318 research outputs found

    Kepler observations of A-F pre-main sequence stars in Upper Scorpius: Discovery of six new δ\delta~Scuti and one γ\gamma~Doradus stars

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    We present light curves and periodograms for 27 stars in the young Upper Scorpius association (age=11±111 \pm 1\,Myr) obtained with the Kepler spacecraft. This association is only the second stellar grouping to host several pulsating pre-main sequence (PMS) stars which have been observed from space. From an analysis of the periodograms, we identify six δ\delta~Scuti variables and one γ\gamma~Doradus star. These are most likely PMS stars or else very close to the zero-age main sequence. Four of the δ\delta~Scuti variables were observed in short-cadence mode, which allows us to resolve the entire frequency spectrum. For these four stars, we are able to infer some qualitative information concerning their ages. For the remaining two δ\delta~Scuti stars, only long-cadence data are available, which means that some of the frequencies are likely to be aliases. One of the stars appears to be a rotational variable in a hierarchical triple system. This is a particularly important object, as it allows the possibility of an accurate mass determination when radial velocity observations become available. We also report on new high-resolution echelle spectra obtained for some of the stars of our sample.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    The INFN project MAPS 3D

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    MAPS 3D is a project of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare which aims to implement an unprecedented characterisation of magnetised laboratory plasmas by means of high-resolution spectropolarimetry in the visible range. This observational technique is routinely applied to astrophysical plasmas in order to derive physical parameters of stars. Through the experimental set-up of MAPS 3D spatial resolution of the emitting plasma will be obtained, giving the possibility to localise the emitters from hot and cold plasma regions, as well as to estimate the charge state distribution. This innovative plasma characterisation, not achievable by means of the present diagnostic techniques, will allow a better comprehension of laboratory plasma structure, heating processes and magnetic confinement, with strong implications for Accelerator Physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics and Nuclear Astrophysics

    CAOS spectroscopy of Am stars Kepler targets

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    The {\it Kepler} space mission and its {\it K2} extension provide photometric time series data with unprecedented accuracy. These data challenge our current understanding of the metallic-lined A stars (Am stars) for what concerns the onset of pulsations in their atmospheres. It turns out that the predictions of current diffusion models do not agree with observations. To understand this discrepancy, it is of crucial importance to obtain ground-based spectroscopic observations of Am stars in the {\it Kepler} and {\it K2} fields in order to determine the best estimates of the stellar parameters. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic data for seven stars previously classified as Am stars. We determine the effective temperatures, surface gravities, projected rotational velocities, microturbulent velocities and chemical abundances of these stars using spectral synthesis. These spectra were obtained with {\it CAOS}, a new instrument recently installed at the observing station of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory on Mt. Etna. Three stars have already been observed during quarters Q0-Q17, namely: HD\,180347, HD\,181206, and HD\,185658, while HD\,43509 was already observed during {\it K2} C0 campaign. We confirm that HD\,43509 and HD\,180347 are Am stars, while HD 52403, HD\,50766, HD\,58246, HD\,181206 and HD\,185658 are marginal Am stars. By means of non-LTE analysis, we derived oxygen abundances from O{\sc I}λ\lambda7771--5{\AA} triplet and we also discussed the results obtained with both non-LTE and LTE approaches.Comment: accepted in MNRAS main journal 13 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.095

    BeppoSAX observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1

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    We report on the spectral (pulse averaged) and timing analysis of the ~ 20 ksec observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1 performed during the BeppoSAX Science Verification Phase. The source was observed in two different intensity states: the low state is probably due to an erratic intensity dip and shows a decrease of a factor ~ 2 in intensity, and a factor 10 in Nh. We have not been able to fit the 2-100 keV continuum spectrum with the standard (for an X--ray pulsar) power law modified by a high energy cutoff because of the flattening of the spectrum in ~ 10-30 keV. The timing analysis confirms previous results: the pulse profile changes from a five-peak structure for energies less than 15 keV, to a simpler two-peak shape at higher energies. The Fourier analysis shows a very complex harmonic component: up to 23 harmonics are clearly visible in the power spectrum, with a dominant first harmonic for low energy data, and a second one as the more prominent for energies greater than 15 keV. The aperiodic component in the Vela X-1 power spectrum presents a knee at about 1 Hz. The pulse period, corrected for binary motion, is 283.206 +/- 0.001 sec.Comment: 5 pages, 4 PostScript figure, uses aipproc.sty, to appear in Proceedings of Fourth Compton Symposiu