522 research outputs found

    Angular dependent planar metamagnetism in the hexagonal compounds TbPtIn and TmAgGe

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    Detailed magnetization measurements, M(T,H,theta), were performed on single crystals of TbPtIn and TmAgGe (both members of the hexagonal Fe_2P/ZrNiAl structure type), for the magnetic field H applied perpendicular to the crystallographic c axis. These data allowed us to identify, for each compound, the easy-axes for the magnetization, which coincided with high symmetry directions ([120] for TbPtIn and [110] for TmAgGe). For fixed orientations of the field along each of the two six-fold symmetry axes, a number of magnetically ordered phases is being revealed by M(H,T) measurements below T_N. Moreover, T ~ 2 K, M(H)|_theta measurements for both compounds (with H applied parallel to the basal plane), as well as T = 20 K data for TbPtIn, reveal five metamagnetic transitions with simple angular dependencies: H_{ci,j} ~ 1/cos(theta +/- phi), where phi = 0^0 or 60^0. The high field magnetization state varies with theta like 2/3*mu_{sat}(R^{3+})*cos(theta), and corresponds to a crystal field limited saturated paramagnetic, CL-SPM, state. Analysis of these data allowed us to model the angular dependence of the locally saturated magnetizations M_{sat} and critical fields H_c with a three coplanar Ising-like model, in which the magnetic moments are assumed to be parallel to three adjacent easy axes. Furthermore, net distributions of moments were inferred based on the measured data and the proposed model

    Further development of a charged liquid colloid source for electrostatic propulsion Final report

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    Performance characteristics of charged liquid droplet electrostatic propulsion syste

    Investigation of charged colloid beams for electrostatic propulsion Final report

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    Facility for testing colloid propellants, using glycerol mixture

    Experimental evaluation of electrostatic generator configurations final report

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    Evaluation of electrostatic generator design in atmospheric pressur

    High Magnetic Field Behaviour of the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet, CuFeO_2

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    The high magnetic field behaviour of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO_2 is studied using single crystal neutron diffraction measurements in a field of up to 14.5 T and also by magnetisation measurements in a field of up to 12 T. At low temperature, two well-defined first order magnetic phase transitions are found in this range of applied magnetic field (H // c): at H_c1=7.6(3)/7.1(3) T and H_c2=13.2(1)/12.7(1) T when ramping the field up/down. In a field above H_c2 the magnetic Bragg peaks show unusual history dependence. In zero field T_N1=14.2(1) K separates a high temperature paramagnetic and an intermediate incommensurate structure, while T_N2=11.1(3) K divides an incommensurate phase from the low-temperature 4-sublattice ground state. The ordering temperature T_N1 is found to be almost field independent, while T_N2 decreases noticeably in applied field. The magnetic phase diagram is discussed in terms of the interactions between an applied magnetic field and the highly frustrated magnetic structure of CuFeO_2Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures in ReVTeX. To appear in PR

    Phenomenology of the Pentaquark Antidecuplet

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    We consider the mass splittings and strong decays of members of the lowest-lying pentaquark multiplet, which we take to be a parity-odd antidecuplet. We derive useful decompositions of the quark model wave functions that allow for easy computation of color-flavor-spin matrix elements. We compute mass splittings within the antidecuplet including spin-color and spin-isospin interactions between constituents and point out the importance of hidden strangeness in rendering the nucleon-like states heavier than the S=1 state. Using recent experimental data on a possible S=1 pentaquark state, we make decay predictions for other members of the antidecuplet.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, 1 eps figur

    Metallic ferromagnetism without exchange splitting

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    In the band theory of ferromagnetism there is a relative shift in the position of majority and minority spin bands due to the self-consistent field due to opposite spin electrons. In the simplest realization, the Stoner model, the majority and minority spin bands are rigidly shifted with respect to each other. Here we consider models at the opposite extreme, where there is no overall shift of the energy bands. Instead, upon spin polarization one of the bands broadens relative to the other. Ferromagnetism is driven by the resulting gain in kinetic energy. A signature of this class of mechanisms is that a transfer of spectral weight in optical absorption from high to low frequencies occurs upon spin polarization. We show that such models arise from generalized tight binding models that include off-diagonal matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction. For certain parameter ranges it is also found that reentrant ferromagnetism occurs. We examine properties of these models at zero and finite temperatures, and discuss their possible relevance to real materials

    Magnetic-Field Induced First-Order Transition in the Frustrated XY Model on a Stacked Triangular Lattice

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    The results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of magnetic-field induced transitions in the xy model on a stacked triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic intraplane and ferromagnetic interplane interactions are discussed. A low-field transition from the paramagnetic to a 3-state (Potts) phase is found to be very weakly first order with behavior suggesting tricriticality at zero field. In addition to clarifying some long-standing ambiguity concerning the nature of this Potts-like transition, the present work also serves to further our understanding of the critical behavior at TNT_N, about which there has been much controversy.Comment: 10 pages (RevTex 3.0), 4 figures available upon request, CRPS-93-0