63 research outputs found

    COS cell expression studies of P86L, P86R, P480L and P480Q Hunter's disease-causing mutations

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    AbstractThree missense mutations identified in the IDS gene of our Hunter's disease patients (P86L, P480L and P480Q) and the previously described P86R mutation were expressed in COS cells to evaluate their functional consequence on iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) activity and processing. The 86-proline residue belongs to the highly conserved pentapeptide C-X-P-S-R in which cysteine modification to a formylglycine is required for sulfatase activity. The substitution of the 86-proline residue led to a severe mutation as no mature form was targeted to the lysosome in agreement with the severe phenotype observed in patients carrying P86L and P86R mutations. Expression studies with P480L and P480Q mutant cDNAs showed the presence of a small amount of 55 kDa mature form in the lysosomes of transfected COS cells. IDS activity of the P480L and P480Q mutants in cell extracts represents 16.6% and 5.4% of the wild-type, respectively

    Brugada Type 1 Pattern and Risk Stratification for Sudden Death: Does the Key Hide in the ECG Analysis?

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    Primary prevention of ventricular fibrillation is at the heart of the management of Brugada syndrome. Several recent studies have shown that the analysis of simple electrocardiographic criteria could help to stratify the risk of sudden death. In the present work, 12 markers were studied: spontaneous and permanent type 1 pattern, first-degree atrioventricular block, sinus node dysfunction, wide QRS in V2, aVR sign, fragmented QRS, S-waves in DI, early repolarization pattern, atrial fibrillation, type 1 in peripheral leads pattern, and long Tpeak-Tend interval. These electrical markers reflect abnormalities in conduction, depolarization, and repolarization that may indicate the severity of the disease. In this chapter, we carry out a review of these markers, their method of determination on the surface ECG, and the main studies highlighting their prognostic impact. We also review the main underlying pathophysiological hypotheses of Brugada syndrome

    MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) is pathogenic founder variant causing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with overall relatively delayed onset

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    Introduction: The MYH7 c.5135G &gt; A p.(Arg1712Gln) variant has been identified in several patients worldwide and is classified as pathogenic in the ClinVar database. We aimed to delineate its associated phenotype and evaluate a potential founder effect.Methods: We retrospectively collected clinical and genetic data of 22 probands and 74 family members from an international cohort.Results: In total, 53 individuals carried the MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) variant, of whom 38 (72%) were diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Mean age at HCM diagnosis was 48.8 years (standard deviation: 18.1; range: 8–74). The clinical presentation ranged from asymptomatic HCM to arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation and malignant ventricular arrhythmias). Aborted sudden cardiac death (SCD) leading to the diagnosis of HCM occurred in one proband at the age of 68 years, and a family history of SCD was reported by 39% (5/13) probands. Neither heart failure deaths nor heart transplants were reported. Women had a generally later-onset disease, with 14% of female carriers diagnosed with HCM at age 50 years compared with 54% of male carriers. In both sexes, the disease was fully penetrant by age 75 years. Haplotypes were reconstructed for 35 patients and showed a founder effect in a subset of patients.Conclusion: MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) is a pathogenic founder variant with a consistent HCM phenotype that may present with delayed penetrance. This suggested that clinical follow-up should be pursued after the seventh decade in healthy carriers and that longer intervals between screening may be justified in healthy women &lt; 30 years.</p

    MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) is pathogenic founder variant causing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with overall relatively delayed onset

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    Introduction: The MYH7 c.5135G &gt; A p.(Arg1712Gln) variant has been identified in several patients worldwide and is classified as pathogenic in the ClinVar database. We aimed to delineate its associated phenotype and evaluate a potential founder effect.Methods: We retrospectively collected clinical and genetic data of 22 probands and 74 family members from an international cohort.Results: In total, 53 individuals carried the MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) variant, of whom 38 (72%) were diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Mean age at HCM diagnosis was 48.8 years (standard deviation: 18.1; range: 8–74). The clinical presentation ranged from asymptomatic HCM to arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation and malignant ventricular arrhythmias). Aborted sudden cardiac death (SCD) leading to the diagnosis of HCM occurred in one proband at the age of 68 years, and a family history of SCD was reported by 39% (5/13) probands. Neither heart failure deaths nor heart transplants were reported. Women had a generally later-onset disease, with 14% of female carriers diagnosed with HCM at age 50 years compared with 54% of male carriers. In both sexes, the disease was fully penetrant by age 75 years. Haplotypes were reconstructed for 35 patients and showed a founder effect in a subset of patients.Conclusion: MYH7 p.(Arg1712Gln) is a pathogenic founder variant with a consistent HCM phenotype that may present with delayed penetrance. This suggested that clinical follow-up should be pursued after the seventh decade in healthy carriers and that longer intervals between screening may be justified in healthy women &lt; 30 years.</p

    Un cas de myopathie myofibrillaire infantile dû à une mutation dans le gène

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    Les myopathies myofibrillaires sont un groupe de pathologies cliniquement et génétiquement hétérogènes mais partageant des caractéristiques histologiques communes. On retrouve au niveau du muscle des modifications de la structure des myofibrilles associées à une accumulation intracellulaire de protéines. Les manifestations cliniques sont variables d’un individu à l’autre mais marquées par une faiblesse musculaire généralement lentement progressive. À l’heure actuelle, neuf gènes codant des protéines faisant partie de la strie Z ont été identifiés à ce jour comme responsables de myopathie fibrillaire

    Nuclear envelopathies: a complex LINC between nuclear envelope and pathology

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    Abstract Since the identification of the first disease causing mutation in the gene coding for emerin, a transmembrane protein of the inner nuclear membrane, hundreds of mutations and variants have been found in genes encoding for nuclear envelope components. These proteins can be part of the inner nuclear membrane (INM), such as emerin or SUN proteins, outer nuclear membrane (ONM), such as Nesprins, or the nuclear lamina, such as lamins A and C. However, they physically interact with each other to insure the nuclear envelope integrity and mediate the interactions of the nuclear envelope with both the genome, on the inner side, and the cytoskeleton, on the outer side. The core of this complex, called LINC (LInker of Nucleoskeleton to Cytoskeleton) is composed of KASH and SUN homology domain proteins. SUN proteins are INM proteins which interact with lamins by their N-terminal domain and with the KASH domain of nesprins located in the ONM by their C-terminal domain. Although most of these proteins are ubiquitously expressed, their mutations have been associated with a large number of clinically unrelated pathologies affecting specific tissues. Moreover, variants in SUN proteins have been found to modulate the severity of diseases induced by mutations in other LINC components or interactors. For these reasons, the diagnosis and the identification of the molecular explanation of “nuclear envelopathies” is currently challenging. The aim of this review is to summarize the human diseases caused by mutations in genes coding for INM proteins, nuclear lamina, and ONM proteins, and to discuss their potential physiopathological mechanisms that could explain the large spectrum of observed symptoms