1,719 research outputs found

    Particle sizing in the electrodynamic balance

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    We report a new technique for sizing particles in the electrodynamic balance. In this technique, the trajectory of a falling particle is followed with a photomultiplier tube. Particle velocities are measured by placing a mask between the particle and the detector. The masked region in the particle trajectory is roughly 0.6 mm wide. Output from the PMT is sampled every millisecond by an A/D converter and stored in a computer. Flight times of several hundred milliseconds are measured and the size is then computed from the particle's terminal velocity. With a modification of the mask, the technique is used to verify the uniformity of the electric field through which the particle is falling. In the present work we use the technique to determine size of polystryrene latex microspheres having nominal diameters of 10 and 20 µ. The technique can be used on any size particle, independent of its charge-to-mass ratio, and provides the size information in a short time

    Fourier transform infrared spectrometer for a single aerosol particle

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    A spectrometer is reported here for obtaining the infrared spectrum of a single aqueous aerosol particle by a Fourier transform technique. The particle is held in an electrodynamic balance and irradiated simultaneously by the infrared output from a Michelson interferometer and the visible light from a dye laser. The size of the particle is modulated by chopping the IR beam, and the resulting visible scattered light fluctuation is detected at 90° with a photomultiplier tube. The amplitude of the scattered light fluctuation is measured with a lock-in amplifier at each interferometer mirror position. The electronic circuitry for stepping the interferometer mirror is presented and discussed. Inverting the lock-in signal by a discrete fast Fourier transform routine (FFT) yields the particle absorption spectrum. The resulting spectrum for an (NH4)2SO4 droplet is presented

    Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Sengketa Arbitrase Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pemeriksaan sengketa arbitrase menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 dan bagaimana proses pembuktian dalam pemeriksaan sengketa arbitrase. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Sengketa Arbitrase meliputi: semua pemeriksaan sengketa dilakukan secara tertutup. Bahasa yang digunakan yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, kecuali atas persetujuan arbiter atau majelis arbitrase para pihak dapat memili bahasa lain yang akan digunakan. Para pihak yang bersengketa mempunyai hak dalam kesempatan yang sama dalam mengemukakan pendapatnya masing-masing. Para pihak yang bersengketa dapat diwakili oleh kuasanya dengan surat kuasa khusus. Pihak ketiga diluar perjanjian arbitrase dapat turut serta dan menggabungkan diri dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa melalui arbitarse dengan syarat, terdapat unsur kepentingan yang terkait, keturutsertaannya disepakati oleh para pihak yang bersengketa, dan disetujui oleh arbiter atau majelis arbitrase. Para pihak bebas untuk menentukan acara arbitrase yang digunakan dalam pemeriksaan sengketa. Dengan syarat harus dituangkan dalam perjanjian yang tegas dan tertulis. 2. Proses Pembuktian dalam pemeriksaan sengketa arbitrase yaitu pembuktian melalui alat-alat bukti oleh para pihak dan pembuktian dengan saksi atau saksi ahli

    Ex-ante evaluation of tightening environmental policy: the case of mineral use in Dutch agriculture

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    Non-point source pollution is notoriously difficult to asses. A relevant example is mineral emissions in the Netherlands. Since the mid 1980s the Dutch government has sought to reduce emissions through a wide variety of measures, the effect of which in turn is monitored using modeling techniques. This paper presents the current generation of mineral emission models from agriculture based on microsimulation of farms in combination with a spatial equilibrium model for the dispersion of manure from excess regions with high livestock intensities within the country to areas with low livestock intensities. The micro-simulation approach retains the richness in the heterogeneity of farm household decision making that are the core cause of the difficulty of assessing non-point source pollution, while using the best available data to track corresponding pollution. Using scenario analysis we are able to assess the possible effects of further tightening of agro-environmental policy.micro-simulation, spatial-equilibrium model, non-point source pollution, Environmental Economics and Policy,
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