25 research outputs found

    Design of Experiments for Screening

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    The aim of this paper is to review methods of designing screening experiments, ranging from designs originally developed for physical experiments to those especially tailored to experiments on numerical models. The strengths and weaknesses of the various designs for screening variables in numerical models are discussed. First, classes of factorial designs for experiments to estimate main effects and interactions through a linear statistical model are described, specifically regular and nonregular fractional factorial designs, supersaturated designs and systematic fractional replicate designs. Generic issues of aliasing, bias and cancellation of factorial effects are discussed. Second, group screening experiments are considered including factorial group screening and sequential bifurcation. Third, random sampling plans are discussed including Latin hypercube sampling and sampling plans to estimate elementary effects. Fourth, a variety of modelling methods commonly employed with screening designs are briefly described. Finally, a novel study demonstrates six screening methods on two frequently-used exemplars, and their performances are compared

    Laboratory evaluation of a self-etching primer for orthodontic bonding

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the mean bonding time, mean shear bond strength and mean survival time of stainless steel brackets with a micro-etched base bonded with a light-cure composite using a self-etching primer (SEP) or a conventional two-stage etch and prime system. Brackets were bonded to 30 premolars with each bonding system. The bonding time was recorded for each specimen using a stopwatch. After storage in a humidor at 37°C for 24 hours, the shear debonding force was measured at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Another 10 premolars were bonded with each bonding system and used to assess survival time following the application of mechanical stress in a ball mill for 100 hours. The mean bonding time of the SEP group (111.5 seconds) was significantly less than that of the two-stage bonding group (170.5 seconds) [mean difference 59 seconds; 95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 51.8–66.2 seconds, two sample t-test P < 0.001]. The mean shear bond strength of the SEP group (2.88 MPa) was significantly less than that of the two-stage bonding group (3.71 MPa) (mean difference 0.83 MPa; 95 per cent CI 0.23–1.42 MPa; two sample t-test P = 0.008). For the survival study, only one of the two-stage bonding group failed within 1 hour in the ball mill. The SEP significantly reduced bracket bonding time. The mean shear bond strength of the brackets bonded with the SEP was significantly less than those bonded with a conventional two-stage etch and prime system. There was no difference in survival time of brackets bonded by each bonding system

    In vitro comparison of orthodontic band cements

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    The aim of the study was to compare the mean retentive strength of microetched orthodontic bands cemented to extracted human third molars with a modified composite, a resin-modified glass ionomer cement, and a conventional glass ionomer cement. The mode of band failure and amount of cement remaining on the tooth at deband were also assessed. Finally, survival time of bands with each cement was assessed with simulated mechanical stress in a ball mill. Ninety banded specimens were used to assess retentive strength, and another 30 banded specimens were used to assess survival time. The mean retentive strength of the modified composite (0.415 MPa) was significantly less than that of either the resin-modified (1.715 MPa) or the conventional glass ionomer cement (1.454 MPa; P < .001). Specimens failed predominantly at the cement-enamel interface. The amount of cement remaining on the tooth at deband differed significantly between bands cemented with the resin-modified cement and those cemented with the conventional glass ionomer cement (P < .05). Mean survival time of bands cemented with the resin-modified glass ionomer cement (14.3 hours) was significantly longer (P < .01) than for bands cemented with the conventional glass ionomer cement (9.9 hours) but did not differ significantly from that of bands cemented with the modified composite (11.1 hours; P > .05). Orthodontic bands cemented with the modified composite appear to have a significantly lower mean retentive strength than bands cemented with resin-modified or conventional glass ionomer cement, but mean survival time did not differ significantly for bands cemented with modified composite or resin-modified glass ionomer

    Effect of fluoride exposure on cariostatic potential of orthodontic bonding agents: an in vitro evaluation

