7 research outputs found

    Training Value of a Fixed-Base Flight Simulator with a Dynamic Seat

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    In this paper, we first explain that pilots experience airplane motion via multiple perceptual systems, which makes motion a candidate for simulation via stimulation of only a subset of these systems. Next, we discuss the relative merit of vestibular cues when piloting an airplane. This is followed by a comparison of the vestibular cues received in the airplane and those possible, or practicable, in an airline-pilot training simulator, considering also the history of flight-simulator motion and alternative technologies. We conclude that a vast body of research has shown that accurate cues are not achievable at present, and that those available have not been shown to improve transfer between airplane and simulator. We then examine the cost of motion, and posit that it may prohibit some airline pilots from reaping the benefits of simulator training, with a concomitant loss in passenger safety. This consideration is especially pertinent given the world-wide training needs. Moreover, the equipment, facility, and maintenance costs associated with hexapod-platform motion systems may serve to discourage operators from upgrading the simulator’s fidelity in other important areas, such as assuring that the simulator cockpit does in fact match the equipment in the target aircraft, and that the simulation includes realistic operational representation of the national air space, including the air-traffic-control environment. We describe current and planned research on the training effectiveness of an alternative approach, which provides trainees with visual motion and heave-onset cues in what otherwise corresponds to an FAA Level D Full Flight Simulator in terms of data fidelity. This includes the results of a “proof-of-concept” phase that culminated in the successful type-rating of six pilots on a twin-engine turboprop airplane

    An introduction to inertial and visual sensing

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    In this paper we present a tutorial introduction to two important senses for biological and robotic systems — inertial and visual perception. We discuss the fundamentals of these two sensing modalities from a biological and an engineering perspective. Digital camera chips and micro-machined accelerometers and gyroscopes are now commodities, and when combined with today's available computing can provide robust estimates of self-motion as well 3D scene structure, without external infrastructure. We discuss the complementarity of these sensors, describe some fundamental approaches to fusing their outputs and survey the field

    Linseed essential oil - source of lipids as active ingredients for pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals

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    Linseed - also known as flaxseed - is known for its beneficial effects on animal health attributed to its composition. Linseed comprises linoleic and ?-linolenic fatty acids, various dietary fibers and lignans, which are beneficial to health because they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancer, decreasing the levels of cholesterol and relaxing the smooth muscle cells in arteries increasing the blood flow. Essential fatty acids from flax participate in several metabolic processes of the cell, not only as structuring components of the cell membrane but also as storage lipids. Flax, being considered a functional food, can be consumed in a variety of ways, including seeds, oil or flour, contributing to basic nutrition. Several formulations containing flax are available on the market in the form of e.g. capsules and microencapsulated powders having potential as nutraceuticals. This paper revises the different lipid classes found in flaxseeds and their genomics. It also discusses the beneficial effects of flax and flaxseed oil and their biological advantages as ingredients in pharmaceuticals and in nutraceuticals products.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) through national funds, and co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020 for the project M-ERA-NET/0004/2015-PAIRED.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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