42 research outputs found

    Forecasting with Factors: The Accuracy of Timeliness

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    This paper demonstrates that factor-based forecasts for key Australian macroeconomic series can outperform standard time-series benchmarks. In practice, however, the advantages of using large panels of data to construct the factors typically comes at the cost of using less timely series, thereby delaying when the forecasts can be made. To produce more timely forecasts it is possible to use a narrower data panel, though this will possibly result in less accurate factor estimates and so less accurate forecasts. We demonstrate this trade-off between accuracy and timeliness with out-of-sample forecasts. With the exception of only consumer price inflation, the forecasts do not become less accurate as they utilise less information by excluding less timely series. So while factor forecasts have large data requirements, we show that these should not prevent their practical use when timely forecasts are needed.forecasting; factor models; Australia

    Component-smoothed Inflation: Estimating the Persistent Component of Inflation in Real Time

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    This paper presents a new measure of underlying inflation: component-smoothed inflation. It approaches the problem of determining underlying inflation from a different direction than previous methods. Rather than excluding or trimming out volatile CPI items, it smoothes components of the CPI based on their volatility – CPI expenditure weights are maintained for all items. Items such as rent are smoothed a little, if at all, while volatile series such as fruit, vegetables and automotive fuel are smoothed a lot. This removes much of the temporary volatility in the CPI while retaining most of the persistent signal. Because our underlying inflation measure includes all CPI items at all times, it is robust to sustained relative price changes and is unbiased in the long run. A potential cost of this approach is that, unlike other measures, it places weight on lagged as well as contemporaneous prices for volatile series. An evaluation of the balance between the costs and benefits of this approach remains an open question.CPI; core inflation; underlying inflation; Australia; United States

    Do output contractions cause investment in fiscal capacity?

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    This paper shows that an economic slump can induce a government to invest in fiscal capacity. Large negative income shocks stress the revenue raising capability of narrow tax bases, making an increase in tax base breadth desirable relative to its fixed implementation cost. A broader tax base enables revenue to be raised at lower tax rates, which reduces the efficiency cost of taxation. The behavior of U.S. state governments during the Great Depression supports the model: states experiencing larger than average negative income shocks were more likely to adopt a retail sales tax than were states experiencing smaller than average income shocks. &nbsp

    The Australian Business Cycle: A Coincident Indicator Approach

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    This paper constructs coincident indices of Australian economic activity using techniques for estimating approximate factor models with many series, using data that begin in the early 1960s. The resulting monthly and quarterly indices both provide plausible measures of the Australian business cycle. The indices are quite robust to the selection of variables used in their construction, the sample period used in estimation, and the number of factors included. Notably, only a small number of factors is needed to adequately capture the business cycle. The coincident indices provide a much smoother representation of the cycle in economic activity than do standard national accounts measures, especially in the period prior to the early 1980s. Accordingly, they suggest that the marked decline in volatility evident in quarterly Australian GDP growth that occurred up to the 1980s may overstate the reduction in the volatility of economic activity and may at least partially reflect improvements in the measurement of GDP. Because the coincident indices present a smoother perspective of the business cycle in the 1960s and 1970s, they identify fewer recessions in this period than does GDP. Over the past 45 years, the coincident indices locate three recessions – periods when there was a widespread downturn in economic activity; in 1974–1975, 1982–1983 and 1990–1991.business cycle; factor models; coincident indicator; Australia

    Urban Structure and Housing Prices: Some Evidence from Australian Cities

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    This paper studies determinants of some aspects of the structure of cities, including density and the price of land and housing. We use a version of the Alonso-Muth-Mills model, calibrated to broadly match some of the features of a representative large city. While the calibrated model omits many real-world features, it can nonetheless be used to explore the impact of factors such as: (i) the provision of transport infrastructure; (ii) zoning policies that limit housing density; (iii) frictions on the production of housing; and (iv) population size. The empirical section of the paper shows that the model is consistent with some empirical regularities for large Australian cities. The results of the paper draw attention to structural factors that may have contributed to developments in the Australian housing market in recent years.housing; housing prices; land prices; zoning; land use

    Long-term Patterns in Australia’s Terms of Trade

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    We examine two important aspects of Australia’s terms of trade using 135 years of annual data up to 2003/04. Since Australia predominantly exports commodities and imports manufactures, the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis suggests that there should be a negative trend in the terms of trade. But the trend is no more than –0.1 per cent per annum, less than the trend decline in world commodity prices relative to manufactured goods prices. The weaker trend appears to be the result of Australia exporting, and importantly diversifying toward, commodities with faster price growth. Extending the sample using projections for the terms of trade for the two years to 2005/06 based on commodity price movements to date, the apparent downward trend disappears. Indeed, based on these projections, the terms of trade will have increased by around 50 per cent over the period 1987–2006, unwinding the decline over the preceding 30 years. We also investigate the volatility of the terms of trade and demonstrate that it was significantly higher between 1923 and 1952. This is attributable to substantially higher volatility in the export prices of a few key commodity exports. Volatility declined after 1952 due to smaller shocks to the prices of these goods. The diversification in Australia’s export base since then means that the terms of trade are less susceptible to shocks to prices of individual commodity exports.terms of trade; commodity prices; Prebisch-Singer

