97 research outputs found


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    This study evaluates the potential for agritourism development in Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam. The analytical hierarchical process is used to determine the weights of four factors with 25 measurement criteria to assess agritourism potential. The research results show that Binh Dinh Province has great agritourism potential based on four evaluation factors, including (1) local agricultural tourism resources, (2) the trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market, (3) the local community’s willingness, and (4) the supporting activities of the local government. In particular, the local agricultural tourism resources factor received the highest score, followed by the local community’s willingness and the supporting activities of the local government. The trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market was rated the lowest. Therefore, Binh Dinh has viable opportunities to encourage the growth of agritourism to improve farmers’ livelihoodsDu lịch nông nghiệp đem lại nhiều cơ hội cho phát triển kinh tế cũng như đa dạng hóa các loại hình du lịch và cải thiện đời sống sinh kế của người dân. Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp phân tích thứ bậc (AHP) để tính các trọng số của các tiêu chí đánh giá tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía bắc tỉnh Bình Định. Tiếp theo, kết quả mô hình hóa sơ đồ mạng cho thấy cả 4 địa phương An Lão, Hoài Ân, Phù Mỹ, thị xã Hoài Nhơn đều được đánh giá ở mức điểm cao về tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp trên các khía cạnh tài nguyên du lịch, xu hướng phát triển du lịch, sự ủng hộ của người dân địa phương và sự quan tâm của chính quyền địa phương. Tuy nhiên, yếu tố xu hướng phát triển thị trường du lịch nông nghiệp được đánh giá ở mức điểm thấp hơn. Điều này cũng xuất phát từ việc phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định cũng mới bắt đầu nhận được sự quan tâm trong vài năm gần đây, số lượt khách tham quan các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định còn ít so với tiềm năng du lịch của địa bàn

    Vietnam’s Scientific Publications in the Period of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is considered a global disaster that affects all areas of the world; however, it is also seen as a motivation for domestic and foreign scientists to focus on researching solutions to reduce its damage. This article aims to explore the correlation of scientific publications of countries in Southeast Asia, among research fields in Vietnam and among topics published by Vietnamese educational institutions in the context of a pandemic. 1392 Southeast Asian countries’ publications related to COVID-19 were referenced from the Scopus database, including 123 articles from Vietnam (up to August 27th, 2020). Statistics show that Vietnam ranks fifth in the number of scientific publications with research cooperation of researchers from 20 different countries. Regarding the research fields of Vietnam, medicine is the main research topic, social science ranks third following environmental science. In the field of social science, articles focus on four key topics: epidemic prevention, reduction of pandemic effects on life and socioeconomics, factors related to online learning of students, healthcare for the elderly. From the analysis results, the authors recommend that researchers should pay attention to other topics in the social sciences that have not been published, such as psychological effects of infected or suspected nCovi, the impact of COVID-19 to disadvantaged groups in society..

    Effects of Electroporation on Biological Membranes Exposed to High Potentials

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    This study first considers that voltages of cellular organelle membranes could significanly surpass these of plasma membranes under the influence of ultrashort and high-intensity electric pulse. This is due to the voltages induced on the membrane. Using an approximate theory coordinated with the Kotnik's analytical method, considering the electroporation, we focus on the reactions of cell membranes placed in a trapezoidal pulse. Then, we discuss conductive power dissipations of normal cell and cancer cell generated by a sinusoidal exposure which include dielectric relaxation effects. In comparison with  the complex numerical calculations of Joshi \textit{et al}, our results are in very good agreement

    Optimization of the leaching process of the printed circuit boards production’s sludge for copper recovery via electrolysis

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    Copper is the main component of printed circuit boards (PCBs) which is the main part of an electronic device. The manufacture of PCBs often releases huge amount of sludge which contained copper. Derived from the demand of the industrial park about the wasted sludge treatment and the reducing of the plantation of natural mineral resources, the copper recovery process from PCBs manufacture's wasted sludge was studied. The process of copper leaching by sulfuric acid solution was studied using experimental planning methods using the simulation software Modde 5.0. The parameters were calculated and simulated to evaluate the effect of the acid concentration, leaching time, and the ratio between the solid and liquid phases on the leaching efficiency. The obtained results by simulation were compared with real experimental results. The obtained results from this study are planning in the actual deployment of the Hanoi Urban Environment One Member Limited Company in Vietnam. Keywords. Printed circuit board, copper sludge, leaching

    Tensile, electrical properties and morphology of polyethylene/modified fly ash composites using ultraflow

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    This paper presents relative melt viscosity, tensile, electrical properties and morphology of high density polyethylene (HDPE)/organo-modified fly ash (MFA) and HDPE/MFA/ultraflow (UTF) composites which were prepared by melt mixing method. Relative melt viscosity of HDPE was decreased with adding MFA and UTF into HDPE. Tensile properties (tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus) of HDPE/MFA/UTF composites were increased with rising UTF content to 5 wt.% and thereafter, they were dropped with the UTF content more than 5 wt.%. Electric properties (dielectric constant, dielectric loss and volume resistivity) of the HDPE/MFA and HDPE/MFA/UTF composites were investigated. The obtained parameters showed that the HDPE/MFA composites have electric insulation higher than HDPE/MFA/UTF composites. Morphology of the composite materials with and without using UTF was also studied by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) images. The results indicated that the MFA was dispersed more regularly and less agglomerated in HDPE matrix with adding UTF into the HDPE/MFA composites

