307 research outputs found

    Orientifolds, RR Torsion, and K-theory

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    We analyze the role of RR fluxes in orientifold backgrounds from the point of view of K-theory, and demonstrate some physical implications of describing these fluxes in K-theory rather than cohomology. In particular, we show that certain fractional shifts in RR charge quantization due to discrete RR fluxes are naturally explained in K-theory. We also show that some orientifold backgrounds, which are considered distinct in the cohomology classification, become equivalent in the K-theory description, while others become unphysical.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures; typos corrected and references adde

    Projective Group Algebras

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    In this paper we apply a recently proposed algebraic theory of integration to projective group algebras. These structures have received some attention in connection with the compactification of the MM theory on noncommutative tori. This turns out to be an interesting field of applications, since the space G^\hat G of the equivalence classes of the vector unitary irreducible representations of the group under examination becomes, in the projective case, a prototype of noncommuting spaces. For vector representations the algebraic integration is equivalent to integrate over G^\hat G. However, its very definition is related only at the structural properties of the group algebra, therefore it is well defined also in the projective case, where the space G^\hat G has no classical meaning. This allows a generalization of the usual group harmonic analysis. A particular attention is given to abelian groups, which are the relevant ones in the compactification problem, since it is possible, from the previous results, to establish a simple generalization of the ordinary calculus to the associated noncommutative spaces.Comment: 24 pages, Late

    Geometry of Orientifolds with NS-NS B-flux

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    We discuss geometry underlying orientifolds with non-trivial NS-NS B-flux. If D-branes wrap a torus with B-flux the rank of the gauge group is reduced due to non-commuting Wilson lines whose presence is implied by the B-flux. In the case of D-branes transverse to a torus with B-flux the rank reduction is due to a smaller number of D-branes required by tadpole cancellation conditions in the presence of B-flux as some of the orientifold planes now have the opposite orientifold projection. We point out that T-duality in the presence of B-flux is more subtle than in the case with trivial B-flux, and it is precisely consistent with the qualitative difference between the aforementioned two setups. In the case where both types of branes are present, the states in the mixed (e.g., 59) open string sectors come with a non-trivial multiplicity, which we relate to a discrete gauge symmetry due to non-zero B-flux, and construct vertex operators for the the mixed sector states. Using these results we revisit K3 orientifolds with B-flux (where K3 is a T^4/Z_M orbifold) and point out various subtleties arising in some of these models. For instance, in the Z_2 case the conformal field theory orbifold does not appear to be the consistent background for the corresponding orientifolds with B-flux. This is related to the fact that non-zero B-flux requires the presence of both O5^- as well as O5^+ planes at various Z_2 orbifold fixed points, which appears to be inconsistent with the presence of the twisted B-flux in the conformal field theory orbifold. We also consider four dimensional N=2 and N=1 supersymmetric orientifolds. We construct consistent four dimensional models with B-flux which do not suffer from difficulties encountered in the K3 cases.Comment: 79 pages, revte

    D=6, N=1 String Vacua and Duality

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    We review the structure D=6,N=1D=6, N=1 string vacua with emphasis on the different connections due to T-dualities and S-dualities. The topics discussed include: Anomaly cancellation; K3 and orbifold D=6,N=1D=6, N=1 heterotic compactifications; T-dualities between E8×E8E_8\times E_8 and Spin(32)/Z2Spin(32)/Z_2 heterotic vacua; non-perturbative heterotic vacua and small instantons; N=2 Type-II/Heterotic duality in D=4 ; F-theory/heterotic duality in D=6; and heterotic/heterotic duality in six and four dimensions.Comment: 52 pages, plain Latex. To appear in the proceedings of the APCTP Winter School on Duality, Mt. Sorak (Korea), February 199

    Tensors from K3 Orientifolds

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    Recently Gimon and Johnson (hep-th/9604129) and Dabholkar and Park (hep-th/9604178) have constructed Type I theories on K3 orbifolds. The spectra differ from that of Type I on a smooth K3, having extra tensors. We show that the orbifold theories cannot be blown up to smooth K3's, but rather Z2Z_2 orbifold singularities always remain. Douglas's recent proposal to use D-branes as probes is useful in understanding the geometry. The Z2Z_2 singularities are of a new type, with a different orientifold projection from those previously considered. We also find a new world-sheet consistency condition that must be satisfied by orientifold models.Comment: References added. 16 pages, LaTe

