20 research outputs found

    Isotropy in Group Cohomology

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    The analogue of Lagrangians for symplectic forms over finite groups is studied, motivated by the fact that symplectic G-forms with a normal Lagrangian N<G are in one-to-one correspondence, up to inflation, with bijective 1-cocycle data on the quotients G/N. This yields a method to construct groups of central type from such quotients, known as Involutive Yang-Baxter groups. Another motivation for the search of normal Lagrangians comes from a non-commutative generalization of Heisenberg liftings which require normality. Although it is true that symplectic forms over finite nilpotent groups always admit Lagrangians, we exhibit an example where none of these subgroups is normal. However, we prove that symplectic forms over nilpotent groups always admit normal Lagrangians if all their p-Sylow subgroups are of order less than p^8

    Quotient gradings and the intrinsic fundamental group

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    Quotient grading classes are essential participants in the computation of the intrinsic fundamental group π1(A)\pi_1(A) of an algebra AA. In order to study quotient gradings of a finite-dimensional semisimple complex algebra AA it is sufficient to understand the quotient gradings of twisted gradings. We establish the graded structure of such quotients using Mackey's obstruction class. Then, for matrix algebras A=Mn(C)A=M_n(\mathbb{C}) we tie up the concepts of braces, group-theoretic Lagrangians and elementary crossed products. We also manage to compute the intrinsic fundamental group of the diagonal algebras A=C4A=\mathbb{C} ^4 and A=C5A=\mathbb{C} ^5.Comment: 33 page

    Inductive method for separable deformations

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    The Donald-Flanigan conjecture asserts that any group algebra of a finite group has a separable deformation. We apply an inductive method to deform group algebras from deformations of normal subgroup algebras, establishing an infinite family of metacyclic groups which fulfill the conjecture.Comment: 6 page