5 research outputs found

    Materiali polimerici biodegradabili

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    Dottorato di ricerca in chimica industriale. 8. ciclo. Coordinatore F. Trifiro'. Relatore M. ScandolaConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Endovascular treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke and tandem occlusion due to internal carotid artery dissection: A multicenter experience

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    Background: The optimal management of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to tandem occlusion (TO) and underlying carotid dissection (CD) remains unclear. Objective: We present our multicenter-experience of endovascular treatment (EVT) approach used and outcomes for AIS patients with CD-related TO (CD-TO). Methods: Consecutive AIS patients underwent EVT for CD-TO at five Italian Neuro-interventional Tertiary Stroke Centers were retrospectively identified. TO from atherosclerosis and other causes of, were excluded from the final analysis. Primary outcome was successful (mTICI 2b-3) and complete reperfusion (mTICI 3); secondary outcome was patients' 3-months functional independence (mRS≤2). Results: Among 214 AIS patients with TO, 45 presented CD-TO. Median age was 54 years (range 29-86), 82.2% were male. Age <65 years (p < 0.0001), lower baseline NIHSS score (p = 0.0002), and complete circle of Willis (p = 0.0422) were associated with mRS ≤ 2 at the multivariate analysis. Comparisons between antegrade and retrograde approaches resulted in differences for baseline NIHSS scores (p = 0.001) and number of EVT attempts per-procedure (p = 0.001). No differences in terms of recanalization rates were observed between antegrade and retrograde EVT approaches (p = 0.811) but higher rates of mTICI3 revascularization was observed with the retrograde compared to the antegrade approach (78.6% vs 73.3%), anyway not statistically significant. CD management technique (angioplasty vs aspiration vs emergent stenting) did not correlate with 3-months mRS≤2. Conclusion: AIS patients with CD-TO were mostly treated with the retrograde approach with lower number of attempts per-procedure but it offered similar recanalization rates compared with the antegrade approach. Emergent carotid artery stenting (CAS) proved to be safe for CD management but it does not influence 3-months patients' clinical outcomes

    Endovascular treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke and tandem occlusion due to internal carotid artery dissection: A multicenter experience

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    Background: The optimal management of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to tandem occlusion (TO) and underlying carotid dissection (CD) remains unclear.Objective: We present our multicenter-experience of endovascular treatment (EVT) approach used and outcomes for AIS patients with CD-related TO (CD-TO).Methods: Consecutive AIS patients underwent EVT for CD-TO at five Italian Neuro-interventional Tertiary Stroke Centers were retrospectively identified. TO from atherosclerosis and other causes of, were excluded from the final analysis. Primary outcome was successful (mTICI 2b-3) and complete reperfusion (mTICI 3); secondary outcome was patients' 3-months functional independence (mRS &lt;= 2).Results: Among 214 AIS patients with TO, 45 presented CD-TO. Median age was 54 years (range 29-86), 82.2% were male. Age &lt;65 years (p &lt; 0.0001), lower baseline NIHSS score (p = 0.0002), and complete circle of Willis (p = 0.0422) were associated with mRS &lt;= 2 at the multivariate analysis. Comparisons between antegrade and retrograde approaches resulted in differences for baseline NIHSS scores (p = 0.001) and number of EVT attempts per-procedure (p = 0.001). No differences in terms of recanalization rates were observed between antegrade and retrograde EVT approaches (p = 0.811) but higher rates of mTICI3 revascularization was observed with the retrograde compared to the antegrade approach (78.6% vs 73.3%), anyway not statistically significant. CD management technique (angioplasty vs aspiration vs emergent stenting) did not correlate with 3-months mRS &lt;= 2.Conclusion: AIS patients with CD-TO were mostly treated with the retrograde approach with lower number of attempts perprocedure but it offered similar recanalization rates compared with the antegrade approach. Emergent carotid artery stenting (CAS) proved to be safe for CD management but it does not influence 3-months patients' clinical outcomes

    Dopamine Function in Cigarette Smokers:an [(18)F]-DOPA PET Study

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    Tobacco addiction is a global public health problem. Addiction to tobacco is thought to involve the effects of nicotine on the dopaminergic system. Only one study has previously investigated dopamine synthesis capacity in cigarette smokers. This study, exclusively in male volunteers, reported increased dopamine synthesis capacity in heavy smokers compared with non-smokers. We sought to determine whether dopamine synthesis capacity was elevated in a larger sample of cigarette smokers that included females. Dopamine synthesis capacity was measured in 15 daily moderate smokers with 15 sex- and age-matched control subjects who had never smoked tobacco. Dopamine synthesis capacity (indexed as the influx rate constant K(i)(cer)) was measured with positron emission tomography and 3,4-dihydroxy-6-[(18)F]-fluoro-l-phenylalanine. There was no significant group difference in dopamine synthesis capacity between smokers and non-smoker controls in the whole striatum (t(28)=0.64, p=0.53) or any of its functional subdivisions. In smokers, there were no significant relationships between the number of cigarettes smoked per day and dopamine synthesis capacity in the whole striatum (r=−0.23, p=0.41) or any striatal subdivision. These findings indicate that moderate smoking is not associated with altered striatal dopamine synthesis capacity