1,777 research outputs found

    Modello Magnetic Frill per alimentazioni in cavo coassiale e suo impiego nella progettazione di un'antenna per comunicazioni satellitari da mezzi mobili

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    Introduzione - 5 - Struttura della Tesi - 6 - 1 Cenni sul Metodo dei Momenti - 8 - 1.1 Formulazione generale - 8 - 1.2 Funzioni peso - 9 - 1.3 Funzioni base e Discretizzazione - 10 - 2 Modello per una sorgente di tipo “Magnetic Frill” - 14 - 2.1 Descrizione del modello Magnetic Frill. - 14 - 2.2 Ricerca bibliografica. - 17 - 2.2.1 L.L.Tsai (1970) - 18 - 2.2.2 C.M.Butler – L.L.Tsai (1972) - 21 - 2.2.3 Akihide Sakitani – Shigeru Egashira (1986) - 21 - 2.3 Scelta del modello da implementare. - 23 - 2.3.1 Test di validità e prestazioni. - 23 - 2.3.2 Il modello “magnetic frill”. - 28 - 3 Implementazione Software del Modello - 31 - 3.1 Main Subroutine. - 31 - 3.2 Subroutine per il calcolo del campo e.m. nella Near Zone del frill. - 33 - 3.3 Subroutine per il calcolo del campo e.m. nella Far-Near Zone del frill. - 34 - 3.4 Subroutine per il calcolo del campo e.m. sull’asse del frill. - 35 - 3.5 Subroutine per il calcolo degli integrali ellittici completi. - 36 - 4 Validazione del Modello - 37 - 4.1 Fase I: confronto con dati di letteratura - 37 - 4.2 Fase II: confronto con altri tools di progettazione - 39 - 4.2.1 Dipolo in spazio libero - 39 - 4.2.2 Monopolo su piano di massa infinito - 47 - 4.2.3 Monopolo su piano di massa finito - 54 - 4.3 Fase III: confronto con dati sperimentali - 61 - 4.3.1 Patch rettangolare - 61 - 4.3.2 Patch circolare - 63 - 5 Progetto di un’antenna per comunicazioni satellitari da mezzi mobili - 67 - 5.1 Introduzione - 67 - 5.2 Obiettivi - 68 - 5.3 Polarizzazione circolare - 68 - 5.4 Eccitazione dei modi TM - 69 - 5.5 Antenna: struttura e prestazioni - 70 - 5.5.1 Geometria dell’antenna - 70 - 5.5.2 Diagramma di Irradiazione e Correnti Strutturali - 72 - 5.5.3 Parametri S e Impedenza di Ingresso - 76 - 5.5.4 Banda - 80 - 5.5.5 Risultati - 80 - 5.6 Sviluppi futuri - 81 - 6 Conclusioni - 84 - Bibliografia - 86

    Cardiovascular effects of basal insulins

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    Basal insulin is an important component of treatment for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. One of the principal aims of treatment in patients with diabetes is the prevention of diabetic complications, including cardiovascular disease. There is some evidence, although controversial, that attainment of good glycemic control reduces long-term cardiovascular risk in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the potential cardiovascular safety of the different available preparations of basal insulin. Current basal insulin (neutral protamine Hagedorn [NPH], or isophane) and basal insulin analogs (glargine, detemir, and the more recent degludec) differ essentially by various measures of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects in the bloodstream, presence and persistence of peak action, and within-subject variability in the glucose-lowering response. The currently available data show that basal insulin analogs have a lower risk of hypoglycemia than NPH human insulin, in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, then excluding additional harmful effects on the cardiovascular system mediated by activation of the adrenergic system. Given that no biological rationale for a possible difference in cardiovascular effect of basal insulins has been proposed so far, available meta-analyses of publicly disclosed randomized controlled trials do not show any signal of increased risk of major cardiovascular events between the different basal insulin analogs. However, the number of available cardiovascular events in these trials is very small, preventing any clear-cut conclusion. The results of an ongoing clinical trial comparing glargine and degludec with regard to cardiovascular safety will provide definitive evidence

    Hidden Sentiments, Unfinished Project: Pirandello’s Film La Nuova Colonia

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    This article investigates the notion of the unfinished work. In Pirandello studies the word unfinished holds particular importance. Luigi Pirandello\u27s last, and one of his major works, I giganti della montagna [The Mountain Giants] was not completed. The many years devoted to its making weaken the assumption that Pirandello was not capable of completing it in favor of his decision not to complete his work. I considered the overlapping of the writing of I giganti della montagna and of the attempts to produce the film La nuova colonia [The New Colony] an important, and insofar unnoticed, key element for understanding Pirandello’s modus operandi. Comparative examinations of both La Nuova Colonia and I Giganti della Montagna elucidate the comprehension of the other, adding another possible explanation for why the two chronologically overlapping projects - the play and the film - were not completed

    Pirandello and Satire. The Imaginary Journey of Four Authors in Search of a Character According to Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff (1889-1930)

