12,663 research outputs found

    When are projections also embeddings?

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    We study an autonomous four-dimensional dynamical system used to model certain geophysical processes.This system generates a chaotic attractor that is strongly contracting, with four Lyapunov exponents λi\lambda_i that satisfy λ1+λ2+λ3<0\lambda_1+ \lambda_2+\lambda_3<0, so the Lyapunov dimension is DL=2+∣λ3∣/λ1<3D_L=2+|\lambda_3|/\lambda_1 < 3 in the range of coupling parameter values studied. As a result, it should be possible to find three-dimensional spaces in which the attractors can be embedded so that topological analyses can be carried out to determine which stretching and squeezing mechanisms generate chaotic behavior. We study mappings into R3R^3 to determine which can be used as embeddings to reconstruct the dynamics. We find dramatically different behavior in the two simplest mappings: projections from R4R^4 to R3R^3. In one case the one-parameter family of attractors studied remains topologically unchanged for all coupling parameter values. In the other case, during an intermediate range of parameter values the projection undergoes self-intersections, while the embedded attractors at the two ends of this range are topologically mirror images of each other

    A Comparison of Tests for Embeddings

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    It is possible to compare results for the classical tests for embeddings of chaotic data with the results of a recently proposed test. The classical tests, which depend on real numbers (fractal dimensions, Lyapunov exponents) averaged over an attractor, are compared with a topological test that depends on integers. The comparison can only be done for mappings into three dimensions. We find that the classical tests fail to predict when a mapping is an embedding and when it is not. We point out the reasons for this failure, which are not restricted to three dimensions

    Bistability and instability of dark-antidark solitons in the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We characterize the full family of soliton solutions sitting over a background plane wave and ruled by the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation in the regime where a quintic focusing term represents a saturation of the cubic defocusing nonlinearity. We discuss existence and properties of solitons in terms of catastrophe theory and fully characterize bistability and instabilities of the dark-antidark pairs, revealing new mechanisms of decay of antidark solitons.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted in PR

    Generalized coherent states are unique Bell states of quantum systems with Lie group symmetries

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    We consider quantum systems, whose dynamical symmetry groups are semisimple Lie groups, which can be split or decay into two subsystems of the same symmetry. We prove that the only states of such a system that factorize upon splitting are the generalized coherent states. Since Bell's inequality is never violated by the direct product state, when the system prepared in the generalized coherent state is split, no quantum correlations are created. Therefore, the generalized coherent states are the unique Bell states, i.e., the pure quantum states preserving the fundamental classical property of satisfying Bell's inequality upon splitting.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, amssymb style. More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    Self-Dual Yang-Mills and Vector-Spinor Fields, Nilpotent Fermionic Symmetry, and Supersymmetric Integrable Systems

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    We present a system of a self-dual Yang-Mills field and a self-dual vector-spinor field with nilpotent fermionic symmetry (but not supersymmetry) in 2+2 dimensions, that generates supersymmetric integrable systems in lower dimensions. Our field content is (A_\mu{}^I, \psi_\mu{}^I, \chi^{I J}), where I and J are the adjoint indices of arbitrary gauge group. The \chi^{I J} is a Stueckelberg field for consistency. The system has local nilpotent fermionic symmetry with the algebra \{N_\alpha{}^I, N_\beta{}^J \} = 0. This system generates supersymmetric Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations in D=2+1, and supersymmetric Korteweg-de Vries equations in D=1+1 after appropriate dimensional reductions. We also show that a similar self-dual system in seven dimensions generates self-dual system in four dimensions. Based on our results we conjecture that lower-dimensional supersymmetric integral models can be generated by non-supersymmetric self-dual systems in higher dimensions only with nilpotent fermionic symmetries.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    On N=8 attractors

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    We derive and solve the black hole attractor conditions of N=8 supergravity by finding the critical points of the corresponding black hole potential. This is achieved by a simple generalization of the symplectic structure of the special geometry to all extended supergravities with N>2N>2. There are two solutions for regular black holes, one for 1/8 BPS ones and one for the non-BPS. We discuss the solutions of the moduli at the horizon for BPS attractors using N=2 language. An interpretation of some of these results in N=2 STU black hole context helps to clarify the general features of the black hole attractors.Comment: 15 page

    Topological phase for entangled two-qubit states and the representation of the SO(3)group

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    We discuss the representation of the SO(3)SO(3) group by two-qubit maximally entangled states (MES). We analyze the correspondence between SO(3)SO(3) and the set of two-qubit MES which are experimentally realizable. As a result, we offer a new interpretation of some recently proposed experiments based on MES. Employing the tools of quantum optics we treat in terms of two-qubit MES some classical experiments in neutron interferometry, which showed the π\pi -phase accrued by a spin-1/21/2 particle precessing in a magnetic field. By so doing, we can analyze the extent to which the recently proposed experiments - and future ones of the same sort - would involve essentially new physical aspects as compared with those performed in the past. We argue that the proposed experiments do extend the possibilities for displaying the double connectedness of SO(3)SO(3), although for that to be the case it results necessary to map elements of SU(2)SU(2) onto physical operations acting on two-level systems.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Scaling Laws for Incipient Cavitation Noise

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    The noise produced by the motion or a body through a liquid differs from that produced by the motion of a body through a gas because of the possibility or cavitation in the liquid case. An adequate theory or cavitation and cavitation noise is not yet available, but the application or dimensional analysis together with the theoretical information so far obtained can yield scaling laws for this flow situation. In section II, a brief dissussion will be given or the scaling laws for hydrodynamic noise in some cases of non-cavitating flow; this discussion is included tor oompleteness. In section III, a summary or the present information on the scaling law. for incipient cavitation noise will be presented

    Calculation of the unitary part of the Bures measure for N-level quantum systems

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    We use the canonical coset parameterization and provide a formula with the unitary part of the Bures measure for non-degenerate systems in terms of the product of even Euclidean balls. This formula is shown to be consistent with the sampling of random states through the generation of random unitary matrices

    Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars

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    We present an analysis of the space motions of 742 subdwarf stars based on the sample of Carney et al. (1994, CLLA). Hipparcos parallaxes, TYC2+HIP proper motions and Tycho2 proper motions were combined with radial velocities and metallicities from CLLA. The kinematical behavior is discussed in particular in relation to their metallicities. The majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of [Fe/H] >-1 and represent the thick disk population. The halo component, with [Fe/H] <-1.6, is characterized by a low mean rotation velocity and a radially elongated velocity ellipsoid. In the intermediate metallicity range (-1.6 < [Fe/H] <-1), we find a significant number of subdwarfs with disklike kinematics. We interpret this population of stars as a metal-weak thick disk population.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
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