2 research outputs found
Changes in rectal cancer treatment after the introduction of a national screening program: Increasing use of less invasive strategies within a national cohort
Aim: Organ preserving treatment strategies and the introduction of a colorectal cancer-screening program have likely influenced the resection rates of rectal cancer. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of these developments on rectal cancer treatment and resection rates in the Netherlands. Methods: Patients diagnosed with non-metastatic rectal cancer between 2013 and 2018, were selected from the Netherlands Cancer Registry. The distribution of surgical and neo-adjuvant treatment and resection rates were analyzed and compared over time. Results: Between 2013 and 2018 22640 patients were diagnosed with non-metastatic rectal cancer. The incidence of early stage (cT1) disease increased from 141 (4%) in 2013 to 448 (12%) in 2018. The use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy and chemo-radiotherapy dropped from 39% to 21% and 34%–25%, respectively. A decrease in surgical resection rates (including TEM) was observed from 85% to 73%. The proportion of patients who underwent endoscopic resections increased from 3% to 10%. The decrease in surgical resection rates was larger in patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy. Conclusion: An increase in stage I disease is noted after the introduction of the screening program. Surgical resection rates for rectal cancer have fallen over time. Endoscopic resections due to more early-stage disease probably accounts for a large part of this decline. Furthermore, a watch and wait approach after neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy may play an important role as well
Oncological Safety and Potential Cost Savings of Routine vs Selective Histopathological Examination After Appendectomy: Results of the Multicenter, Prospective, Cross-Sectional FANCY Study
Objective: To investigate the oncological safety and potential cost savings of selective histopathological examination after appendectomy. Background: The necessity of routine histopathological examination after appendectomy has been questioned, but prospective studies investigating the safety of a selective policy are lacking. Methods: In this multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional study, inspection and palpation of the (meso)appendix was performed by the surgeon in patients with suspected appendicitis. The surgeon's opinion on additional value of histopathological examination was reported before sending all specimens to the pathologist. Main outcomes were the number of hypothetically missed appendiceal neoplasms with clinical consequences benefiting the patient (upper limit two-sided 95% confidence interval below 3:1000 considered oncologically safe) and potential cost savings after selective histopathological examination. Results: Seven thousand three hundred thirty-nine patients were included. After a selective policy, 4966/7339 (67.7%) specimens would have been refrained from histopathological examination. Appendiceal neoplasms with clinical consequences would have been missed in 22/4966 patients. In 5/22, residual disease was completely resected during additional surgery. Hence, an appendiceal neoplasm with clinical consequences benefiting the patient would have been missed in 1.01:1000 patients (upper limit 95% confidence interval 1.61:1000). In contrast, twice as many patients (10/22) would not have been exposed to potential harm due to re-resections without clear benefit, whereas consequences were neither beneficial nor harmful in the remaining seven. Estimated cost savings established by replacing routine for selective histopathological examination were 725,400 per 10,000 patients. Conclusions: Selective histopathological examination after appendectomy for suspected appendicitis is oncologically safe and will likely result in a reduction of pathologists' workload, less costs, and fewer re-resections without clear benefit