256 research outputs found

    PDE-Based Multidimensional Extrapolation of Scalar Fields over Interfaces with Kinks and High Curvatures

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    We present a PDE-based approach for the multidimensional extrapolation of smooth scalar quantities across interfaces with kinks and regions of high curvature. Unlike the commonly used method of [2] in which normal derivatives are extrapolated, the proposed approach is based on the extrapolation and weighting of Cartesian derivatives. As a result, second- and third-order accurate extensions in the LL^\infty norm are obtained with linear and quadratic extrapolations, respectively, even in the presence of sharp geometric features. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated on a number of examples in two and three spatial dimensions and compared to the approach of [2]. The importance of accurate extrapolation near sharp geometric features is highlighted on an example of solving the diffusion equation on evolving domains.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, submitted to SIAM Journal of Scientific Computin

    Machine learning algorithms for three-dimensional mean-curvature computation in the level-set method

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    We propose a data-driven mean-curvature solver for the level-set method. This work is the natural extension to R3\mathbb{R}^3 of our two-dimensional strategy in [DOI: 10.1007/s10915-022-01952-2][1] and the hybrid inference system of [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111291][2]. However, in contrast to [1,2], which built resolution-dependent neural-network dictionaries, here we develop a pair of models in R3\mathbb{R}^3, regardless of the mesh size. Our feedforward networks ingest transformed level-set, gradient, and curvature data to fix numerical mean-curvature approximations selectively for interface nodes. To reduce the problem's complexity, we have used the Gaussian curvature to classify stencils and fit our models separately to non-saddle and saddle patterns. Non-saddle stencils are easier to handle because they exhibit a curvature error distribution characterized by monotonicity and symmetry. While the latter has allowed us to train only on half the mean-curvature spectrum, the former has helped us blend the data-driven and the baseline estimations seamlessly near flat regions. On the other hand, the saddle-pattern error structure is less clear; thus, we have exploited no latent information beyond what is known. In this regard, we have trained our models on not only spherical but also sinusoidal and hyperbolic paraboloidal patches. Our approach to building their data sets is systematic but gleans samples randomly while ensuring well-balancedness. We have also resorted to standardization and dimensionality reduction and integrated regularization to minimize outliers. In addition, we leverage curvature rotation/reflection invariance to improve precision at inference time. Several experiments confirm that our proposed system can yield more accurate mean-curvature estimations than modern particle-based interface reconstruction and level-set schemes around under-resolved regions

    A Hybrid Inference System for Improved Curvature Estimation in the Level-Set Method Using Machine Learning

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    We present a novel hybrid strategy based on machine learning to improve curvature estimation in the level-set method. The proposed inference system couples enhanced neural networks with standard numerical schemes to compute curvature more accurately. The core of our hybrid framework is a switching mechanism that relies on well established numerical techniques to gauge curvature. If the curvature magnitude is larger than a resolution-dependent threshold, it uses a neural network to yield a better approximation. Our networks are multilayer perceptrons fitted to synthetic data sets composed of sinusoidal- and circular-interface samples at various configurations. To reduce data set size and training complexity, we leverage the problem's characteristic symmetry and build our models on just half of the curvature spectrum. These savings lead to a powerful inference system able to outperform any of its numerical or neural component alone. Experiments with static, smooth interfaces show that our hybrid solver is notably superior to conventional numerical methods in coarse grids and along steep interface regions. Compared to prior research, we have observed outstanding gains in precision after training the regression model with data pairs from more than a single interface type and transforming data with specialized input preprocessing. In particular, our findings confirm that machine learning is a promising venue for reducing or removing mass loss in the level-set method.Comment: Submitte

    A Numerical Method for Sharp-Interface Simulations of Multicomponent Alloy Solidification

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    We present a computational method for the simulation of the solidification of multicomponent alloys in the sharp-interface limit. Contrary to the case of binary alloys where a fixed point iteration is adequate, we hereby propose a Newton-type approach to solve the non-linear system of coupled PDEs arising from the time discretization of the governing equations, allowing for the first time sharp-interface simulations of the multialloy solidification. A combination of spatially adaptive quadtree grids, Level-Set Method, and sharp-interface numerical methods for imposing boundary conditions is used to accurately and efficiently resolve the complex behavior of the solidification front. The convergence behavior of the Newton-type iteration is theoretically analyzed in a one-dimensional setting and further investigated numerically in multiple spatial dimensions. We validate the overall computational method on the case of axisymmetric radial solidification admitting an analytical solution and show that the overall method's accuracy is close to second order. Finally, we perform numerical experiments for the directional solidification of a Co-Al-W ternary alloy with a phase diagram obtained from the PANDAT database and analyze the solutal segregation dependence on the processing conditions and alloy properties

    A Deep Learning Approach for the Computation of Curvature in the Level-Set Method

