72 research outputs found


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    Во овој труд се анализира начинот на финансирањe на здравствениот систем во Република Македонија, неговата организираност, начинот на функционирање на одделни сегменти во здравството и постоечките модели на здравствено осигурување. За потребите на овој труд, направена е емпириска анализа на здравствените системи во некои земји од Европската Унија, како што се: Хрватска и Австрија, направена е споредба, утврдени се сличностите и различноста. Според направената анализа, има доста сличности во здравствените системи нa пoсочените земји, како што се: организираноста, начинот на плаќање за здравствените услуги и собирањето средства за финансирање


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    In this review the focus is on few agricultural energy crops, which means crops that are grown exclusively or primarily for the purpose of producing biomass for energy purposes in an agricultural rather than a forestry context. However, cultivation of most of these crops is restricted to certain regions, e.g. by requirements for a certain climate zones. Having in mind the similar agro ecological conditions in R. Macedonia and Bulgaria, but also needs of the crops for successful growth and development, species as miscanthus, switch grass and sweet sorghum are introduced as a potentially used energetic plant species for this part of the Balkan region

    Глобализацијата и туризмот во Република Северна Македонија

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    Во ова научно истражување за потребите на научниот труд направивме теоретски осврт врз актуелните состојби во туризмот како и врз нивното дејствување во светот. Процесот на глобализација, што предизвикува меѓу зависност на светските економии,и е идентификуван главно во економската и социјалната област. Анализирајќи ги статистичките податоци за туризмот, може да се каже дека глобализацијата позитивно влијае на обликувањето и развојот на туристичката економија. Самиот процес, земајќи ги во предвид сите активности за капиталните врски на пазарот за туристички услуги, е чувствителна тема и често пати има кризни ситуации. Туризмот од поглед на глобализацијата може да се разгледува од различни аспекти, услуги, природни добра, хотелиерство, но не смее да се заборави на презентирање на туристичкиот сообраќај во процесот на глобализација. Ова треба да стане концептуална природа на секоја држава во борбата со освојување и развивање на туризмот


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    Rapeseed is one of the most important energy and food crops. The European agricultural producers are highly interested in it due to the obligations under the EU Directive for replacing the fossil fuels with biofuels as much as 20% by 2020, which has drawn the purchase prices considerably up. Rapeseed is widely used for production of cooking oil and rich in protein feed too. As regards to the environment, it contributes for restoration of degraded and contaminated lands owing to its capability for improving soil structure and leaving the area free of weeds. Rapeseed is one of the best pre-crops of winter wheat and contributes for some 20-30% increase of its yield. The paper contains an overview of different aspects of rapeseed growing: its biological requirements and the abiotic stressing factors in the Balkan geographic region; its sensibility to water and the impact of the water deficit on the yield and yield structural components; its yearly and monthly evapotranspiration and crop coefficients at different empirical evapotranspiration calculation methods; world data on its yields and the agricultural practices such as proper irrigation scheduling for its yield increase. The conclusions show that the soil and the climatic conditions on the Balkans are suitable for rapeseed growing and irrigation can contribute for obtaining sustainable yields from this crop

    Personalization Approaches for Cultural Heritage Study

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    In this paper, we review different approaches of providing personalization for cultural heritage content – several static and adaptive approaches, and recommendation systems. The purpose of our research is to compare these methods, evaluate their feasibility for certain types of applications in the field. We outline the needs for personalized experience involving cultural heritage content and describe how those needs are addressed by the different approaches, and point the challenges, benefits, and disadvantages of each of these methods

    Učinkovitost i sigurnost kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti kod bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom i dislipidemijom

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    The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of a single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine in patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk. This prospective study included 243 patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk, mean age 63.3±9.8 years. All patients were prescribed a treatment with one of the following doses of a single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine: 10/5, 10/10, 20/5 or 20/10 mg daily. The follow-up period was 3 months. The mean baseline values of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 155.7±16.2 and 92.0±9.2 mm Hg, respectively. At month 3, the respective mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were 136.9±26.9 and 80.6±5.1 mm Hg. The mean baseline values of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were 6.6±1.2 and 4.4±1.1 mmol/L, respectively. At month 3, the respective mean values of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were 5.1±0.9 and 2.9±1.0 mmol/L. Treatment was discontinued in 9 (3.7%) patients due to adverse events. In conclusion, treatment with the single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine was effective and well tolerated by the patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk.Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio ocijeniti učinkovitost kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti kod bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom. Ovo prospektivno istraži­vanje obuhvatilo je 243 bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom, srednje dobi od 63,3±9,8 godina. Bolesnicima je propisana terapija jednim od sljedećih režima doziranja kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti: 10/5, 10/10, 20/5 ili 20/10 mg na dan. Razdoblje praćenja bilo je 3 mjeseca. Srednje početne vrijednosti sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka bile su 155,7±16,2 i 92,0±92,0 mm Hg. Krajem 3. mjeseca vrijednosti sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka bile su 136,9±26,9 i 80,6±5,0 mg Hg. Srednje početne vrijednosti ukupnog kolesterola i kolesterola niske gustoće bile su 6,6±1,2 i 4,4±1,1 mmol/L. Krajem 3. mjeseca vrijednosti ukupnog kolesterola i kolesterola niske gustoće bile su 5,1±0,9 i 2,9±1,0 mmol/L. Terapija analiziranom kombinacijom lijekova prekinuta je kod 9 (3,7%) bolesnika zbog neželjenih nuspojava. U zaključku, terapija kombinacijom atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti visoko je učinkovita i dobro ju podnose bolesnici s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom

    Antioxidative Defense, Suppressed Nitric Oxide Accumulation, and Synthesis of Protective Proteins in Roots and Leaves Contribute to the Desiccation Tolerance of the Resurrection Plant Haberlea rhodopensis

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    The desiccation tolerance of plants relies on defense mechanisms that enable the protection of macromolecules, biological structures, and metabolism. Although the defense of leaf tissues exposed to solar irradiation is challenging, mechanisms that protect the viability of the roots, yet largely unexplored, are equally important for survival. Although the photosynthetic apparatus in leaves contributes to the generation of oxidative stress under drought stress, we hypothesized that oxidative stress and thus antioxidative defense is also predominant in the roots. Thus, we aimed for a comparative analysis of the protective mechanisms in leaves and roots during the desiccation of Haberlea rhodopensis. Consequently, a high content of non-enzymatic antioxidants and high activity of antioxidant enzymes together with the activation of specific isoenzymes were found in both leaves and roots during the final stages of desiccation of H. rhodopensis. Among others, catalase and glutathione reductase activity showed a similar tendency of changes in roots and leaves, whereas, unlike that in the leaves, superoxide dismutase activity was enhanced under severe but not under medium desiccation in roots. Nitric oxide accumulation in the root tips was found to be sensitive to water restriction but suppressed under severe desiccation. In addition to the antioxidative defense, desiccation induced an enhanced abundance of dehydrins, ELIPs, and sHSP 17.7 in leaves, but this was significantly better in roots. In contrast to leaf cells, starch remained in the cells of the central cylinder of desiccated roots. Taken together, protective compounds and antioxidative defense mechanisms are equally important in protecting the roots to survive desiccation. Since drought-induced damage to the root system fundamentally affects the survival of plants, a better understanding of root desiccation tolerance mechanisms is essential to compensate for the challenges of prolonged dry periods