanied by a critical temperature Tc(Φ)T_c(\Phi), showing a smooth transition between symmetric and antisymmetric states. When the scattering strength of imperfections increases beyond a certain limit, gaps in the phase boundary Tc(B)T_c(B) or Tc(Φ)T_c(\Phi) appear for values of magnetic flux lying in intervals around half-integer Φ0=hc/2e\Phi_0=hc/2e. The critical temperature corresponding to these values of magnetic flux is determined mainly by imperfections in the central branch. The calculated phase boundary is in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Normal Modes of a Vortex in a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A hydrodynamic description is used to study the normal modes of a vortex in a zero-temperature Bose-Einstein condensate. In the Thomas-Fermi (TF) limit, the circulating superfluid velocity far from the vortex core provides a small perturbation that splits the originally degenerate normal modes of a vortex-free condensate. The relative frequency shifts are small in all cases considered (they vanish for the lowest dipole mode with |m|=1), suggesting that the vortex is stable. The Bogoliubov equations serve to verify the existence of helical waves, similar to those of a vortex line in an unbounded weakly interacting Bose gas. In the large-condensate (small-core) limit, the condensate wave function reduces to that of a straight vortex in an unbounded condensate; the corresponding Bogoliubov equations have no bound-state solutions that are uniform along the symmetry axis and decay exponentially far from the vortex core.Comment: 15 pages, REVTEX, 2 Postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. A. We have altered the material in Secs. 3B and 4 in connection with the normal modes that have |m|=1. Our present treatment satisfies the condition that the fundamental dipole mode of a condensate with (or without) a vortex should have the bare frequency $\omega_\perp

    The ac magnetic response of mesoscopic type II superconductors

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    The response of mesoscopic superconductors to an ac magnetic field is numerically investigated on the basis of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations (TDGL). We study the dependence with frequency ω\omega and dc magnetic field HdcH_{dc} of the linear ac susceptibility χ(Hdc,ω)\chi(H_{dc}, \omega) in square samples with dimensions of the order of the London penetration depth. At Hdc=0H_{dc}=0 the behavior of χ\chi as a function of ω\omega agrees very well with the two fluid model, and the imaginary part of the ac susceptibility, χ"(ω)\chi"(\omega), shows a dissipative a maximum at the frequency νo=c2/(4πσλ2)\nu_o=c^2/(4\pi \sigma\lambda^2). In the presence of a magnetic field a second dissipation maximum appears at a frequency ωpν0\omega_p\ll\nu_0. The most interesting behavior of mesoscopic superconductors can be observed in the χ(Hdc)\chi(H_{dc}) curves obtained at a fixed frequency. At a fixed number of vortices, χ"(Hdc)\chi"(H_{dc}) continuously increases with increasing HdcH_{dc}. We observe that the dissipation reaches a maximum for magnetic fields right below the vortex penetration fields. Then, after each vortex penetration event, there is a sudden suppression of the ac losses, showing discontinuities in χ"(Hdc)\chi"(H_{dc}) at several values of HdcH_{dc}. We show that these discontinuities are typical of the mesoscopic scale and disappear in macroscopic samples, which have a continuos behavior of χ(Hdc)\chi(H_{dc}). We argue that these discontinuities in χ(Hdc)\chi(H_{dc}) are due to the effect of {\it nascent vortices} which cause a large variation of the amplitude of the order parameter near the surface before the entrance of vortices.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, RevTex

    Broadening of Plasmonic Resonance Due to Electron Collisions with Nanoparticle Boundary: а Quantum Mechanical Consideration

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    We present a quantum mechanical approach to calculate broadening of plasmonic resonances in metallic nanostructures due to collisions of electrons with the surface of the structure. The approach is applicable if the characteristic size of the structure is much larger than the de Broglie electron wavelength in the metal. The approach can be used in studies of plasmonic properties of both single nanoparticles and arrays of nanoparticles.Comment: 9 page

    Ground State and Excited States of a Confined Bose Gas

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    The Bogoliubov approximation is used to study the ground state and low-lying excited states of a dilute gas of NN atomic bosons held in an isotropic harmonic potential characterized by frequency ω\omega and oscillator length d0d_0. By assumption, the self-consistent condensate has a macroscopic occupation number N0>>1N_0 >> 1, with NN0<<N0N-N_0 << N_0. For negative scattering length a -|a|, a simple variational trial function yields an estimate for the critical condensate number N0c=(8π/255)1/2(d0/a)0.671(d0/a)N_{0\,c} = \big({8\pi/25\sqrt{5}}\,\big)^{1/2}\,(d_0/|a|) \approx 0.671\,(d_0/|a|) at the onset of collapse. For positive scattering length and large N0>>d0/aN_0 >>d_0/a, the spherical condensate has a well-defined radius R>>d0R >> d_0, and the low-lying excited states are compressional waves localized near the surface. The frequencies of the lowest radial modes (n=0n = 0) for successive values of orbital angular momentum ll form a rotational band ω0lω00+12l(l+1)ω(d0/R)2\omega_{0l} \approx \omega_{00} + {1\over 2} l(l+1)\,\omega\,(d_0/R)^2, with ω00\omega_{00} somewhat larger than ω\omega.Comment: 11 pages, plainTEX, no figure