550 research outputs found

    Dark matter at viscous-gravitational Schwarz scales: theory and observations

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    The Jeans criterion for the minimum self-gravitational condensation scale is extended to include the possibility of condensation on non-acoustic density nuclei at Schwarz scales, where structure formation begins in the plasma epoch at proto-supercluster masses about 10,000 years after the Big Bang, decreasing to galaxy masses at 300,000 years. Then the plasma universe became relatively inviscid gas and condensed to 10^23-26 kg "primordial fog particle" (PFP) masses. Baryonic dark matter by this theory should be mostly non-aggregated PFPs that persist in galactic halos. Schild (1996) suggests from quasar Q0957+561 microlensing that "rogue planets" are "likely to be the missing mass" of the lens galaxy. Non-baryonic dark matter composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) should condense slowly at large viscous Schwarz scales to form galaxy supercluster halos, and massive galaxy cluster halos as observed by Tyson and Fischer (1995) for the rich galaxy cluster Abel 1689.Comment: 8 page original for Conference Proceedings Dark '96, Heidelberg, 4 figures, PDF fil

    The fluid mechanics of dark matter formation: Why does Jeans's (1902 & 1929) theory fail?

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    Jeans's (1902 & 1929) linear gravitational instability criterion gives truly spectacular errors in its predictions of cosmological structure formation according to Gibson's (1996) new nonlinear theory. Scales are determined by viscous or turbulent forces, or by diffusivity, at Schwarz length scales L_SV, L_ST, or L_SD, respectively, whichever is larger. By these new criteria, void formation begins in the plasma epoch soon after matter dominates energy, at L approx L_SV = (gamma nu / rho G)^1/2 scales corresponding to protosuperclusters, decreasing to protogalaxies at the plasma-gas transition, where gamma is the rate-of-strain of the expanding universe, nu is the kinematic viscosity, rho is the density, and G is Newton's gravitational constant. Condensation of the primordial gas occurs at mass scales a trillion times less than the Jeans mass to form a `fog' of micro-brown-dwarf (MBD) particles that persist as the galactic baryonic dark matter, as reported by Schild (1996) from quasar-microlensing studies. Nonbaryonic dark matter condensation is prevented by its enormous diffusivity at scales smaller than L_SD = (D^2 /rho G)^1/2, where D is the diffusivity, so it forms outer halos of galaxies, cluster-halos of galaxy clusters, and supercluster-halos.Comment: submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Fossil turbulence and fossil turbulence waves can be dangerous

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    Turbulence is defined as an eddy-like state of fluid motion where the inertial-vortex forces of the eddies are larger than any other forces that tend to damp the eddies out. By this definition, turbulence always cascades from small scales where vorticity is created to larger scales where turbulence fossilizes. Fossil turbulence is any perturbation in a hydrophysical field produced by turbulence that persists after the fluid is no longer turbulent at the scale of the perturbation. Fossil turbulence patterns and fossil turbulence waves preserve and propagate energy and information about previous turbulence. Ignorance of fossil turbulence properties can be dangerous. Examples include the Osama bin Laden helicopter crash and the Air France 447 Airbus crash, both unfairly blamed on the pilots. Observations support the proposed definitions, and suggest even direct numerical simulations of turbulence require caution.Comment: 17 pages 11 figures, for the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1203.581

    Turbulence and fossil turbulence lead to life in the universe

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    Turbulence is defined as an eddy-like state of fluid motion where the inertial-vortex forces of the eddies are larger than all the other forces that tend to damp the eddies out. Fossil turbulence is a perturbation produced by turbulence that persists after the fluid ceases to be turbulent at the scale of the perturbation. Because vorticity is produced at small scales, turbulence must cascade from small scales to large, providing a consistent physical basis for Kolmogorovian universal similarity laws. Oceanic and astrophysical mixing and diffusion are dominated by fossil turbulence and fossil turbulent waves. Observations from space telescopes show turbulence and vorticity existed in the beginning of the universe and that their fossils persist. Fossils of big bang turbulence include spin and the dark matter of galaxies: clumps of ~ 10^12 frozen hydrogen planets that make globular star clusters as seen by infrared and microwave space telescopes. When the planets were hot gas, they hosted the formation of life in a cosmic soup of hot-water oceans as they merged to form the first stars and chemicals. Because spontaneous life formation according to the standard cosmological model is virtually impossible, the existence of life falsifies the standard cosmological model.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Turbulent Mixing and beyond 2011, 21 - 28 August 2011, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Ital