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    AIMS: The aims of this in vitro study were to compare the cariostatic potential of a resin modified glass ionomer cement (Fuji Ortho LC) to that of a resin control (Transbond) for bracket bonding and to compare the effect of extrinsic fluoride application on the cariostatic potential of each material. SETTING: Ex vivo study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Orthodontic brackets were bonded to 40 extracted premolars, 20 with Fuji Ortho LC and 20 with Transbond. The teeth were subjected to pH cycling, pH 4.55, and pH 6.8, over a 30-day period. Ten teeth bonded with each material were immersed in a 1000 ppm fluoride solution for 2 minutes each day. Fluoride release was measured throughout the study from all teeth. After 30 days, the teeth were assessed visually for signs of enamel decalcification. RESULTS: Significant differences in decalcification existed macroscopically between all four groups of teeth, with the exception of those bonded with Fuji Ortho LC alone compared with Transbond alone (P = 0.22), and Fuji Ortho LC alone compared with Transbond with added fluoride (P = 0.3). Fluoride release from Fuji Ortho LC alone fell to minimal values, but with the addition of extrinsic fluoride the levels fell initially and then followed an upward trend. There was minimal fluoride release, from Transbond alone, but with daily addition of extrinsic fluoride, subsequent fluoride release was increased. Significant differences existed in the amount of fluoride released between all groups, except comparing Fuji Ortho LC alone and Transbond with added fluoride. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study have indicated that with an in vitro tooth-bracket model, the creation of white spot inhibition could best be achieved by the use of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement, supplemented with fluoride exposure. The least protection was afforded by the composite control. The resin-modified glass ionomer cement alone and the composite with added fluoride demonstrated equivalent protection

    Modified composite or conventional glass ionomer for band cementation? A comparative clinical trial

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    The time to first failure, the position of band failure at deband, and the change in enamel white spot lesions of teeth bonded with a modified composite or a conventional glass ionomer were compared in a randomized half-mouth trial over the full course of orthodontic treatment. One hundred forty band pairs were cemented in 98 subjects. Overall band failure rates of 5% and 2.8% were recorded for the modified composite and the conventional glass ionomer, respectively, with no significant difference found between their times to first band failure. At the end-of-treatment deband, the position of band failure was predominantly at the enamel-cement interface for the modified composite and at the band-cement interface for the conventional glass ionomer (P < .001). A comparison of changes in mean enamel white spot lesion scores during treatment did not reveal significant differences between the cement groups (P = .16). (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:49-53

    Fluoride release from orthodontic band cements - a comparison of two in vitro models

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    Objectives. To compare, in vitro, the fluoride release from a conventional glass ionomer cement (Ketac-Cem), a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (3M-Multicure) and a polyacid modified composite (Ultra Band-Lok) using a banded tooth model and a disc model with the same mean cement weight. Methods. Forty pairs of caries-free third molars were collected and divided into two groups, each of 20 teeth. One tooth from each pair was banded with Ketac-Cem and the other with Ultra Band-Lok or 3M-Multicure; the average band size for each cement group was the same. Two coats of nail varnish were painted on each tooth to within 1 mm of the band margin. Five discs (4.5 mm diameter and 2 mm depth) were prepared for each cement, these dimensions having been calculated so that the mean cement weight of the banded tooth model matched that of the disc model for each cement. The fluoride released into 2 ml of deionised water, from each banded tooth or disc, was measured at regular intervals over 30 days using an Orion ion-selective electrode connected to an ion analyser. Results. At 30 days, for both banded tooth and disc models, the mean cumulative fluoride release was greatest from 3M-Multicure followed by Ketac-Cem, which in turn released more fluoride than Ultra Band-Lok. These differences were all significant (p < 0.05). Despite having the same mean cement weight, the banded tooth model for Ketac-Cem and 3M-Multicure released approximately 3–4 times more cumulative fluoride than the disc model after 30 days (p < 001). For Ultra Band-Lok, both models released comparable levels of fluoride (p > 0.05). Conclusions. Cement type, specimen geometry and surface area appear to influence significantly fluoride release characteristics