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    Drawing on a little-known work by Scott-Moncrieff, this article investigates Luigi Pirandello’s intellectual and literary reach across genres and space, from theater to pamphlets, from Italy to the English-speaking world. A talented writer and translator, Charles K. Scott-Moncrieff published “The Strange & Striking Adventures of Four Authors in Search of a Character” by P. G. Lear & L. O in 1926. The title of the pamphlet, and the acronym of the fictional author are references to Pirandello and to his Six Characters in Search of an Author. Scott-Moncrieff had all the documents in order to write about, or in reference to, Pirandello. He was the translator of I vecchi e i giovani and Lazzaro; in 1926, he had also published his translation of Pirandello’s Si gira... [Shoot. The Notebook of Serafino Gubbio Cinematographer Operator. Pirandello considered Scott-Moncrieff the best translator of his works and a “true friend” (Pirandello, Lettere a Marta Abba). While the pamphlet’s title is a clear reference to Pirandello, its content is not as explicit. Scott-Moncrieff narrates the allegorical journey on a barge of the four “authors.” Three of the satirized authors are identifiable with Sitwell siblings, British artists who spent considerable time in Italy. The fourth is William Walton, composer, and their friend. During their journey the travelers touch several ports whose imaginary names allude to locations between London and Italy. This article untangles the elusive references to the Sitwell’s lives, and elucidates Scott-Moncrieff’s references to Pirandello’s works that extend beyond translations of novels and plays, to critically engage Pirandello’s ideas of humor and satire. Scott-Moncrieff’s work allows to reconsider and extend the presence of Jonathan Swift in Pirandello’s works, from his essay on umorismo to his major plays

    Memory and the Realization of the Nothingness. On a Letter of Vittorio Sereni to Giuseppe Ungaretti

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    The problematic relationship of Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888-1970) with Alexandria of Egypt – his city of birth – sheds light on the interplay between memory and oblivion in his poetry and prose. The shuttling back and forth between these poles marks the nature of his unfulfilled desire to recreate a lost Alexandrian atmosphere. In Ungaretti’s works, language opacity is coupled with his attempts to represent a city—as he writes—that is suffocated by the sun and whose hidden ancient port is submerged in the depth of the sea. Blinding light and the darkness of the deep waters make the understanding of Ungaretti’s Alexandria a delicate process. In a letter to his friend Ungaretti, Vittorio Sereni (1913-1983) writes that he is writing a poem, but he is blocked at the stage where Ungaretti’s poetry comes into play. Is Sereni referring to a specific Alexandrian poem? This article argues that Ungaretti’s presence in Sereni’s poems can be understood as a long process of reflection that, ultimately destabilizes any attempt to configure a one-sided understanding of memory. Yet, it explores memories’ capabilities to connect the voices of the past with those of the future

    Piero Chiara e la tradizione

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    Piero Chiara (Luino 1913- Varese 1986) wrote many novels and short stories that immediately met great public success. Critics devoted mixed attention to him but his works deserve a new critical assessment to analyze the rich and sophisticated web of cultural and literary references that permeate them. Through readings of Il piatto piange, “L’uovo al cianuro” and other novels and short stories, this paper analyses the complex textual relations Chiara entertains with Pirandello’s Il fu Mattia Pascal. Chiara investigates the themes of identity and the double. His narrative depicts an apparently lighthearted reality that in fact reveals despair. Chiara decides to direct the energy radiating from his world to a narrative that aims at consolation

    Modelli retorici tra predica e romanzol\u27esempio di Anton Giulio Brignole Sale

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    Seventeenth-century preachers often coupled their preaching to novel writing. This essay investigates the sermons and the novels of the Jesuit Anton Giulio Brignole Sale (1605-1665), to identify rhetorical strategies that were applied both to religious and secular writings

    The Paradox Of Amnesia: Tondelli\u27s Un weekend postmoderno

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    Tondelli opens his Un weekend postmoderno. Cronache dagli anni Ottanta declaring an intention opposite to the display of amnesia. In the long table of contents of his book, he writes down everything, in an excruciating streaming of details, so that the table of content becomes an exhaustive index of names and ideas. Yet, hidden within the hundreds of analytical snapshots, one of its many characters mentions the importance of dissimulation. Dissimulation, according to Tondelli, hides what is known, to protect the dissimulator and to mask the truth. Also, amnesia is a voluntary practice that can be enacted in order to hide. The “I don’t remember” of the subject suffering from amnesia cannot always be separated by the act of dissimulation. The pair amnesia/dissimulation is not only understood as a means to protect oneself, but now also as the manifestation of the unconscious that reveals the subjects’ relationship with their desires. According to Tondelli’s character, dissimulation is typical of the melancholic individual. Dissimulation is what I posit as one of the traits of Tondelli’s writing of Un weekend postmoderno, that is: he hides something in his pages by showing something else. Paradoxically then, he could also be hiding moments of amnesia in order to dodge a rooted sense of desperation and melancholy that cuts across the personal and the societal/political spheres that he experienced (for example the troubles with the censorship of Altri libertini, or the political scandals he evoked in Rimini). Is the excess of information an act of dissimulation? The exuberant prose that Tondelli chose to describe the exuberant Italian 1980s might then be a deceiving tool to describe the destitute decade with which – torn between repulsion and admiration – he decided to play a dangerous game

    Un’agra salita. Lettura di ‘Autostrada della Cisa’ di Vittorio Sereni

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    Luciano Bianciardi (1922-1971) wants to open a dialogue with his friend Vittorio Sereni (1913-1983) through the pages of his best-selling novel La vita agra (1962). Sereni does not respond immediately, and the approach seems not to have received Sereni’s attention. The analysis of Sereni’s 1981 poem “Autostrada della Cisa” proves that he ultimately decided to reply to his friend’s irreverent, yet congenial, comments, albeit nearly 20 years later. This article underlines the existential crisis expressed by Sereni in his poem, accompanied by his willingness to enter into a dialogue with any reader, despite the nihilistic outcomes he foresees. His efforts are meant to sustain the ‘recidiva speranza’ (recidivous hope) of a life well spent on which Bianciardi had mused