    Fossils of turbulence and non-turbulence in the primordial universe: the fluid mechanics of dark matter

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    Was the primordial universe turbulent or non-turbulent soon after the Big Bang? How did the hydrodynamic state of the early universe affect the formation of structure from gravitational forces, and how did the formation of structure by gravity affect the hydrodynamic state of the flow? What can be said about the dark matter that comprises 99.9 % of the mass of the universe according to most cosmological models? Space telescope measurements show answers to these questions persist literally frozen as fossils of the primordial turbulence and nonturbulence that controlled structure formation, contrary to standard cosmology which relies on the erroneous Jeans 1902 linear-inviscid-acoustic theory and a variety of associated misconceptions (e. g., cold dark matter). When effects of viscosity, turbulence, and diffusion are included, vastly different structure scenarios and a clear explanation for the dark matter emerge. From Gibson's 1996 theory the baryonic (ordinary) dark matter is comprised of proto-globular-star-cluster (PGC) clumps of hydrogenous planetoids termed ``primordial fog particles''(PFPs), observed by Schild 1996 as ``rogue planets ... likely to be the missing mass'' of a quasar lensing galaxy. The weakly collisional non-baryonic dark matter diffuses to form outer halos of galaxies and galaxy clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 8th European Turbulence Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 27-30, Conference Proceedings pape

    Turbulence and diffusion: fossil turbulence

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    Fossil turbulence processes are central to turbulence, turbulent mixing, and turbulent diffusion in the ocean and atmosphere, in astrophysics and cosmology, and in most other natural flows. George Gamov suggested in 1954 that galaxies might be fossils of primordial turbulence produced by the Big Bang. John Woods showed that breaking internal waves on horizontal dye sheets in the interior of the stratified ocean form highly persistent remnants of these turbulent events, which he called fossil turbulence. The dark mixing paradox of the ocean refers to undetected mixing that must exist somewhere to explain why oceanic scalar fields like temperature and salinity are so well mixed, just as the dark matter paradox of galaxies refers to undetected matter that must exist to explain why rotating galaxies don't fly apart by centrifugal forces. Both paradoxes result from sampling techniques that fail to account for the extreme intermittency of random variables involved in self-similar, nonlinear, cascades over a wide range of scales; turbulent vorticity for dark mixing, and accreting small-planetary-mass MACHO number density for dark matter.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, MS 138: pdf file of final version revised to include reviewer's comments, plus correction

    A fluid mechanical explanation of dark matter

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    Matter in the universe has become ``dark'' or ``missing'' through misconceptions about the fluid mechanics of gravitational structure formation. Gravitational condensation occurs on non-acoustic density nuclei at the largest Schwarz length scale L_{ST}, L_{SV}, L_{SM}, L_{SD} permitted by turbulence, viscous, or magnetic forces, or by the fluid diffusivity. Non-baryonic fluids have diffusivities larger (by factors of trillions or more) than baryonic (ordinary) fluids, and cannot condense to nucleate baryonic galaxy formation as is usually assumed. Baryonic fluids begin to condense in the plasma epoch at about 13,000 years after the big bang to form proto-superclusters, and form proto-galaxies by 300,000 years when the cooling plasma becomes neutral gas. Condensation occurs at small planetary masses to form ``primordial fog particles'' from nearly all of the primordial gas by the new theory, Gibson (1996), supporting the Schild (1996) conclusion from quasar Q0957+651A,B microlensing observations that the mass of the lens galaxy is dominated by ``rogue planets ... likely to be the missing mass''. Non-baryonic dark matter condenses on superclusters at scale L_{SD} to form massive super-halos.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, original of published paper in Dark Matter 1998 UCLA Conference Proceeding

    Turbulence, turbulent mixing, and gravitational structure formation in the early Universe