    Type IIB orientifolds with discrete torsion

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    We consider compact four-dimensional ZN×ZM{\bf Z_N}\times {\bf Z_M} type IIB orientifolds, for certain values of NN and MM. We allow the additional feature of discrete torsion and discuss the modification of the consistency conditions arising from tadpole cancellation. We point out the differences between the cases with and without discrete torsion.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX. Write-up of talk at DPF2000, Columbus, OH, August 10, 2000. References adde

    Gravitational couplings of orientifold planes

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    We reanalyse the gravitational couplings of the perturbative orientifold planes OpOp^-, Op+Op^+ (and D-branes). We first compute their D1D_{-1} instantonic corrections for p=3p=3. Then, by using U-dualities, we obtain the Wess-Zumino terms of orientifolds with RR flux for p5p \leq 5. The expressions for the effective actions can be partially checked via M-theory. We point out a previous oversimplification and we show in fact that the difficulty still stands in the way of the full computation of 7 Brane instanton corrections.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. 3 references adde

    A Chiral N=1 Type I Vacuum in Four Dimensions and Its Heterotic Dual

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    In this paper we consider Type I string theory compactified on a Z_7 orbifold. The model has N=1 supersymmetry, a U(4) \otimes U(4) \otimes U(4) \otimes SO(8) gauge group, and chiral matter. There are only D9-branes (for which we discuss tadpole cancellation conditions) in this model corresponding to a perturbative heterotic description in a certain region of the moduli space. We construct the heterotic dual, match the perturbative type I and heterotic tree-level massless spectra via giving certain scalars appropriate vevs, and point out the crucial role of the perturbative superpotential (on the heterotic side) for this matching. The relevant couplings in this superpotential turn out to be non-renormalizable (unlike the Z-orbifold case discussed in Ref [1], where Yukawa couplings sufficed for duality matching). We also discuss the role of the anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry present in both type I and heterotic models. In the perturbative regime we match the (tree-level) moduli spaces of these models. We point out possible generalizations of the Z_3 and Z_7 cases to include D5-branes which would help in understanding non-perturbative five-brane dynamics on the heterotic side.Comment: Revtex 3.0, 23 pages, 1 eps figure (to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    Type I on (Generalized) Voisin-Borcea Orbifolds and Non-perturbative Orientifolds

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    We consider non-perturbative four dimensional N=1 space-time supersymmetric orientifolds corresponding to Type I compactifications on (generalized) Voisin-Borcea orbifolds. Some states in such compactifications arise in ``twisted'' open string sectors which lack world-sheet description in terms of D-branes. Using Type I-heterotic duality as well as the map between Type IIB orientifolds and F-theory we are able to obtain the massless spectra of such orientifolds. The four dimensional compactifications we discuss in this context are examples of chiral N=1 supersymmetric string vacua which are non-perturbative from both orientifold and heterotic points of view. In particular, they contain both D9- and D5-branes as well as non-perturbative ``twisted'' open string sector states. We also explain the origins of various inconsistencies arising in such compactifications for certain choices of the gauge bundle.Comment: 34 pages, revtex; minor misprints correcte

    Stable non-BPS states in string theory: a pedagogical review

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    We present a pedagogical review of the stable non-BPS states in string theory which have recently attracted some attention in the literature. In particular, following the analysis of A. Sen, we discuss in detail the case of the stable non-BPS D-particle of Type I theory whose existence is predicted (and required) by the heterotic/Type I duality. We show that this D-particle originates from an unstable bound state formed by a D1/anti-D1 pair of Type IIB in which the tachyon field acquires a solitonic kink configuration. The mechanism of tachyon condensation is discussed first at a qualitative level and then with an exact conformal field theory analysis.Comment: 58 pages, 1 figure; minor correction