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    We propose a deep learning strategy to estimate the mean curvature of two-dimensional implicit interfaces in the level-set method. Our approach is based on fitting feed-forward neural networks to synthetic data sets constructed from circular interfaces immersed in uniform grids of various resolutions. These multilayer perceptrons process the level-set values from mesh points next to the free boundary and output the dimensionless curvature at their closest locations on the interface. Accuracy analyses involving irregular interfaces, both in uniform and adaptive grids, show that our models are competitive with traditional numerical schemes in the L1L^1 and L2L^2 norms. In particular, our neural networks approximate curvature with comparable precision in coarse resolutions, when the interface features steep curvature regions, and when the number of iterations to reinitialize the level-set function is small. Although the conventional numerical approach is more robust than our framework, our results have unveiled the potential of machine learning for dealing with computational tasks where the level-set method is known to experience difficulties. We also establish that an application-dependent map of local resolutions to neural models can be devised to estimate mean curvature more effectively than a universal neural network.Comment: Submitted to SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin

    JAX-DIPS: Neural bootstrapping of finite discretization methods and application to elliptic problems with discontinuities

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    We present a scalable strategy for development of mesh-free hybrid neuro-symbolic partial differential equation solvers based on existing mesh-based numerical discretization methods. Particularly, this strategy can be used to efficiently train neural network surrogate models of partial differential equations by (i) leveraging the accuracy and convergence properties of advanced numerical methods, solvers, and preconditioners, as well as (ii) better scalability to higher order PDEs by strictly limiting optimization to first order automatic differentiation. The presented neural bootstrapping method (hereby dubbed NBM) is based on evaluation of the finite discretization residuals of the PDE system obtained on implicit Cartesian cells centered on a set of random collocation points with respect to trainable parameters of the neural network. Importantly, the conservation laws and symmetries present in the bootstrapped finite discretization equations inform the neural network about solution regularities within local neighborhoods of training points. We apply NBM to the important class of elliptic problems with jump conditions across irregular interfaces in three spatial dimensions. We show the method is convergent such that model accuracy improves by increasing number of collocation points in the domain and predonditioning the residuals. We show NBM is competitive in terms of memory and training speed with other PINN-type frameworks. The algorithms presented here are implemented using \texttt{JAX} in a software package named \texttt{JAX-DIPS} (https://github.com/JAX-DIPS/JAX-DIPS), standing for differentiable interfacial PDE solver. We open sourced \texttt{JAX-DIPS} to facilitate research into use of differentiable algorithms for developing hybrid PDE solvers

    Solving elliptic problems with discontinuities on irregular domains – the Voronoi Interface Method.

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    We introduce a simple method, dubbed the Voronoi Interface Method, to solve Elliptic problems with discontinuities across the interface of irregular domains. This method produces a linear system that is symmetric positive definite with only its right-hand-side affected by the jump conditions. The solution and the solution's gradients are second-order accurate and first-order accurate, respectively, in the L∞L∞ norm, even in the case of large ratios in the diffusion coefficient. This approach is also applicable to arbitrary meshes. Additional degrees of freedom are placed close to the interface and a Voronoi partition centered at each of these points is used to discretize the equations in a finite volume approach. Both the locations of the additional degrees of freedom and their Voronoi discretizations are straightforward in two and three spatial dimensions

    A parallel Voronoi-based approach for mesoscale simulations of cell aggregate electropermeabilization

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    We introduce a numerical framework that enables unprecedented direct numerical studies of the electropermeabilization effects of a cell aggregate at the meso-scale. Our simulations qualitatively replicate the shadowing effect observed in experiments and reproduce the time evolution of the impedance of the cell sample in agreement with the trends observed in experiments. This approach sets the scene for performing homogenization studies for understanding the effect of tissue environment on the efficiency of electropermeabilization. We employ a forest of Octree grids along with a Voronoi mesh in a parallel environment that exhibits excellent scalability. We exploit the electric interactions between the cells through a nonlinear phenomenological model that is generalized to account for the permeability of the cell membranes. We use the Voronoi Interface Method (VIM) to accurately capture the sharp jump in the electric potential on the cell boundaries. The case study simulation covers a volume of (1 mm)3(1\ mm)^3 with more than 27,00027,000 well-resolved cells with a heterogeneous mix of morphologies that are randomly distributed throughout a spheroid region.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    On two-phase flow solvers in irregular domains with contact line

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    We present numerical methods that enable the direct numerical simulation of two-phase flows in irregular domains. A method is presented to account for surface tension effects in a mesh cell containing a triple line between the liquid, gas and solid phases. Our numerical method is based on the level-set method to capture the liquid–gas interface and on the single-phase Navier–Stokes solver in irregular domain proposed in [35]to impose the solid boundary in an Eulerian framework. We also present a strategy for the implicit treatment of the viscous term and how to impose both a Neumann boundary condition and a jump condition when solving for the pressure field. Special care is given on how to take into account the contact angle, the no-slip boundary condition for the velocity field and the volume forces. Finally, we present numerical results in two and three spatial dimensions evaluating our simulations with several benchmarks