11 research outputs found

    A tissue-specific knockout reveals that Gata1 is not essential for Sertoli cell function in the mouse

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    The transcription factor Gata1 is essential for the development of erythroid cells. Consequently, Gata1 null mutants die in utero due to severe anaemia. Outside the haematopoietic system, Gata1 is only expressed in the Sertoli cells of the testis. To elucidate the function of Gata1 in the testis, we made a Sertoli cell-specific knockout of the Gata1 gene in the mouse. We deleted a normally functioning 'floxed' Gata1 gene in pre-Sertoli cells in vivo through the expression of Cre from a transgene driven by the Desert Hedgehog promoter. Surprisingly, Gata1 null testes developed to be morphologically normal, spermatogenesis was not obviously affected and expression levels of putative Gata1 target genes, and other Gata factors, were not altered. We conclude that expression of Gata1 in Sertoli cells is not essential for testis development or spermatogenesis in the mouse

    The human beta-globin locus control region confers an early embryonic erythroid-specific expression pattern to a basic promoter driving the bacterial lacZ gene

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    The beta-globin locus control region (LCR) is contained on a 20 kb DNA fragment and is characterized by the presence of five DNaseI hypersensitive sites in erythroid cells, termed 5'HS1-5. A fully active 6.5 kb version of the LCR, called the muLCR, has been described. Expression of the beta-like globin genes is absolutely dependent on the presence of the LCR. The developmental expression pattern of the genes in the cluster is achieved through competition of the promoters for the activating function of the LCR. Transgenic mice experiments suggest that subtle changes in the transcription factor environment lead to the successive silencing of the embryonic epsilon-globin and fetal gamma-globin promoters, resulting in the almost exclusive transcription of the beta-globin gene in adult erythropoiesis. In this paper, we have asked the question whether the LCR and its individual hypersensitive sites 5'HS1-4 can activate a basic promoter in the absence of any other globin sequences. We have employed a minimal promoter derived from the mouse Hsp68 gene driving the bacterial beta-galactosidase (lacZ) gene. The results show that the muLCR and 5'HS3 direct erythroid-specific, embryonic expression of this construct, while 5'HS1, 5'HS2 and 5'HS4 are inactive at any stage of development. Expression of the muLCR and 5'HS3 transgenes is repressed during fetal stages of development. The transgenes are in an inactive chromatin conformation and the lacZ gene is not transcribed, as shown by in situ hybridization. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that the LCR requires the presence of an active promoter to adopt an open chromatin conformation and with models proposing progressive heterochromatization during embryogenesis. The results suggest that the presence of a beta-globin gene is required for LCR function as conditions become more stringent during development

    Specificity protein 2 (Sp2) is essential for mouse development and autonomous proliferation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts

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    Background: The zinc finger protein Sp2 (specificity protein 2) is a member of the glutamine-rich Sp family of transcription factors. Despite its close similarity to Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4, Sp2 does not bind to DNA or activate transcription when expressed in mammalian cell lines. The expression pattern and the biological relevance of Sp2 in the mouse are unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: Whole-mount in situ hybridization of mouse embryos between E7.5 and E9.5 revealed abundant expression in most embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues. In order to unravel the biological relevance of Sp2, we have targeted the Sp2 gene by a tri-loxP strategy. Constitutive Sp2null and conditional Sp2cko knockout alleles were obtained by crossings with appropriate Cre recombinase expressing mice. Constitutive disruption of the mouse Sp2 gene (Sp2null) resulted in severe growth retardation and lethality before E9.5. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from Sp2null embryos at E9.5 failed to grow. Cre-mediated ablation of Sp2 in Sp2cko/cko MEFs obtained from E13.5 strongly impaired cell proliferation. Conclusions/Significance: Our results demonstrate that Sp2 is essential for early mouse development and autonomous proliferation of MEFs in culture. Comparison of the Sp2 knockout phenotype with th

    The human β-globin locus control region confers an early embryonic erythroid-specific expression pattern to a basic promoter driving the bacterial β-galactosidase gene.