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    Turbulence and turbulent mixing of temperature powered the big bang formation of the universe at Planck length, time, and temperature scales. Planck-Kerr inertial-vortex forces balanced Planck gravitational forces to produce Planck (particle-pair) gas, Planck-gas turbulence and space-time-energy. Inflation at the strong force temperature fossilized the turbulence. Gluon-neutrino-photon bulk viscous forces exceeded gravitational and inertial-vortex forces of the baryonic (ordinary) matter during the radiation dominated hot plasma epoch, and large diffusive velocities of the weakly interacting nonbaryonic dark matter (possibly neutrinos) prevented gravitational structure formation of this material, contrary to the 1902 Jeans acoustic criterion and "cold dark matter" models. The first plasma structures were proto-galaxy-super-cluster fragments and voids triggered by turbulent-viscous-gravitational masses matching the horizon mass at time 10^12 s. The last plasma structures formed were proto-galaxies. At the 10^13 s plasma-gas transition, the proto-galaxies fragmented to form proto-globular-star-cluster clumps of earth-mass primordial-fog-particles (PFPs) that now comprise the baryonic dark matter. Observational evidence of PFPs is provided by young globular star clusters formed when galaxies merge, thousands of cometary knots seen around dying stars, and the rapid twinkling of lensed quasar images.Comment: Keynote paper for BSME-ASME Conference on Thermal Engineering, 31 Dec. 2001 to 2 Jan. 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 12 pages 8 figures, pdf file. Revision removes typos and includes discussion of "dark ages" hypothesis of Jeans-CDM model

    Turbulence and mixing in the early universe

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    The role of turbulence and turbulent mixing in the formation and evolution of the early universe is examined. A new quantum-gravitational-dynamics model suggests that the mechanism of the hot big bang is functionally equivalent to the mechanism of turbulence, where an inertial-vortex force at Planck scales matches the Planck gravitational force and drives the formation of space-time-energy and the formation of more Planck particles, more spinning Planck-Kerr particles, and a big bang turbulence cascade to larger scales before cooling to the strong force freeze out temperature. Temperature fluctuations between the Planck temperature and strong force temperature are mixed by turbulence to give a Corrsin-Obukhov spectral form. Inflation fossilizes the turbulent temperature fluctuations by stretching them beyond the horizon scale of causal connection ct, where c is light speed and t is time. Fossil temperature turbulence fluctuations seed anisotropies in the nucleosynthesis of light elements, causing density fluctuations that seed the first formation of gravitational structure in the matter dominated hydrogen-helium plasma: proto-voids at galaxy supercluster scales. Evidence of the proposed big bang turbulence event and first gravitational structure formation is provided by the spectral form of the cosmic microwave temperature fluctuations, which have been misinterpreted as sonic.Comment: Keynote paper for International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 26-28, 2001. 9 pages, 9 figures, pdf file. Revision removes typos, includes headers, and adds a figure to discuss a reinterpretation of the BOOMERANG 2001 CMB peaks as reflecting protogalaxycluster void

    The First Turbulence

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    Chaotic, eddy-like motions dominated by inertial-vortex forces begin immediately at Planck scales in a hot big-bang cosmological model. This quantum-gravitational-dynamics epoch produced not only the first space-time-energy of the universe but the first large Reynolds number turbulence and turbulent mixing with Kolmogorov and Batchelor-Obukhov-Corrsin velocity and temperature gradient spectra. Strong-force-freeze-out and inflation produced the first fossil temperature turbulence by stretching the fluctuations beyond the horizon scale ct of causal connection at light speed c in time t. The spectrum increases toward a maximum at the smallest (fossilized Planck) scales, contrary to either the flat Harrison-Zel'dovich form usually assumed or Tilted forms with maxima at large (fossilized strong-force) scales used to explain observed plasma epoch temperature fluctuations as acoustic. A second transition to turbulence was inhibited by buoyancy forces from the first structures, as indicated by observations that dT/T in the cosmic microwave background radiation is only 10^-5 except at the spectral peak and increases smoothly as wavenumber k^1/6. The peak is therefore due to gravitational structure not sound.Comment: 17 page pdf file, 6 figures, preprint updat
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