    A study on vegetative propagation of Huperzia serrata by cuttings in Sa Pa, Lao Cai

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    Huperzia serrata is a precious medicinal plant used in medicine to support and treat Alzheimer's disease. Currently, this species is in danger of extinction due to indiscriminate exploitation for commercial purposes. Furthermore, this species reproduces slowly and is difficult to cultivate artificially. The reproduction by spores of this species is very long and takes 15−20 years from the spore germination to mature plant, whereas asexual reproduction by tissue culture is also difficult. Therefore, cutting is an effective method to propagate this species on a large scale. In this study, we surveyed the factors affecting the survival rate, the rooting and the number of new leaves of the stem cuttings, including cutting length, growing substrate, and effects of growth-regulating hormones IBA (0 ppm, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm) and α-NAA (0 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm and 40 ppm). The experimental results showed that using cuttings of 6 cm in length treated with IBA at a concentration of 1000 ppm for 30 mins and cultured on the substrate mixture of soil, decomposed animal manure and rice husk at a ratio of 3:1:1 was the best for cuttings of H. serrata in Sa Pa. The results of this study will contribute to the conservation and development of genetic source of H. serrata in Vietnam.

    Multiple Wolbachia strains provide comparative levels of protection against dengue virus infection in Aedes aegypti.

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    The insect bacterium Wolbachia pipientis is being introgressed into Aedes aegypti populations as an intervention against the transmission of medically important arboviruses. Here we compare Ae. aegypti mosquitoes infected with wMelCS or wAlbB to the widely used wMel Wolbachia strain on an Australian nuclear genetic background for their susceptibility to infection by dengue virus (DENV) genotypes spanning all four serotypes. All Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes were more resistant to intrathoracic DENV challenge than their wildtype counterparts. Blocking of DENV replication was greatest by wMelCS. Conversely, wAlbB-infected mosquitoes were more susceptible to whole body infection than wMel and wMelCS. We extended these findings via mosquito oral feeding experiments, using viremic blood from 36 acute, hospitalised dengue cases in Vietnam, additionally including wMel and wildtype mosquitoes on a Vietnamese nuclear genetic background. As above, wAlbB was less effective at blocking DENV replication in the abdomen compared to wMel and wMelCS. The transmission potential of all Wolbachia-infected mosquito lines (measured by the presence/absence of infectious DENV in mosquito saliva) after 14 days, was significantly reduced compared to their wildtype counterparts, and lowest for wMelCS and wAlbB. These data support the use of wAlbB and wMelCS strains for introgression field trials and the biocontrol of DENV transmission. Furthermore, despite observing significant differences in transmission potential between wildtype mosquitoes from Australia and Vietnam, no difference was observed between wMel-infected mosquitoes from each background suggesting that Wolbachia may override any underlying variation in DENV transmission potential

    Chemical constituents of Chirita drakei Burtt collected in Ha Long bay, Quang Ninh province, Viet Nam. Part 1. Compounds isolated from the n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts.

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    Two triterpenes, an anthraquinone, two lignans and a phenolic compound were isolated from the n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of the aerial part of Chirita drakei Burtt collected in islands, on mountain slopes of Ha Long bay, Quang Ninh province. Their structures have been elucidated by mass, NMR spectroscopy and comparison with published data. There are no report on the chemical constituents of Chirita drakei before our study. Keywords. Chirita drakei, triterpene, anthraquinone, lignin

    Impact of HIV infection and anti-retroviral therapy on the immune profile of and microbial translocation in HIV-infected children in Vietnam

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    CD4+ T-lymphocyte destruction, microbial translocation, and systemic immune activation are the main mechanisms of the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) infection. To investigate the impact of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the immune profile of and microbial translocation in HIV-infected children, 60 HIV vertically infected children (31 without ART: HIV(+) and 29 with ART: ART(+)) and 20 HIV-uninfected children (HIV(–)) aged 2–12 years were recruited in Vietnam, and their blood samples were immunologically and bacteriologically analyzed. Among the HIV(+) children, the total CD4+-cell and their subset (type 1 helper T-cell (Th1)/Th2/Th17) counts were inversely correlated with age (all p < 0.05), whereas regulatory T-cell (Treg) counts and CD4/CD8 ratios had become lower, and the CD38+HLA (human leukocyte antigen)-DR+CD8+- (activated CD8+) cell percentage and plasma soluble CD14 (sCD14, a monocyte activation marker) levels had become higher than those of HIV(–) children by the age of 2 years; the CD4/CD8 ratio was inversely correlated with the plasma HIV RNA load and CD8+-cell activation status. Among the ART(+) children, the total CD4+-cell and Th2/Th17/Treg-subset counts and the CD4/CD8 ratio gradually increased, with estimated ART periods of normalization being 4.8–8.3 years, whereas Th1 counts and the CD8+-cell activation status normalized within 1 year of ART initiation. sCD14 levels remained high even after ART initiation. The detection frequency of bacterial 16S/23S ribosomal DNA/RNA in blood did not differ between HIV-infected and -uninfected children. Thus, in children, HIV infection caused a rapid decrease in Treg counts and the early activation of CD8+ cells and monocytes, and ART induced rapid Th1 recovery and early CD8+-cell activation normalization but had little effect on monocyte activation. The CD4/CD8 ratio could therefore be an additional marker for ART monitoring. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland