21 research outputs found

    Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems

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    Coexistence between livestock grazing and carnivores in rangelands is a major challenge in terms of sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, species conservation and ecosystem function. Many effective non-lethal tools exist to protect livestock from predation, yet their adoption remains limited. Using a social-ecological transformations framework, we present two qualitative models that depict transformative change in rangelands grazing. Developed through participatory processes with stakeholders from South Africa and the United States of America, the models articulate drivers of change and the essential pathways to transition from routine lethal management of carnivores towards mutually beneficial coexistence. The pathways define broad actions that incorporate multiple values in grazing systems including changes to livestock management practices, financial support, industry capacity building, research, improved governance and marketing initiatives. A key fnding is the new concept of ‘Predator Smart Farming’, a holistic and conscientious approach to agriculture, which increases the resilience of landscapes, animals (domesticated and wild) and rural livelihoods. Implementation of these multiple pathways would lead to a future system that ensures thriving agricultural communities, secure livelihoods, reduced violence toward animals, and landscapes that are productive and support species conservation and coexistence

    Efficacy of novel sampling approaches for surveying specialised recreational fisheries

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    Advances in fishing technologies have increased the efficiency and diversification of recreational fisheries. This poses challenges for surveying specialised or 'hard-to-reach' recreational fishers (e.g. sport fishers) that may take the majority of the recreational catch for some species, but are too rare within the general population to be sampled cost-effectively using existing methods. We trialled two new methods-time-location sampling (TLS) and online diaries-for surveying specialised recreational longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) fishers. Results were compared with a concurrent traditional access point survey (APS). Online diaries were inexpensive but unsuitable for collecting representative data due to avidity, volunteerism, and differential recruitment bias. APS yielded high resolution data on catch, effort and size composition but was expensive and ineffective for sampling all components of the fishery. In contrast, TLS conducted at fishing tackle stores was cost-effective for accessing the breadth of fisher types due to the need for all fishers to purchase or to inspect fishing-related products at some point. Given the frequent absence of complete list frames for recreational fisheries, we suggest undertaking multiple TLS surveys to collect catch rate data and to simultaneously estimate population size using capture-recapture approaches in order to estimate the total recreational catch of species of interest