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    The beta-globin locus control region (LCR) is contained on a 20 kb DNA fragment and is characterized by the presence of five DNaseI hypersensitive sites in erythroid cells, termed 5'HS1-5. A fully active 6.5 kb version of the LCR, called the muLCR, has been described. Expression of the beta-like globin genes is absolutely dependent on the presence of the LCR. The developmental expression pattern of the genes in the cluster is achieved through competition of the promoters for the activating function of the LCR. Transgenic mice experiments suggest that subtle changes in the transcription factor environment lead to the successive silencing of the embryonic epsilon-globin and fetal gamma-globin promoters, resulting in the almost exclusive transcription of the beta-globin gene in adult erythropoiesis. In this paper, we have asked the question whether the LCR and its individual hypersensitive sites 5'HS1-4 can activate a basic promoter in the absence of any other globin sequences. We have employed a minimal promoter derived from the mouse Hsp68 gene driving the bacterial beta-galactosidase (lacZ) gene. The results show that the muLCR and 5'HS3 direct erythroid-specific, embryonic expression of this construct, while 5'HS1, 5'HS2 and 5'HS4 are inactive at any stage of development. Expression of the muLCR and 5'HS3 transgenes is repressed during fetal stages of development. The transgenes are in an inactive chromatin conformation and the lacZ gene is not transcribed, as shown by in situ hybridization. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that the LCR requires the presence of an active promoter to adopt an open chromatin conformation and with models proposing progressive heterochromatization during embryogenesis. The results suggest that the presence of a beta-globin gene is required for LCR function as conditions become more stringent during development

    Altered DNA-binding specificity mutants of EKLF and Sp1 show that EKLF is an activator of the β-globin locus control region in vivo.

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    The locus control region of the beta-globin cluster contains five DNase I hypersensitive sites (5'HS1-5) required for locus activation. 5'HS3 contains six G-rich motifs that are essential for its activity. Members of a protein family, characterized by three zinc fingers highly homologous to those found in transcription factor Sp1, interact with these motifs. Because point mutagenesis cannot distinguish between family members, it is not known which protein activates 5'HS3. We show that the function of such closely related proteins can be distinguished in vivo by matching point mutations in 5'HS3 with amino acid changes in the zinc fingers of Sp1 and EKLF. Testing their activity in transgenic mice shows that EKLF is a direct activator of 5'HS3

    Five friends of methylated chromatin target of protein-arginine- methyltransferase[Prmt]-1 (Chtop), a complex linking arginine methylation to desumoylation

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    Chromatin target of Prmt1 (Chtop) is a vertebrate-specific chromatin-bound protein that plays an important role in transcriptional regulation. As its mechanism of action remains unclear, we identified Chtop-interacting proteins using a biotinylation-proteomics approach. Here we describe the identification and initial characterization of Five Friends of Methylated Chtop (5FMC). 5FMC is a nuclear complex that can only be recruited by Chtop when the latter is arginine-methylated by Prmt1. It consists of the co-activator Pelp1, the Sumo-specific protease Senp3, Wdr18, Tex10, and Las1L. Pelp1 functions as the core of 5FMC, as the other components become unstable in the absence of Pelp1. We show that recruitment of 5FMC to Zbp-89, a zinc-finger transcription factor, affects its sumoylation status and transactivation potential. Collectively, our data provide a mechanistic link between arginine methylation and (de)sumoylation in the control of transcriptional activity

    Functional and comparative analysis of globin loci in pufferfish and humans

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    To further our understanding of the regulation of vertebrate globin loci, we have isolated cosmids containing α- and β-globin genes from the pufferfish Fugu rubripes. By DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, we show that Fugu contains 2 distinct hemoglobin loci situated on separate chromosomes

    Friend of Prmt1, a novel chromatin target of protein arginine methyltransferases

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    We describe the isolation and characterization of Friend of Prmt1 (Fop), a novel chromatin target of protein arginine methyltransferases. Human Fop is encoded by C1orf77, a gene of previously unknown function. We show that Fop is tightl