36 research outputs found

    POURVU - Sujet de mémoire en iconographie

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    Le sujet est pourvu L’iconographie du Mouton au Proche-Orient du Néolithique à la fin de l’Age du Fer A partir de la documentation iconographique du Proche-Orient du néolithique à la fin de l’Age du Fer, il s’agit de faire un catalogue raisonné (typologie) des représentations de moutons dans l’iconographie en Asie du Sud-Ouest (Proche et Moyen-Orient)et d’identifier les caractéristiques physiques des moutons (les phéno-types) en relation avec les datations des représentations. Recenseme..

    Référence de CR d'ouvrage fictive: Test pour import Varishs

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    vol. 55. Test pour import Varish

    30 ans de CNRS à Jalès. Un anniversaire aux portes grandes ouvertes !

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    http://archeorient.hypotheses.org/4633Article paru dans ArchéOrient – Le blog, carnet de recherche de la plateforme Hypotheses.org.Il y a 30 ans, une équipe de préhistoriens s’installait dans la commanderie de Jalès, aujourd’hui devenue antenne du Laboratoire Archéorient (Unité mixte de recherche CNRS/Université Lumière Lyon 2). Pour fêter cet anniversaire, le lieu a ouvert ses portes, l’occasion pour le grand public de découvrir ou redécouvrir les activités de ce laboratoire relativement atypique

    30 ans de CNRS à Jalès. Un anniversaire aux portes grandes ouvertes !

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    Il y a 30 ans, une équipe de préhistoriens s’installait dans la commanderie de Jalès, aujourd’hui devenue antenne du Laboratoire Archéorient (Unité mixte de recherche CNRS/Université Lumière Lyon 2). Pour fêter cet anniversaire, le lieu a ouvert ses portes, l’occasion pour le grand public de découvrir ou redécouvrir les activités de ce laboratoire relativement atypique. Fig. 1 : La commanderie de Jalès, côté laboratoire CNRS (crédit F. Yvonne, avec son aimable autorisation) Dimanche 6 septem..

    Référence de CR d'ouvrage fictive: Test pour import Varishs

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    vol. 55. Test pour import Varish

    XIVth International Conference of Archaeological Prospection

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    International audienc

    Vegetation history and human impact at subalpine belt in the French North-Western Alps (Upper-Arve Valley)

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    International audiencePollen analyses were undertaken on three small peatbogs, located on the Anterne mountain (Upper-Arve Valley, French north-western Alps) at different altitudes - 1855, 2060 and 2235 m asl, respectively. Their comparative study allowed for the detremination of the role played by human activity in Holocene vegetation dynamics of the nowadays treeless subalpine belt. Sixteen AMS 14 C ages support the chronology. At 2235m asl, first organic sediment have been deposited over basal clay at 10,050 cal. Years BP (+/- 150). First trees (Salix and Betula) grew at around 9000cal. Years BP. Abies pollen grains are recorded at the end of Corylus pptimum at 8890 cal. Years BP (+/-122).Picea percentages have increased after 3900cal. BP at 1850m and after 3600 cal. Years BP at 2235m, but spruce has never constituted large stands in the study area. Pinus cembra grew in the vicinity of three sites as early as 8890 cal. Years BP (+/- 122). Three main phases of anthropisation seem outsand from our results: the final Neolithics ( - 4.6 cal. BP), the Mid-Bronze (3,6 ka cal. BP and after), and the Roman Period ( - 2ka cal. BP). At 2235m trees have retreated after 4600 cal. BP and completely disappeared around 3600 cal. Years BP. As a consequence above 2000m deforested areas became more sensitive to climate events that caused intense erosion processes and detrital inputs. At 1850m the onset of human perturbation caused a retreat of Abies stands and an expansion of Alnus viridis which consequentlydominated the landscape from 3700 up to 1965 cal. Years BP the lowest-altitude site was invaded by grasslands without any ligneous species

    Vegetation history and human impact at subalpine belt in the French North-Western Alps (Upper-Arve Valley)

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    International audiencePollen analyses were undertaken on three small peatbogs, located on the Anterne mountain (Upper-Arve Valley, French north-western Alps) at different altitudes - 1855, 2060 and 2235 m asl, respectively. Their comparative study allowed for the detremination of the role played by human activity in Holocene vegetation dynamics of the nowadays treeless subalpine belt. Sixteen AMS 14 C ages support the chronology. At 2235m asl, first organic sediment have been deposited over basal clay at 10,050 cal. Years BP (+/- 150). First trees (Salix and Betula) grew at around 9000cal. Years BP. Abies pollen grains are recorded at the end of Corylus pptimum at 8890 cal. Years BP (+/-122).Picea percentages have increased after 3900cal. BP at 1850m and after 3600 cal. Years BP at 2235m, but spruce has never constituted large stands in the study area. Pinus cembra grew in the vicinity of three sites as early as 8890 cal. Years BP (+/- 122). Three main phases of anthropisation seem outsand from our results: the final Neolithics ( - 4.6 cal. BP), the Mid-Bronze (3,6 ka cal. BP and after), and the Roman Period ( - 2ka cal. BP). At 2235m trees have retreated after 4600 cal. BP and completely disappeared around 3600 cal. Years BP. As a consequence above 2000m deforested areas became more sensitive to climate events that caused intense erosion processes and detrital inputs. At 1850m the onset of human perturbation caused a retreat of Abies stands and an expansion of Alnus viridis which consequentlydominated the landscape from 3700 up to 1965 cal. Years BP the lowest-altitude site was invaded by grasslands without any ligneous species