11 research outputs found
Ensam hemma : Den norrländska elitens nya syn på regional utveckling
Under 1998 beslöt Botniaakademin att genomföra en bred frågeundersökning hos Botniaregionens beslutsfattare. Ledande politiker och företagsledare, verkschefer samt personer i universitetsledningar, handelskammare, medier etc. har svarat på ett antal frågor som rör regionens framtida utveckling. Det är nu undersökningens utfall som publiceras i skriftform. Både undersökningen och den nu framlagda rapporten har genomförts med stöd från Kempestiftelserna
Svenskt EMU-medlemskap som proaktiv strategi och integrationsdilemma. Bilaga 17 till EMU-utredningen (SOU 1996:58)
Abstract is not availabl
Komplex flernivådemokrati : regional lobbying i Bryssel
Abstract is not availabl
Knowledge Based Strategies for Sustainable Development and Civic Security : A North-Swedish Initiative in the Northern Dimension
This report is a slightly revised version of a discussion paper presented at the conference Envisioning the Northern Dimension: Toward an Arctic of Regions. The conference took place in Rovaniemi on October 15-16, 1998 and was organised by the Barents Regional Council in collaboration with Northern Forum
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Femkommunsundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the Commission on Local Democracy, in collaborations with members of the previous Local Government Research Group. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the reapportionment reform which had been implemented five years earlier, to some extent in relation to research findings of the previous project. In five communes, which were to be the object of more intensive studies, the interview sample comprised 300 persons per commune. In the other 45 communes the sample comprised 40 persons per commune. The interview scheme contained questions about the respondent´s opinion of the local authorities achievements in different issues, such as child care, care of the aged, schools, and housing. A question concerning the priorities of activities covered 14 fields of service and within each field the respondent were asked whether the service was good as it was, needed to be increased, or could be reduced. Other questions dealt with the respondent´s contacts with local administrative authorities in specific matters. These were followed by questions on political activity, i.e. activity which concerned communal decisions and plans, via political parties, via local government officers or via manifestations and action groups. A number of questions measured the respondent´s knowledge of local election issues, names of the candidates, the political majority situation in the communes, and the personal acquaintance with local politicians. The intensive study of five communes, Grästorp, Kävlinge, Linköping, Luleå, and Sjöbo contained the same questions as the Voters´ study, but it also included a number of questions about specific local issues and local service. In five communes, which were to be the object of more intensive studies, the interview sample comprised 300 persons per commune. The questionnaire contained the same questions as the Voters' study, but it also included a number of questions about specific local issues and local service.The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the Commission on Local Democracy, in collaborations with members of the previous Local Government Research Group. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the reapportionment reform which had been implemented five years earlier, to some extent in relation to research findings of the previous project. In five communes, which were to be the object of more intensive studies, the interview sample comprised 300 persons per commune. In the other 45 communes the sample comprised 40 persons per commune. The interview scheme contained questions about the respondent´s opinion of the local authorities achievements in different issues, such as child care, care of the aged, schools, and housing. A question concerning the priorities of activities covered 14 fields of service and within each field the respondent were asked whether the service was good as it was, needed to be increased, or could be reduced. Other questions dealt with the respondent´s contacts with local administrative authorities in specific matters. These were followed by questions on political activity, i.e. activity which concerned communal decisions and plans, via political parties, via local government officers or via manifestations and action groups. A number of questions measured the respondent´s knowledge of local election issues, names of the candidates, the political majority situation in the communes, and the personal acquaintance with local politicians. The intensive study of five communes, Grästorp, Kävlinge, Linköping, Luleå, and Sjöbo contained the same questions as the Voters´ study, but it also included a number of questions about specific local issues and local service. I fem kommuner genomfördes mera omfattande undersökningar och urvalet bestod där av 300 personer per kommun. Frågeformuläret innehöll samma frågor som i Väljarundersökningen, men inkluderade även ett antal frågor rörande specifika lokala ämnen och lokal service
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Medborgarundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the Commission on Local Democracy, in collaborations with members of the previous Local Government Research Group. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the reapportionment reform which had been implemented five years earlier, to some extent in relation to research findings of the previous project. In five communes, which were to be the object of more intensive studies, the interview sample comprised 300 persons per commune. In the other 45 communes the sample comprised 40 persons per commune. The interview scheme contained questions about the respondent´s opinion of the local authorities achievements in different issues, such as child care, care of the aged, schools, and housing. A question concerning the priorities of activities covered 14 fields of service and within each field the respondent were asked whether the service was good as it was, needed to be increased, or could be reduced. Other questions dealt with the respondent´s contacts with local administrative authorities in specific matters. These were followed by questions on political activity, i.e. activity which concerned communal decisions and plans, via political parties, via local government officers or via manifestations and action groups. A number of questions measured the respondent´s knowledge of local election issues, names of the candidates, the political majority situation in the communes, and the personal acquaintance with local politicians. The intensive study of five communes, Grästorp, Kävlinge, Linköping, Luleå, and Sjöbo contained the same questions as the Voters´ study, but it also included a number of questions about specific local issues and local service. The Voters' study include respondents from all 50 municipalities.The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the Commission on Local Democracy, in collaborations with members of the previous Local Government Research Group. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the reapportionment reform which had been implemented five years earlier, to some extent in relation to research findings of the previous project. In five communes, which were to be the object of more intensive studies, the interview sample comprised 300 persons per commune. In the other 45 communes the sample comprised 40 persons per commune. The interview scheme contained questions about the respondent´s opinion of the local authorities achievements in different issues, such as child care, care of the aged, schools, and housing. A question concerning the priorities of activities covered 14 fields of service and within each field the respondent were asked whether the service was good as it was, needed to be increased, or could be reduced. Other questions dealt with the respondent´s contacts with local administrative authorities in specific matters. These were followed by questions on political activity, i.e. activity which concerned communal decisions and plans, via political parties, via local government officers or via manifestations and action groups. A number of questions measured the respondent´s knowledge of local election issues, names of the candidates, the political majority situation in the communes, and the personal acquaintance with local politicians. The intensive study of five communes, Grästorp, Kävlinge, Linköping, Luleå, and Sjöbo contained the same questions as the Voters´ study, but it also included a number of questions about specific local issues and local service. Medborgarundersökningen omfattar respondenter från samtliga 50 kommuner