4 research outputs found

    Using cluster analysis with principal component analysis to study the iron metabolism in polycythemia vera

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    Background. Iron deficiency is a common complication in patients with polycythemia vera (PV). Unfortunately, little is known about the pathomechanisms of iron deficiency in PV. There have been no studies in the last decade documenting iron disorders in PV, despite progress in understanding the iron metabolism and new laboratory techniques measuring iron parameters.Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between iron metabolism parameters, haematological and biochemical factors and clinical attributes in polycythemia vera patients with the use of cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA).Patients and methods. The study was performed on 60 patients (F/M 26/34) aged 38–84 (66 ± 10) years. The following parameters were determined in blood samples: hepcidin, prohepcidin, iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), transferrin saturation (TfS), complete blood cell count, erythropoietin (Epo), uric acid, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).Results. The CA divided all the 17 parameters into three clusters and showed that hepcidin concentrationis related to the duration of hydroxyurea therapy. PCA also revealed a positive correlation between hepcidin and therapy duration.Conclusions. We demonstrated that CA and PCA are efficacious methods for assessing the relationship between iron metabolism parameters and clinical attributes in PV patients

    Hepcidin in metabolic disorders

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    Hepcydyna jest niewielkim białkiem zaangażowanym w metabolizm żelaza. Poprzez internalizację i degradację ferroportyny, jedynego transportera żelaza z cytoplazmy komórek do krwiobiegu, hepcydyna odpowiedzialna jest za zmniejszenie stężenia tego pierwiastka w surowicy krwi. Wcześniejsze badania dokładnie scharakteryzowały mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za regulację syntezy hepcydyny i jej znaczenie biologiczne. Odkrycie tego białka rzuciło nowe światło na patogenezę takich jednostek chorobowych jak hemochromatoza, niedokrwistość z niedoboru żelaza czy niedokrwistość chorób przewlekłych. Ostatnie badania pokazują, że hepcydyna może pełnić także istotne funkcje w zaburzeniach metabolicznych, takich jak osteoporoza, czy też zespół policystycznych jajników. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono fijologiczną rolę hepcydyny, jej znaczenie kliniczne oraz potencjalny związek tego białka z remodelingiem kostnym, osteoporozą oraz zespołem policystycznych jajników.Hepcidin is a small protein involved in iron metabolism. This protein bounds to ferroportin, the sole cellular iron exporter, causing its internalization and degradation, which causes decrease in serum iron concentration. Previous studies have characterized mechanisms of hepcidin synthesis as well as its biological activity. The discovery of hepcidin has shed new light on the pathogenesis of many disease such as hemochromatosis, iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease. Recent researches have shown, that hepcidin can play vital role in metabolic disorders, such as osteoporosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. The physiological role of hepcidin, its clinical signifiance and potential link with bone remodeling, osteoporosis and polycystic ovary syndrome are described in this review

    Role of apelin in the regulation of glucose metabolism and of the cardiovascular system

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    Apelina jest jedną z aktywnych biologicznie adipokin syntetyzowanych przez tkankę tłuszczową. Należy do grupy białek transbłonowych sprzężonych z białkiem G i wykazuje największą homologię z receptorem angiotensyny II. Badania ostatnich lat wykazały obecność apeliny w różnych narządach, takich jak: układ pokarmowy, układ krążenia, mózg, płuca, wątroba, śledziona, nerki, gruczoł sutkowy człowieka, tkanka tłuszczowa i łożysko. Apelina poprzez działanie na swoisty receptor jest zaangażowana w regulację funkcji układu sercowo-naczyniowego, gospodarki wodno-elektrolitowej (kontrola łaknienia i przyjmowania płynów), szlaku sygnałowego w centralnym układzie nerwowym, odpowiedzi immunologicznej, a także w proces embriogenezy i stymulację angiogenezy. Apelina wydaje się odgrywać istotną rolę w patofizjologii chorób metabolicznych. Wykazano, że poprawia wrażliwość komórek na insulinę i może opóźniać rozwój zaburzeń metabolicznych towarzyszących otyłości. Ponadto, jej silne działanie inotropowo dodatnie oraz hipotensyjne powoduje, że może ona znaleźć zastosowanie w leczeniu chorób sercowo-naczyniowych i nadciśnienia tętniczego.Apelin is one of biologicaly active adipokines synthesised by adipose tissue. It belongs to the group of transmembrane G protein-coupled proteins and has the highest homology to the angiotensin II receptor. Recent studies has shown the presence of apelin in many different organs, such as: digestive system, circulatory system, brain, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, human mammary gland, adipose tissue, and placenta. Apelina by acting at specific receptor is involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and immune functions, hypothalamus-hypophysis axis modulation, as well as fluid homeostasis (water intake control), embryonal development and angiogenesis. Apelina seems to play an important role in the pathophysiology of metabolic diseases. It has been shown that apelin improves insulin sensitivity and delays the development of obesity-related metabolic disorders. Furthermore, the strong positive inotropic and hypotensive effect of apelin may find application in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertensio

    Changes of Langerhans cells during skin ageing

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    Introduction : During the process of skin ageing, changes occur in all skin layers and all cells, including the Langerhans cells. Aim: To assess whether any quantitative difference in the number of CD1a+ LC cells/mm 2 and HLA-DR+ LC cells/mm 2 as well as in their morphological features can be observed during the course of different types of skin ageing. Material and methods: The study was conducted in a group of 60 women, which was divided into three independent groups: group I with symptoms of menopausal skin ageing, group II with symptoms of photoageing, group III with symptoms of chronological ageing. Skin biopsy samples were taken from the pre-auricular region from all of the participants. The number of CD1a+ LC cells/mm 2 and HLA-DR+ LC cells/mm 2 as well as their morphological features were evaluated. Results : The frequency of CD1a+ LC and HLA-DR+ LC in all the studied groups was diverse. In groups I and III, the LC with large cell bodies and long, multi-branched processes were the majority. In group II, the LC had small cell bodies and their processes were mainly short and unbranched. Conclusions : The obtained results indicate the presence of quantitative and morphological changes of the CD1a+ LC and HLA-DR+ LC during the course of different types of skin ageing