134 research outputs found

    Picasso in thaw culture

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    RésuméPicasso dans la culture du DégelAu milieu des années 1950 et pour la première fois en près de dix ans, l’Union soviétique commença à accueillir des expositions étrangères d’œuvres impressionnistes, expressionnistes, cubistes et abstraites. Les expositions occidentales d’art moderne devinrent bientôt parties intégrantes du cadre de vie à Moscou et à Leningrad. Cet article étudie la transformation de la notion d’étranger en celle de familier dans le processus de médiation culturelle et d’appropriation. Il examine la façon dont les visiteurs faisaient la part des choses entre ce qu’ils voyaient et ce qu’ils lisaient, interprète leurs réponses à ces expositions en prenant en considération leurs notions de culture et du “barbare” ainsi que leurs lapsus et leurs insultes et il met en lumière les émotions suscitées par leur rencontre avec l’art moderne occidental. L’objet central de cette étude est l’exposition Picasso de 1956, événement majeur qui reste l’un des souvenirs les plus marquants du Dégel. Ce n’était pas la première exposition de peinture moderne étrangère de la décennie, mais elle a éclipsé toutes les suivantes, qu’elles soient d’autres artistes occidentaux ou de Picasso lui-même. Elle arriva en Union soviétique pendant une période troublée par des mouvements étudiants, des remous au sein des syndicats des artistes et la révolution hongroise. En conséquence, pour tous les participants, personnel du musée, représentants du parti, étudiants, administrateurs d’universités et visiteurs de tous âges, le nom de Picasso devint synonyme de parole débridée, de foules désordonnées et de perturbations politiques. Le mot “Picasso” devint une métaphore centrale dans le discours sur le passé et les nouveaux départs, la force et l’innocence, la liberté d’expression et par laquelle se définissait la génération de la fin des années 1950-début des années 1960. L’article explore le sens politique et poétique accolé au nom de Picasso dans la culture du Dégel. La politique de 1956, la poésie de la première moitié des années 1960 et la publication de témoignages sur Picasso par des médiateurs culturels ont facilité la reconnaissance de cet artiste par un public lettré et libéral.AbstractIn the mid-1950s, for the first time in almost a decade, the Soviet Union began to host foreign exhibitions of impressionist, expressionist, cubist, and abstract painting. Modern art exhibitions from the West were soon to become a habitual presence in Moscow and Leningrad. This article investigates the transformation of the foreign into the familiar in the process of cultural mediation and domestication. The article considers how viewers negotiated between what they saw and read ; it interprets their responses to foreign exhibitions by taking into account the viewers’ notions of culture, “barbarity,” and the museum, as well as language slips and verbal abuses ; and it highlights the emotions that accompanied the encounter with modern Western art. I focus on the 1956 Picasso exhibition - one of the central events and enduring memories of the Thaw. This was not the first exhibition of modern foreign painting in the 1950s, but it overshadowed all subsequent ones - of other Western artists and of Picasso himself. The exhibition arrived in the Soviet Union at a particularly charged moment, overlapping with student disturbances, the commotion in the creative unions, and the Hungarian revolution. As a result, for all participants - museum staff, party officials, students, university administrators, and exhibition visitors of various ages - Picasso’s name became synonymous with unbridled speech, disorderly crowds, and political upheaval. “Picasso” was a key metaphor with which viewers discussed the past and new beginnings, force and innocence, debate and creative freedom, and with which generational identities were delineated in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This essay explores the political and poetic meanings attached to Picasso’s name in Thaw culture. The politics of 1956, the poetry of the early-mid 1960s, and the publication of first-hand accounts of Picasso by cultural mediators facilitated the recognition of the artist among broad viewing and reading audiences

    Evaluation of Bacillus anthracis extractable antigen for testing anthrax immunity

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    ABSTRACTThree extractable Bacillus anthracis cell-wall-associated antigens were evaluated for potential use as skin testing agents, and as possible candidates for in-vitro diagnosis of anthrax immunity. Anthraxin and a partially purified extractable antigen (EAP) were produced from avirulent B. anthracis strain 34F2 (Sterne). The thermoextractable antigen used for the Ascoli reaction was obtained commercially. Guineapigs were immunised and boosted several times subcutaneously with the Sterne live veterinary anthrax vaccine. Four weeks after the last booster dose, animals were skin-tested with the three antigens. Serum antibody levels were also determined by ELISA, and the in-vitro T-cell response was evaluated by [3H]-thymidine incorporation. EAP was the most active antigen in both the serological and cellular reactions. EAP also elicited a distinct positive skin reaction in animals immunised with B. anthracis. The data obtained in this preliminary study indicated that extractable cell-wall antigens obtained from the vegetative form of B. anthracis may be used for skin tests and in-vitro testing of specific humoral and cell-mediated anthrax immunity


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    La période qui suivit la mort de Staline, conventionnellement désignée dans l’historiographie par le terme de « Dégel », fut marquée par de profonds changements. L’ambition de ce numéro est de retracer ces transformations du système soviétique. Les tentatives de redéfinition du socialisme et les changements des rapports de force politiques à l’intérieur du pays comme sur la scène internationale font ici l’objet d’une attention particulière. À partir de 1953, la volonté de rompre avec les « ab..


