2 research outputs found

    Polypharmacy and sarcopenia in hospitalized older patients: results of the GLISTEN study

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    Background: Recently the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) showed that polypharmacy is associated with clinically relevant sarcopenia among community-dwelling older persons. Here we report findings from the GLISTEN study about the association of polypharmacy with sarcopenia among older medical in-patients. Methods: The GLISTEN study investigated prevalence and clinical correlates of sarcopenia in older patients admitted to geriatric and internal medicine acute care wards of 12 Italian hospitals. Results: In this sample of older medical in-patients with high prevalence of sarcopenia (34.7%) and polypharmacy (70.2%) we did not observe a significant association of polypharmacy with sarcopenia. Conclusions: Present findings demonstrate that the association of polypharmacy with sarcopenia, observed in the BASE-II study, is not evident in the GLISTEN sample, being our patients significantly older, more multi-morbid, with high prevalence of sarcopenia and polypharmacy, suggesting that this association might vary according to the heterogeneous health, functional, and nutritional characteristics of older people

    Association between hospitalization-related outcomes, dynapenia and body mass index: The Glisten Study

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    Objective: To compare the prognostic value of dynapenia, as evaluated by handgrip, and body mass index (BMI) on length of stay (LOS), days of bed rest, and other hospitalization-related outcomes in a population of older adults admitted to 12 italian acute care divisions. Methods: Data on age, weight, BMI, comorbidities, ADL, physical activity level, muscle strength, were recorded at hospital admission. LOS, days of bed rest, intrahospital falls, and discharge destination were also recorded during the hospitalization. Subjects with BMI <18.5 kg/m2were classified as underweight, subjects with BMI 18.5–24.9 as normal weight, subjects with BMI ≥25 as overweight-obese. Results: A total of 634 patients, mean age 80.8 ± 6.7 years and 49.4% women, were included in the analysis. Overall dynapenic subjects (D) showed a longer period of LOS and bed rest compared with non-dynapenic (ND). When the study population was divided according to BMI categories, underweight (UW), normal weight (NW), and overweight-obese (OW-OB), no significant differences were observed in hospital LOS and days of bed rest. When analysis of covariance was used to determine the difference of LOS across handgrip/BMI groups, D/OW-OB and D/UW subjects showed significantly longer LOS (11.32 and 10.96 days, both p 0.05) compared to ND/NW subjects (7.69 days), even when controlling for age, gender, baseline ADL, cause of hospitalization and comorbidity. After controlling for the same confounding factors, D/OW-OB, D/NW and D/UW subjects showed significantly longer bed rest (4.7, 4.56, and 4.05 days, respectively, all p 0.05, but D/OW-OB p 0.01) compared to ND/NW subjects (1.59 days). Conclusion: In our study population, LOS is longer in D/UW and D/OW-OB compared to ND/NW subjects and days of bed rest are mainly influenced by dynapenia, and not by BMI class