9,568 research outputs found

    Some Comments on Gravitational Entropy and the Inverse Mean Curvature Flow

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    The Geroch-Wald-Jang-Huisken-Ilmanen approach to the positive energy problem to may be extended to give a negative lower bound for the mass of asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes containing horizons with exotic topologies having ends or infinities of the form Σg×R\Sigma_g \times {\Bbb R}, in terms of the cosmological constant. We also show how the method gives a lower bound for for the mass of time-symmetric initial data sets for black holes with vectors and scalars in terms of the mass, Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)| of the double extreme black hole with the same charges. I also give a lower bound for the area of an apparent horizon, and hence a lower bound for the entropy in terms of the same function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. This shows that the so-called attractor behaviour extends beyond the static spherically symmetric case. and underscores the general importance of the function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. There are hints that higher dimensional generalizations may involve the Yamabe conjectures.Comment: 13pp. late

    Discrete Newtonian Cosmology

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    In this paper we lay down the foundations for a purely Newtonian theory of cosmology, valid at scales small compared with the Hubble radius, using only Newtonian point particles acted on by gravity and a possible cosmological term. We describe the cosmological background which is given by an exact solution of the equations of motion in which the particles expand homothetically with their comoving positions constituting a central configuration. We point out, using previous work, that an important class of central configurations are homogeneous and isotropic, thus justifying the usual assumptions of elementary treatments. The scale factor is shown to satisfy the standard Raychaudhuri and Friedmann equations without making any fluid dynamic or continuum approximations. Since we make no commitment as to the identity of the point particles, our results are valid for cold dark matter, galaxies, or clusters of galaxies. In future publications we plan to discuss perturbations of our cosmological background from the point particle viewpoint laid down in this paper and show consistency with much standard theory usually obtained by more complicated and conceptually less clear continuum methods. Apart from its potential use in large scale structure studies, we believe that out approach has great pedagogic advantages over existing elementary treatments of the expanding universe, since it requires no use of general relativity or continuum mechanics but concentrates on the basic physics: Newton's laws for gravitationally interacting particles.Comment: 33 pages; typos fixed, references added, some clarification

    Time-Dependent Multi-Centre Solutions from New Metrics with Holonomy Sim(n-2)

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    The classifications of holonomy groups in Lorentzian and in Euclidean signature are quite different. A group of interest in Lorentzian signature in n dimensions is the maximal proper subgroup of the Lorentz group, SIM(n-2). Ricci-flat metrics with SIM(2) holonomy were constructed by Kerr and Goldberg, and a single four-dimensional example with a non-zero cosmological constant was exhibited by Ghanam and Thompson. Here we reduce the problem of finding the general nn-dimensional Einstein metric of SIM(n-2) holonomy, with and without a cosmological constant, to solving a set linear generalised Laplace and Poisson equations on an (n-2)-dimensional Einstein base manifold. Explicit examples may be constructed in terms of generalised harmonic functions. A dimensional reduction of these multi-centre solutions gives new time-dependent Kaluza-Klein black holes and monopoles, including time-dependent black holes in a cosmological background whose spatial sections have non-vanishing curvature.Comment: Typos corrected; 29 page

    The Action of Instantons with Nut Charge

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    We examine the effect of a non-trivial nut charge on the action of non-compact four-dimensional instantons with a U(1) isometry. If the instanton action is calculated by dimensionally reducing along the isometry, then the nut charge is found to make an explicit non-zero contribution. For metrics satisfying AF, ALF or ALE boundary conditions, the action can be expressed entirely in terms of quantities (including the nut charge) defined on the fixed point set of the isometry. A source (or sink) of nut charge also implies the presence of a Misner string coordinate singularity, which will have an important effect on the Hamiltonian of the instanton.Comment: 25 page

    Black Hole Solutions of Kaluza-Klein Supergravity Theories and String Theory

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    We find U(1)_{E} \times U(1)_{M} non-extremal black hole solutions of 6-dimensional Kaluza-Klein supergravity theories. Extremal solutions were found by Cveti\v{c} and Youm\cite{C-Y}. Multi black hole solutions are also presented. After electro-magnetic duality transformation is performed, these multi black hole solutions are mapped into the the exact solutions found by Horowitz and Tseytlin\cite{H-T} in 5-dimensional string theory compactified into 4-dimensions. The massless fields of this theory can be embedded into the heterotic string theory compactified on a 6-torus. Rotating black hole solutions can be read off those of the heterotic string theory found by Sen\cite{Sen3}.Comment: 23 pages text(latex), a figure upon reques

    Nucleating Black Holes via Non-Orientable Instantons

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    We extend the analysis of black hole pair creation to include non- orientable instantons. We classify these instantons in terms of their fundamental symmetries and orientations. Many of these instantons admit the pin structure which corresponds to the fermions actually observed in nature, and so the natural objection that these manifolds do not admit spin structure may not be relevant. Furthermore, we analyse the thermodynamical properties of non-orientable black holes and find that in the non-extreme case, there are interesting modifications of the usual formulae for temperature and entropy.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, minor typos are correcte

    Dilaton Black Holes Near the Horizon

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    Generic U(1)2U(1)^2 4-d black holes with unbroken N=1N=1 supersymmetry are shown to tend to a Robinson-Bertotti type geometry with a linear dilaton and doubling of unbroken supersymmetries near the horizon. Purely magnetic dilatonic black holes, which have unbroken N=2N=2 supersymmetry, behave near the horizon as a 2-d linear dilaton vacuum S2\otimes \, S^2. This geometry is invariant under 8 supersymmetries, i.e. half of the original N=4N=4 supersymmetries are unbroken. The supersymmetric positivity bound, which requires the mass of the 4-d dilaton black holes to be greater than or equal to the central charge, corresponds to positivity of mass for a class of stringy 2-d black holes.Comment: 10 pages, SU-ITP-92-2

    Non-Abelian pp-waves in D=4 supergravity theories

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    The non-Abelian plane waves, first found in flat spacetime by Coleman and subsequently generalized to give pp-waves in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, are shown to be 1/2 supersymmetric solutions of a wide variety of N=1 supergravity theories coupled to scalar and vector multiplets, including the theory of SU(2) Yang-Mills coupled to an axion \sigma and dilaton \phi recently obtained as the reduction to four-dimensions of the six-dimensional Salam-Sezgin model. In this latter case they provide the most general supersymmetric solution. Passing to the Riemannian formulation of this theory we show that the most general supersymmetric solution may be constructed starting from a self-dual Yang-Mills connection on a self-dual metric and solving a Poisson equation for e^\phi. We also present the generalization of these solutions to non-Abelian AdS pp-waves which allow a negative cosmological constant and preserve 1/4 of supersymmetry.Comment: Latex, 1+12 page