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    Background: The review analyzes the possible role of autoimmune processes in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and the evolution of concepts on this issue from its origin to the present. Results: Risks of autoimmune processes causing schizophrenia are associated with several factors: an impaired functioning of dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems in the brain, kynurenine pathway disorder with overproduction of quinolinic, anthranilic and kynurenic acids (possibly altering both neurons and T-regulators), increased intestinal permeability, as well as food antigens’ effects, stress and infections with various pathogens at different stages of ontogenesis. An increase in the levels of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines as well as a decrease in the levels of anti-inflammatory ones also may contribute to schizophrenia risks. Schizophrenia often occurs in those patients having various autoimmune diseases and their first-degree relatives. Conclusion: Cases of schizophrenia resulted from autoimmune pathogenesis (including autoimmune encephalitis caused by autoantibodies against various neuronal antigens) are characterized by quite severe cognitive and psychotic symptoms and a less favorable prognosis. This severe course may result from the chronic immune damage of the neuronal receptors such as NMDA, GABA, and others and depend on hyperprolactinemia, induced by antipsychotics, but aggravating autoimmune processes

    The Homogeneous Multiplexed System-a New Method for Autoantibody Profile in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multi-systemic autoimmune disease leading to immunological aberrations and excessive multiple autoantibody production. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of multiple autoantibodies in SLE patients utilizing the multiplex system method

    The thrombophilic network of autoantibodies in celiac disease

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease is a life-long autoimmune condition, affecting genetically susceptible individuals that may present with thromboembolic phenomena. This thrombophilia represents a puzzle with multiple constituents: hyperhomocysteinemia, B12 and\or folate deficiency, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations, and protein C and S deficiency due to vitamin K deficiency. However, the well known thrombogenic factors, antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin and antiprothrombin have never been explored in celiac disease. METHODS: The serum autoantibody levels were determined in 248 individuals, classified into three groups. Group 1 comprised 70 children with definitive celiac disease (age: 7.04 ±4.3 years, male to female ratio 1.06) and group 2 comprised 88 normal children (age: 6.7 ±4.17 years, male to female ratio 0.87), representing controls. The pediatric populations were compared to group 3, which included 90 adults who were family members (parents) of group 1 (age: 34.6 ±11.35 years, male to female ratio 1.2). Antibodies were checked by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Mean optical density levels of serum antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin immunoglobulin G antibodies were 32.4 ±19.4, 3.6 ±2.5 and 16.1 ±15.8 absorbance units in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively (P <0.0001), with 45.7%, 0% and 7.8% of groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively positive for the antibody (P <0.01). Mean optical density levels of serum antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin immunoglobulin M antibodies were 14.2 ±8.7, 6.7 ±6.4 and 12.4 ±15.5 absorbance units in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively (P <0.0001), with 7.1%, 3.4% and 9.9% of groups 1, 2 and 3 positive for the antibody. Mean optical density levels of serum antiprothrombin and antiphospholipid immunoglobulin G antibodies were higher in groups 1 and 3 compared with 2 (P <0.005) and in groups 1 and 2 compared with 3 (P <0.01), respectively. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were positive for antiphospholipid immunoglobulin G antibodies (groups 1 and 2 compared with 3) . Celiac disease sera harbor a higher antiprothrombin immunoglobulin G level compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that the intestinal injury, endothelial dysfunction, platelet abnormality and enhanced apoptosis recently described in celiac disease are at the origin of the increased exposure of phospholipids or new epitopes representing autoantigens. Those autoantibodies might play a pathogenic role in the thrombophilia associated with celiac disease and represent markers for potential anticoagulant preventive therapy

    Autoantibodies Profile in the Sera of Patients with Sjogren]s Syndrome: The ANA Evaluation—A Homogeneous, Multiplexed System

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    Background: Flow-based, multiplex bead arrays (MBA) have been developed for a variety of applications including the detection of antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens (ENA). It offers a rapid and sensitive method to assess multiple analyses in a single tube/well

    Correlation of the severity of type 1 diabetes with the severity of affective disorders in children and adolescents

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    То determine the severity of affective disorders in children and adolescents with diabetes type 1 diabetes and their relationship with the severity of diabetes 48 DM patients aged 10-15 years were examined. Children and adolescents were divided in two groups depending on carbohydrate metabolism target values individualized by age. Verification of the affective disorders was performed using Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale to evaluate depression: Zung, Hamilton, Spielberger scales to evaluate anxiety. The incidence and severity of affective disorders in children and adolescents with diabetes depends on the duration and degree of compensation of diabetes. Related Depression and anxiety disorders interfere with achieving and maintaining long-term compensation of diabetes and worsen its prognosis.Цель работы: определить связь степени компенсации сахарного диабета с частотой и выраженностью депрессивных и тревожных расстройств у детей и подростков Основные процедуры: обследовано 48 пациентов с сахарным диабетом в возрасте 10-15 лет, разделенных на 2 группы в зависимости от целевых возрастных показателей углеводного обмена. Верификация аффективных расстройств проводилась с использованием адаптированной для детского возраста шкалы Монтгомери-Асберга для оценки депрессии, личностного опросника Спилбергера, шкал Цунга, Гамильтона для оценки тревоги. Результаты: отчётливые симптомы депрессии выявлены у 33,3% пациентов с сахарным диабетом и у 12% детей контрольной группы (р<0,05). Тревожные расстройства диагностированы у 64% пациентов с сахарным диабетом и 28% пациентов группы контроля. Выявлена разница в частоте аффективных расстройств у детей в зависимости от состояния углеводного обмена: в 1-й группе (компенсированный, субкомпенсированный сахарным диабетом) частота депрессий составила 26,6%, тревожных расстройств 40,3%, в группе пациентов с декомпенсацией сахарным диабетом депрессии выявлены в 45% случаев, тревожные расстройства в 48,8% (р<0,01). Выводы: аффективные нарушения достоверно чаще диагностируются в группе пациентов с сахарным диабетом, в сравнении с детьми без эндокринной патологии. Частота и выраженность аффективных расстройств зависит от длительности и степени компенсации диабета. В свою очередь, депрессии и тревожные расстройства сопутствующие сахарному диабету препятствуют достижению и поддержанию длительной компенсации и ухудшают его прогноз