4 research outputs found
Purpose: To reveal changes in maternal, placental and fetal circulation after the inhibitor phosphodiesterase-5 (Sildenafil citrate) use in the treatment of placental insufficiency.Materials and Methods: Based on a randomized double-blinded and placebo-controlled trial, 26 pregnant women with documented placental insufficiency and moderate intrauterine growth retardation at 28-36 weeks of gestation were evaluated for the effect of a single dose of Sildenafil citrate on utero-placental circulation determined by Doppler ultrasound study of the umbilical, fetal middle cerebral arteries and aorta. Cerebro-placental (CPR) and cerebro-aortal ratio (CAR) as the markers of fetal well-being were calculated also.Results: There was no significant changes in the maternal circulation after Sildenafil use. Pulsatility index in the middle cerebral artery was increased (p<0,05) and in the umbilical artery and fetal aorta it had a tendency to decreasing. There was established a significant increasing of the CPR and CAR values, both of them had a vector to values of an uncomplicated pregnancy.Summary: We have safely conducted a clinical trial of a drug not routinely used during pregnancy. Sildenafil in the dose 20 mg was well tolerated, with no increase in maternal or fetal morbidity. It was revealed significant improvement in the fetal and placental blood circulation after single dose of Sildenafil use, so it may be a potential drug in the treatment of the placental insufficiency
Prenatal Invasive Diagnosis with Quantitative Fluorescent PCR
Purpose: To develop the method of prenatal invasive diagnosis and compare it abilities with traditional genetic cytological examination.Materials and Methods: There was conducted prenatal fetal invasive diagnosis of 366 pregnant women. Depending on the pregnancy age and genetic indications the chorionic villus sampling, cordocentesis and amniocentesis were carried.Results: The obtained samples was treated with QF-PCR and it results was verified by standard karyotyping. In all cases, the differences of the two methods was not observed.Summary: It was shown the technique of quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) has advantages over the standard cytologic examination and reduces analysis duration and increases the number of patients
Purpose: To study peculiarities of pregnant women somnological status with different type of stereofunctional organization of mother-placenta-fetus system.Materials and Methods: 291 pregnant women aged 17 to 36 years made the group of physiological pregnancy (147 pers.) And the group with the threatening pregnancy loss was made by 144 women. Results: We revealed stereospecifics of somnological indices, that is more functional vulnerability of left-oriented motherplacenta-fetus system. Key somnological violations: the deterioration of the quality of sleep, snoring, sleep apnea breathing rhythm disturbances, impaired respiratory function.Summary: At the same time it is important to take into account that neurophysiological substrate that is responsible for central control for the gestational processes is gestational dominanta, determining the full range of central-peripheral relations in a functional system «mother-placenta-fetus», whose role is to maintain the asymmetry of neuro-conductive afferent-efferent effects that prevent abortion
Morphometric look at the primary and recurrent endometriomas
The aim of this study was to investigate the morphometric characteristics of ectopic endometrial ceils in primary and recurrent endometriosis. Samples were obtained from 46 women with endometriosis and 15 primary with recurrent cysts. Slice thickness of 4 mm. These sections were stained in the usual way with hematoxylin-eosin and subjected to optical microscopy using immersion objective with a total capacity of 10 optical x 100. As a result of the study showed an increase in almost all morphometric parameters in primary cysts that may be said about the higher proliferative activity of the basal cells of ectopic endometrium primary endometriomas compared with recurrent cysts.Целью данного исследования было изучение морфометрических характеристик эктопических эндометриальных клеток в первичных и рецидивирующих эндометриомах. Образцы были получены от 46 женщин с первичными эндометриомами и 15 с рецидивирующими кистами. Полученные срезы окрашивали обычным способом гематоксилин-эозином и подвергали оптической микроскопии с использованием иммерсионного объектива с общей оптической мощностью 10 х 100. В результате проведенного исследования было выявлено увеличение почти всех морфометрических параметров в первичных кистах, что, возможно, говорит о более высокой пролиферативной активности базальных клеток эктопического эндометрия первичных эндометриом по сравнению с рецидивирующими кистами