    Evidence on unclaimed charitable contributions from the Introduction of third-part information reporting in Denmark

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    The introduction of information reporting and pre-population of charitable tax deductions in Denmark in 2008 coincided with a doubling in the number of tax deductions claimed, and a 15 percent rise in the value of claims. We attribute this change to incomplete claiming of eliglbe charitable tax deductions under the prior self-reporting regime: a pre-form randomized audit shows a neglible amount of chaitable overreporting, and we present evidence that there was no change in giving behavior aorund the time of the reform. We estimate that pre-year average amount of forgone tax benefits to be small, but find that many tax-payers repeatedly failed to claim eligble charitable tax deductions under the self-reporting regime. We provide evidence on information frictions from taxpayer behavior due to a notched subsidy scheme

    Housing wealth effects: cross-sectional evidence from new vehicle registrations

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    Investigates the relationship between housing wealth and consumption using postcode-level variation in house prices and administrative data on new passenger vehicle registrations as a proxy for consumption. Abstract Understanding the relationship between housing wealth and consumption is important, because it informs the extent to which fluctuations in house prices might affect the broader economy. We investigate the relationship between housing wealth and consumption using postcode-level variation in house prices and administrative data on new passenger vehicle registrations as a proxy for consumption. In our preferred specification, we estimate an elasticity of new passenger vehicle registrations with respect to gross housing wealth of 0.4–0.5, and an average marginal propensity to consume (MPC) for new passenger vehicles of about 0.06 cents per dollar change in gross housing wealth. Assuming new vehicle registrations and total consumption have the same sensitivity to changes in housing wealth implies an MPC for total consumption of 2 cents per dollar change in gross housing wealth. But US evidence indicates that new vehicle consumption is particularly sensitive to changes in housing wealth. Assuming the same is true for Australia, our estimates imply an MPC for total consumption of less than 0.25 cents. Notably, we find evidence that the relationship between house prices and new vehicle registrations is heterogenous in income, with low-income households having a higher propensity to purchase a new vehicle following a rise in housing wealth than high-income households. This implies that the distribution of changes in house prices is relevant for understanding its effect on aggregate consumption. &nbsp

    Essays in Macroeconomics and Public Finance.

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    This dissertation contains three chapters at the intersection of macroeconomics and public finance. The first chapter demonstrates that deep recessions can stimulate investment in state fiscal capacity. Large negative income shocks endanger the revenue-raising capability of existing narrow tax bases, particularly when the ability to borrow is limited, making an increase in fiscal capacity desirable relative to its implementation cost. An increase in fiscal capacity enables a given amount of revenue to be raised by taxing a wider range of economic activity at lower tax rates, which reduces the efficiency cost of taxation. Evidence from U.S. state governments during the Great Depression supports the model's predictions: governments in states experiencing larger than average negative income shocks were significantly more likely to adopt a retail sales tax (and income taxes) than were governments in states experiencing smaller than average income shocks, and state governments entering the Great Depression with a high level of debt were more likely to adopt new tax bases than those with low levels of debt. The second chapter proposes a model of consumption commitments - costly adjustment of spending for some goods - that can be easily incorporated into an otherwise standard representative agent DSGE model. The model explains several features of aggregate consumption data: (i) excess smoothness and excess sensitivity; (ii) hump-shaped dynamics; (iii) attenuated response to transitory real interest rate changes; and (iv) some aspects of the equity-premium puzzle. The model provides a microfoundation for reference dependent consumption. The third chapter, co-authored with Peer Skov, uses a reform in Denmark affecting reporting of charitable tax deductions to shed light on taxpayer behavior. We find that the introduction of information reporting and pre-population of charitable tax deductions in 2008 coincided with a doubling in the number of deductions claimed, and attribute this change to incomplete claiming of eligible deductions under the prior self-reporting regime. We estimate the per-year average amount of forgone tax benefits to be small, but find that many taxpayers repeatedly failed to claim eligible charitable tax deductions under the self-reporting regime.PhDEconomicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102360/1/cgillitz_1.pd

    A characteristics approach to optimal taxation: line drawing and tax-driven product innovation

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    Real-world tax legislation assigns goods to different categories of tax rates on the basis of observable characteristics, allowing the tax system to handle a constantly evolving set of available goods. We recast the theory of optimal taxation in the language of characteristics, and we show how to optimally draw lines that delineate tax-rate regimes. Such lines are associated with notches in tax liability as a function of characteristics, creating incentives to introduce goods with new combinations of characteristics in order to reduce tax liability. With a restricted set of tax instruments, such notches are in general part of the second-best optimal tax system