12,555 research outputs found

    Bistability and instability of dark-antidark solitons in the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We characterize the full family of soliton solutions sitting over a background plane wave and ruled by the cubic-quintic nonlinear Schroedinger equation in the regime where a quintic focusing term represents a saturation of the cubic defocusing nonlinearity. We discuss existence and properties of solitons in terms of catastrophe theory and fully characterize bistability and instabilities of the dark-antidark pairs, revealing new mechanisms of decay of antidark solitons.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted in PR

    Generalized coherent states are unique Bell states of quantum systems with Lie group symmetries

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    We consider quantum systems, whose dynamical symmetry groups are semisimple Lie groups, which can be split or decay into two subsystems of the same symmetry. We prove that the only states of such a system that factorize upon splitting are the generalized coherent states. Since Bell's inequality is never violated by the direct product state, when the system prepared in the generalized coherent state is split, no quantum correlations are created. Therefore, the generalized coherent states are the unique Bell states, i.e., the pure quantum states preserving the fundamental classical property of satisfying Bell's inequality upon splitting.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, amssymb style. More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    Catching GRBs with atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes

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    Fermi has shown GRBs to be a source of >10 GeV photons. We present an estimate of the detection rate of GRBs with a next generation Cherenkov telescope. Our predictions are based on the observed properties of GRBs detected by Fermi, combined with the spectral properties and redshift determinations for the bursts population by instruments operating at lower energies. While detection of VHE emission from GRBs has eluded ground-based instruments thus far, our results suggest that ground-based detection may be within reach of the proposed Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), albeit with a low rate, 0.25 - 0.5/yr. Such a detection would help constrain the emission mechanism of gamma-ray emission from GRBs. Photons at these energies from distant GRBs are affected by the UV-optical background light, and a ground-based detection could also provide a valuable probe of the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) in place at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "Gamma Ray Bursts 2010", held Nov. 1-4, 2010 in Annapolis, M

    Constraining the Distribution of L- & T-Dwarfs in the Galaxy

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    We estimate the thin disk scale height of the Galactic population of L- & T-dwarfs based on star counts from 15 deep parallel fields from the Hubble Space Telescope. From these observations, we have identified 28 candidate L- & T- dwarfs based on their (i'-z') color and morphology. By comparing these star counts to a simple Galactic model, we estimate the scale height to be 350+-50 pc that is consistent with the increase in vertical scale with decreasing stellar mass and is independent of reddening, color-magnitude limits, and other Galactic parameters. With this refined measure, we predict that less than 10^9 M_{sol} of the Milky Way can be in the form L- & T- dwarfs, and confirm that high-latitude, z~6 galaxy surveys which use the i'-band dropout technique are 97-100% free of L- & T- dwarf interlopers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Calculation of the unitary part of the Bures measure for N-level quantum systems

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    We use the canonical coset parameterization and provide a formula with the unitary part of the Bures measure for non-degenerate systems in terms of the product of even Euclidean balls. This formula is shown to be consistent with the sampling of random states through the generation of random unitary matrices

    Contraction of broken symmetries via Kac-Moody formalism

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    I investigate contractions via Kac-Moody formalism. In particular, I show how the symmetry algebra of the standard 2-D Kepler system, which was identified by Daboul and Slodowy as an infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody loop algebra, and was denoted by H2{\mathbb H}_2 , gets reduced by the symmetry breaking term, defined by the Hamiltonian H(β)=12m(p12+p22)αrβr1/2cos((ϕγ)/2). H(\beta)= \frac 1 {2m} (p_1^2+p_2^2)- \frac \alpha r - \beta r^{-1/2} \cos ((\phi-\gamma)/2). For this H(β)H (\beta) I define two symmetry loop algebras Li(β),i=1,2{\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta), i=1,2, by choosing the `basic generators' differently. These Li(β){\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta) can be mapped isomorphically onto subalgebras of H2{\mathbb H}_2 , of codimension 2 or 3, revealing the reduction of symmetry. Both factor algebras Li(β)/Ii(E,β){\mathfrak L}_i(\beta)/I_i(E,\beta), relative to the corresponding energy-dependent ideals Ii(E,β)I_i(E,\beta), are isomorphic to so(3){\mathfrak so}(3) and so(2,1){\mathfrak so}(2,1) for E0E0, respectively, just as for the pure Kepler case. However, they yield two different non-standard contractions as E0E \to 0, namely to the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra h3=w1{\mathfrak h}_3={\mathfrak w}_1 or to an abelian Lie algebra, instead of the Euclidean algebra e(2){\mathfrak e}(2) for the pure Kepler case. The above example suggests a general procedure for defining generalized contractions, and also illustrates the {\em `deformation contraction hysteresis'}, where contraction which involve two contraction parameters can yield different contracted algebras, if the limits are carried out in different order.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur